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As a result of recent seed collections made by the Dirección General de Investigación y Capacitación Forestales, México with the support of FAO's Forestry Department,

16 Mexican provenances of Pinus oocarpa, plus 4 Central American ‘controls’ (provenances included also in the CFI international provenance trials of P. oocarpa, started in the early 1970s 1) have in 1979 been distributed to 13 institutes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Mexican collections to supplement the provenances available of Pinus oocarpa var. ochoterenai are continuing.

1 For a recent account on the CFI provenance trials, see: Greaves, A. and Kemp, R.H. (1978). International Provenance Trials - Pinus oocarpa Scheide. In: Nikles, D.G. et al. Progress and Problems of Genetic Improvement of Tropical Forest Trees. Vol.II. CFI/Oxford, U.K.

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