CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status


1.     In Resolution 21/67, adopted in November 1967, the Conference had authorised the Director-General to convene sessions of FAO bodies and expert consultations other than those approved in the Programme of Work and Budget, provided that such sessions be reported to the next Council session. Subsequently, the Council agreed at its 102nd Session (November 1992) that information on unscheduled and cancelled sessions should henceforward be provided in successive Programme Implementation Reports (PIRs). This PIR reports on unscheduled and cancelled sessions for the biennium from 1 January 2006 to 31 December 2007.

2.     The starting point of reporting for the 2006-07 biennium is the Revised List of Scheduled Sessions given in Annex VI of the Revised PWB 2006-07.

3.     The following data summarises movements during the reporting period 2006-07 which included 25 unscheduled sessions and 23 cancellations.

4.     Details of these sessions are provided in the following pages, which follow the format of previous reports. Meetings that have no intergovernmental character, such as consultations of the FAO Secretariat with stakeholders, as well as informal briefings of Permanent Representatives and non-FAO meetings held on FAO premises, are not included in this list.

Unscheduled sessions approved in 2006-07
Programme entity Session number Title, location, date and remarks Estimated direct cost (US$) Article of const. and category
1AP01 CC-704-116 116th (Special) Session of the Finance Committee. Rome, Italy, 20/10/2006 8,786 V-6 (1)
1AP01 CC-704-117 Finance Committee (Special Session)(117th Session). Rome, Italy, 24/01/2007 67,000 V-6 (1)
1AP01 CC-704-118 Finance Committee (118th Session) Rome, Italy,17-25/5/07 67,000 V-6 (1)
1AP01 CC-704-119 Finance Committee (119th Session) Rome, Italy, 3-7/9/07 67,000 V-6 (1)
1AP01 CC-704-120 120th Session of the Finance Committee. Rome, Italy, 8-9/10/07 15,000 V-6 (1)
1AP01 LEG-801- Informal Group of Legal Experts on the process for a change in the nature of a statutory body under Article XIV of the FAO Constitution into a body outside the framework of FAO (Possible change in status of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission). Rome, Italy, 23-24/10/07 0  
2BA02 AGAP-808- Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Animal Feed Safety and its Impact on Food Safety,. Rome, Ital, 8-12/10/07 0 VI-4 (3)
2BA02 AGAP-809- Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Animal Feed Impact on Food Safety, Rome, Italy, 8-12/10/07 0 VI-4 (3)
2CP05 AGA-705-0 Session of the Research Group of the Standing Technical Committee of the European Commission for the Control of FMD (EUFMD). Cairo, Egypt, 16-19/10/07 0 XIV (1)
2DP03 CX-735-1 Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods (1st Session). Beijing, China, 16-20/4/07 0 VI-1
2DP04 AGN-802-3 Preparatory meeting for the 3rd FAO/WHO Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators. Rome, Italy, 03/05/2006 0 VI-5 (2)
2DP05 AGN-806-1 Joint FAO/WHO Biological Risk Assessment (BRA) "Risk Assessment of E coli 0157". Dublin, Ireland, 19/5-2/6/06 0 VI-4 (3)
2DP05 AGN-806-2 Joint FAO/WHO initiation meeting on Microbiological Hazards in Fresh Produce. Rome, Italy,19-21/9/07 0 VI-4 (3)
2DP05 AGN-811- Joint FAO/WHO/OIE Expert Meeting on critically important antimicrobials. Rome, Italy, 26-30/11/07 0 VI-4 (3)
2EP06 FO-805- Ministerial Meeting on Forests. Rome, Italy, 12/03/2007 30,000 V (1)
2EP06 FO-904- Workshop on Local Authorities and Decentralized Cooperation for Sustainable Mountain Development. Rome, Italy, 18/10/2006 0 (4)
2GP01 FO-902- International Seminar on Energy and the Forest Products Industry. . Rome, Italy, 30-31/10/06 0 (4)
2GP01 FO-903- MCPFE Wood Mobilisation Workshop. Rome, Italy, 2-3/11/06 0 (4)
2GP02 FO-802- Expert Consultation on Forest Resources Assessment: towards FRA 2010. Kotka, Finland,12-16/6/06 0 VI-4 (3)
2HA02 FI-830- Expert Consultation on the Use of Vessel Monitoring Systems and Satellites for Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance. Rome, Italy, 24-26/10/06 1,000 VI-4 (3)
2IP02 FI-903- FAO/FEAP Workshop. Rome,Italy, 24/05/2007 0 (4)
2KP01 AGD-725-11 a Special Event on 'Emerging Issues in the management of genetic resources for food and agriculture: towards a Multi-year programme of work". Rome, Italy, 09/06/2007 Costs incl.with. AGD 725-11 XIV (1)
2KP01 NRDC-801- Panel of Eminent Experts on Ethics in Food and Agriculture: 4th Session. Rome, Italy, 26-28/11/07 68,680  
3CP06 EST-801- Global Forum on Agriculture. Rome, Italy, 12-13/11/07 30,630  
3HP03 KCE-802- Web2 for Development Conference. Rome, Italy, 24-27/9/07 0  

