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Barnes, R.D. and Mullin, L.J. 1974 Flowering phenology and productivity in clonal seed orchards of Pinus patula, P. elliottii, P. taeda and P. kesiya in Rhodesia. Rhod. For. Com. Res. Divn. For. Res. Pap. No. 3.

Barrett, R.L., Carter, D.T. and Seward, B.R.T. 1975 Eucalyptus grandis in Rhodesia. Rhodesia Forestry Commission Research Bulletin No. 6.

de la Lama G., Gaspar. 1976 Atlas de Eucalipto. Tomo 1, Información y Ecología. Seville.

Dobbs, R.C., Edwards, D.G.W., Konishi, J. and Wallinger, D. 1976 Guidelines to collecting cones of B.C. conifers. British Columbia Forest Service/Canadian Forestry Service Joint Report No. 3.

Dorman, K.W. 1976 The genetics and breeding of Southern Pines. U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Agriculture Handbook No. 471, 407 pp.

Edwards, D.G.W. 1976 World Directory of Tree Seed Workers. Canadian Forestry Service 1 – 133.

FAO. 1976 Eucalypts for planting (draft) 398 pp.

Kirkpatrick, J. 1975 Geographical variation in Eucalyptus globulus. Forestry and Timber Bureau, Canberra Bulletin No. 47.

Miksche, J.P. (ed.). 1976 Modern methods in forest genetics. New York, Springer-Verlag. 288 pp.

Roche, L.R. et al. 1975 Méthodologie de la Conservation des Ressources Forestières (translation of the English text noticed in FGRI 4), FAO, Rome.

Whitmore, T.C. 1975 Conservation review of tropical rain forests (general considerations and Asia). IUCN Morges.

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