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As the experimental approaches used at the Centre will be multidisciplinary, specialists with various areas of expertise are required to work in teams. Areas of expertise that should be sought in staffing the Centre include the following, with no one area assuming dominance over the others:

(i) Research management, experimental designs, and strategic planning;

(ii) biology of fish breeding and nursery care; egg production, hatchery technology, and juvenile fish production;

(iii) biology of fish production management; pond management, fish behaviour, and performance evaluations;

(iv) fish nutrition and feed technology; nutritional evaluations, growth and energetics, feed formulation and preparation;

(v) chemistry; water chemistry, feedstuffs analysis;

(vi) fish health; disease prevention, control and treatment technologies, routine laboratory diagnosis of bacterial, parasitological and viral pathogens;

(vii) socio-economics, farm management economics, cost/benefit analysis;

(viii) products processing and marketing, product quality control, market assessments;

(ix) engineering, farm design and equipment;

(x) genetics; cross-breeding and genetic selection techniques.

It is expected that all senior staff at the Centre will be experienced in the research process, and in the evaluation of scientific evidence within their own field or speciality. They should function as members of teams, and be able to communicate their research findings and acquired knowledge effectively.

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