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The Government of Israel, assisted by the United Nations Development Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organisations of the United Nations are engaged in a project whose main purpose is to develop marine farming in Israel, in particular to supply the know-how needed for marine farming enterprises and to guide research in marine farming.

As part of the project operation, FAO assigned Dr. Samuel P. Meyers, a Consultant (Marine Farming, Fish Nutrition and Feed Formulation) from March to April 1976 with the following terms of reference:“ To follow up on his initial Consulting Mission of November 1975 with an aim to advise and assist in the development and formulation of nutritionally complete artificial diets for the rearing of marine fish and their larvae and provision of specifications for the necessary equipment and facilities”.


Data presented here comprise information developed during the period March–April 1976 at the Mariculture Laboratory of the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, Ltd. (IOLR) in Elat, Israel. Initial data, including consultant comments and recommendations, were included in the report submitted December 1975, following a site study of six weeks duration during November–December 1975. Present information details experimental protocols, preliminary programme analyses, priority research areas and further consultant recommendations. An overview of fish culture research at Elat (with emphasis on the sea bream, Sparus auratus) relevant to aquaculture studies elsewhere is also presented.

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