Planned sessions cancelled in 2006-07
Programme entity Session number Title and scheduled location Estimated direct cost (USD) Reason for cancellation
2AA02 RAF-801-15 Fifteenth WASCO on Harmonization of Soil Knowledge and Sustainable Land Management/Land Use Policy and Planning 23,000 Shift in priorities within limited funds
2HS02 RLC-758-11 Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin America (COPESCAL) (11th Session) 34,500 postponed to next biennium
2CP02 AGP-717-13 FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Specifications (JMPS) (13th Session) 0 postponed to next biennium
2CP04 AGP-804-28 Twenty-eight Session of the Executive Committee of the Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region (CRC) 0 postponed to next biennium
2AP01 AGP 813-4 Fourth Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 40,000 postponed to next biennium
2CP05 AGA-803- Expert Consultation on the EMPRES Programme 2,600 Shift in priorities within limited funds
2DA01 AGA-806- Expert Consultation on Implementation of Codex and OIE Standards on Diseases of Importance to Human and Animal Health with regard to Zoonotic and Food Born Diseases. 19,000 Shift in priorities within limited funds
2DP04 ESN-802-3 Third Session of the FAO/WHO Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators 0 Shift in priorities within limited funds
2DP04 ESN-808- International Conference on Food Safety for Stakeholders 0 Shift in priorities within limited funds
2DP05 ESN-805-3 Third Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment 2,300 Shift in priorities within limited funds
2DP05 ESN-807-1 First Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Safety Assessment of Foods produced through New Technologies 2,300 Postponed to next biennium
2DP05 ESN-809- Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on provision of Scientific Advice 2,300 Postponed to next biennium
2HA02 FI-823- Expert Consultation on the Use of Subsidies to Promote Sustainable Development of Artisanal Fisheries 1,000 Shift in priorities within limited funds
2HA02 FI-828- Expert Consultation on Capacity Management Guidelines 150 Shift in priorities within limited funds
2HS02 SLAC-766-10 Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission and Committee for the Development of Fisheries in the lesser Antilles (10th Session) 0 Postponed to next biennium
2HS03 FI-824-2 Second Session of the Technical Consultation on the Promotion of Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture in Sub-Saharan Africa 55,000 Shift in priorities within limited funds
2HS03 FI-845- Expert Consultation: Fisheries Access Regulatory Process and Sustainability of Small Scale Fisheries in Latin America 1,000 Shift in priorities within limited funds
2JP02 FI-821- Expert Consultation on Application of Risk Analysis (Environmental Risk Assessment, Risk Management and Risk Communication) in Aquaculture 4,500 Shift in priorities within limited funds
2JP02 FI-911-0 Workshop on the Practice of Harvesting Wild Fish / Fishery Resources for Aquaculture Production 20,000 Shift in priorities within limited funds
2KA09 FI-825- Conference on Reduction of Environmental Impact of Shrimp Fisheries 6,000 Shift in priorities within limited funds
3CP08 ESC-716-4 Intergovernmental Group on Bananas and Tropical Fruits (4th Session) 21,060 Postponed to next biennium
3CP08 ESC 706-10 Sub-Group on Hides and Skins (10th Session) 33,600 Postponed to next biennium
2FA07 FO 731-20 AFWC/EFC/NEFC Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions “Silva Mediterranea” (20th Session) 30,000 Postponed to next biennium

CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status