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E. Security Expenditure Facility: Ensuring the Safety and Security of FAO Staff and Assets Worldwide

320.     The Security Expenditure Facility (SEF) was approved by the FAO Conference at its 33rd Session in November 2005, recognising the need for consolidated and comprehensive coverage for costs of safety and security of staff and assets within a single budgetary provision37. Prior to the establishment of the SEF, due to the fluctuating and unanticipated nature of many security items, it had been difficult for the Organization to ensure adequate funding for security, while concomitantly protecting the Programme of Work. The SEF improved financial management within a results-based context and gave needed visibility to the efforts of Members and the Organization to ensure a safe and secure working environment.

321.     With the establishment of the SEF in the 2006-07 biennium, the budgets and expenditures for safeguarding staff and assets at headquarters and in the field have been grouped under a new, dedicated chapter of the PWB and managed by the consolidated Security Service in the Department of Human, Financial and Physical Resources. Thus, programming and implementation of the security budget has been made more effective and financial management and control of this important area of expenditure has been strengthened. In fact, 2006-07 marked the first biennium in which budgeted security resources matched requirements.

322.     In 2006-07, resources amounting to USD 20.1 million were budgeted under Chapter 9: Security Expenditure to provide comprehensive coverage of staff and non-staff costs directly related to headquarters and field security at FAO38. During the biennium, expenditures amounted to some USD 19.3 million39 and covered items including:

  • FAO’s participation in the UN Department of Safety and Security (UN-DSS), which includes benefiting from the UN unified security management system in non-headquarters duty stations worldwide and a field-based team of international Field Security Coordination Officers;
  • headquarters security equipment and guards;
  • provision of Minimum Operating Security Standards (MOSS) equipment and facilities in accordance with policy established by UN-DSS for FAO duty stations in each of the five security phases;
  • provision of Minimum Operating Residential Standards (MORS) equipment and measures to strengthen security at the residences of FAO personnel and their families; and
  • training of staff in security awareness, preparedness and use of security-related equipment.

323.     More details on resources and summary achievements can be found in Annex 4.

37 Resolution 5/2005, Amendment to Financial Regulation VI (Security Expenditure Facility); ref: Report of the Conference of FAO 33rd Session, doc. C 2005/REP.

38 Adjusted 2006-07 budget under Chapter 9 as per FAO Statement IV: Status of Regular Programme Appropriations.

39 Expenditure of USD 19.3 million is based on the FAO budget rate; this is equivalent to USD 20.2 million at the UN rate of exchange; the difference is attributed to the currency variance (ref: footnote 7, FAO Statement IV).

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