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7. Conclusions

The first step of the implementation process of the Planted Forest Voluntary Guidelines in China, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam was taken during the workshop “Towards Responsible Management of Planted Forests”. The participants outlined a detailed plan on how to address priority areas in order to balance trade-offs between institutional, economic, social and cultural, environment and landscape dimensions as well as how to strengthen sustainable livelihoods and land-use. good governance, effective organization capacity, recognition of the market, recognition of social and cultural values and services, improved transfer of knowledge, capacity building in sustainable management of planted forest, stronger multi-stakeholder participation, recognition of the landscape approach and a need of planted forest guidelines were pinpointed to be crucial to address in order to achieve a more sustainable planted forest sector.

The anticipated outcomes to be worked upon by the participants on their return were to achieve: i) greater stakeholder participation; ii) more clear and consistent planted forest policy, legal and regulatory frameworks; iii) more balanced planning to take into account all dimensions of planted forests; iv) improved field practices; v) enhanced contribution of planted forests on the wider landscape.

According to the evaluation of the workshop the workshop was perceived as beneficial to the participants work. 90% of the participants found the workshop content excellent or very good. The main results of the evaluation are presented in Annex VI.

The workshop provided a neutral meeting point for the participants from the four countries to learn and exchange knowledge. A need of a stronger cooperation between the countries was recognized in order to avoid reinventing the wheel. The possibility for study tours between the countries to stimulate the transfer of knowledge and technology was emphasized.

The ball is now in the hands of the participants to pursue the implementation of the Planted Forest Voluntary Guidelines. It is strongly suggested that the countries request support from FAO and other donor agencies for technical support and funding opportunities.

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