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Anon. 1975 Underexploited Tropical Plants with promising economic value. Report of an Ad Hoc Panel of the Advisory Committee on Technology Innovation Board on Science and Technology for International Development. U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.

Anon. 1977 Garden of Eden to weed patch. The Earth's vanishing genetic heritage. Natural Resources Defence Council, NRDC. Newsletter Vol. 6, issue 1 (Jan/Feb).

Anon. 1977 Vegetative Propagation of Forest Trees. Physiology and Practice. Lectures from a Symposium in Uppsala, Sweden, 16–17 February 1977. The Institute for Forest Improvement and the Department of Forest Genetics. College of Forestry, Swedish University of Agric. Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden.

Anon. 1978 Proceedings of the Third World Consultation on Forest Tree Breeding. Vols. I and II. Govt. Printer, Canberra (available from CSIRO, P.O. Box 4008, Canberra A.C.T. 2600 Australia; $A 30/-).

Anon. 1978 Proceedings of the Third World Consultation on Forest Tree Breeding. Appendix: World Directory of Forest Geneticists and Tree Breeders (available from CSIRO, as above).

Anon. 1978 Genetics. Unasylva Vol. 30: 119–120 (Double Issue). FAO, Rome.

Anon. 1978 CSIRO Collects Pine Seeds in California. Appita 32 (2): 93–97.

Anon. 1978 Leucaena - Promising Forage and Tree Crop for the Tropics. Report on a study conducted jointly by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and the United States National Academy of Sciences. U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.

Akihama, T. and Nakajima, K. (Eds.). 1978 Long Term Preservation of Favourable Germ Plasm in Arboreal Crops. Fruit Tree Research Institute, M.A.F., 2-1 Fujimoto Yatabecho. Tsukuba-gun, Ibaraki-ken, 300–21 Japan. 152 pp.

Bhumibhamon, S. 1978 Studies on Scots Pine Seed orchards in Finland with special emphasis on the genetic composition of the seed. Com. Inst. For. Fenniae 94.4. Helsinki (118 pp.).

Bonner, F. (Ed.) 1979 Flowering and Seed Development in Trees. Proceedings of a Symposium held at Mississippi State University, May 15–18, 1978. Starkville, Mississippi.

Boulay, M. et al. 1979 Micropropagation d'Arbres Forestières. Etudes et Recherches No. 12 - 6/79. AFOCEL, France.

Bousquet, B. 1978 Un parc de forêt dense en Afrique: Le Parc National de Taï (Côte d'Ivoire). I. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques No. 179, Mai–juin.

Bousquet, B. 1978 Un parc de forêt dense en Afrique: Le Parc National de Taï (Côte d'Ivoire). Bois et Forêts des Tropiques No. 180, Juillet–août.

Bramlet, D.L. et al. 1978 Cone Analysis of Southern Pines - a Guidebook. USDA, Forest Service General Technical Report SE-13.

Burley, J. and Wood, P.J. (Eds.). 1979 Manual sobre Investigaciones de Especies y Procedencias con Referncia Especial a los Trópicos. CFI Tropical Forestry Papers No. 10/10A. Spanish Edition ($ 10). Also available in English; in preparation in French.

Carrera García, V. 1977 La Propagación Vegetativa en el Género Pinus. Ciencia Forestal 2, Mayo–Junio (México).

Carruyo, L.J. 1976 Bibliografía 1938–1972 sobre Pinus caribaea. Publicación Técnica 76-01-02. Laboratorio Nacional de Productos Forestales, Mérida, Venezuela.

Carruyo, L.J. 1976 Bibliografía 1973–1975 sobre Pinus caribaea. Publicación Técnica 01-03-76. Laboratorio Nacional de Productos Forestales, Mérida, Venezuela.

CSIRO Division of Forest Research. 1979 Leaflets on Australian Acacias. No. 7. Acacia aneura F. Muell. ex Benth.

Dawkins, H.C. and Field, D.R.B. 1978 A long-term Surveillance System for British Woodland Vegetation. C.F.I. Occasional Papers No. 1. Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Oxford.

Donoso, C. 1979 Genecological differentiation in Nothofagus alpina in Chile. Forest Ecology and Management. 2 (1): 53–66.

Egenti, L.C. 1978 The Danish FAO International provenance trials of Tectona grandis in Nigeria. Indian Forester 104 (4): 227–235.

FAO/IBPGR 1978 Plant Genetic Resources Bulletin No. 35.

FAO/IBPGR 1979 Plant Genetic Resources Bulletin No. 37.

FAO/IBPGR 1979 Plant Genetic Resources Bulletin No. 38.

Hillis, W.E. and Brown, A.G. (Eds.) 1978 Eucalypts for Wood Production. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia. 434 pp. ($A28).

Hughes, J.G. (Ed.) 1978 Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources. University of Ashton, Birmingham, B4 7ET, U.K. 55 pp. ($3.00).

IUCN 1979 The Biosphere Reserve and its Relationship to other Protected Areas. IUCN/UNESCO.

Justice, O.L. and Bass, L.N. 1978 Principles and Practices of Seed Storage. USDA, Agriculture Handbook No. 506. Washington, D.C.

Lanley, J.P. and Clement, J. 1979 Present and Future Forest and Plantation Areas in the Tropics. FO: MISC/79/1. FAO, Rome.

Lucas, G. and Synge, H. 1978 The IUCN Plant Red Data Book. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, CH-1110 Morges, Switzerland. 540 pp. ($20).

Namkoong, G. 1979 Introduction to Quantitative Genetics in Forestry. USDA Forest Service, Technical Bulletin No. 1588. US. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 342 pp.

Nikles, D.G., Burley, J. and Barnes, R.D. (Eds.) 1978 Progress and Problems of Genetic Improvement of Tropical Forest Trees. Proceedings of a Joint Work Shop of IUFRO Working Parties S2.02-08 and S2.03-01, held in Brisbane, Australia, 4–7 April 1977. Vols. I and II (available from the Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Oxford, U.K.) (£14).

Nikles, D.G. 1979 Genetic Improvement of Tropical Lowland Conifers. Report on a Survey of the Needs and Possibilities of International Cooperation. FO: MISC/79/25. FAO, Rome.

Patiño Valera, F. 1976 La Investigación en Mejoramiento Genético de Arboles Forestales. Ciencia Forestal 1, Noviembre–Diciembre (México).

Patiño Valera, F. and Villagómez Aguilar, Y. 1976 Los Análisis de Semillas y su Utilización en la Propagación de Especies Forestales. Bol. Div. Inst. Nac. Invest. For. 40, México.

Patiño Valera, F. and Villarreal Canton, R. 1976 Algunos Conceptos para el Establecimiento de Areas Semilleras. Ciencia Forestal 1, Julio–Agosto (México).

Patiño Valera, F. and Garzón Rincón, G., J.C. 1976 Manual para el Establecimiento de Ensayos de Procedencias. Bol. Div. Inst. Nac. Invest. For. 43, México.

Roche, L. (Ed.) 1978 Metodología de la Conservación de los Recursos Genéticos Forestales. Informe sobre un Estudio Piloto. FAO/UNEP, Rome (also available in English (1975) and French (1975)).

Rudin, D. 1977 The isozyme technique - a short cut to the genes in our forest trees? Department of Genetics, University of Umea, Sweden. 23 pp.

Ruiz Zapata, T. and Kalin Arroyo, M.T. 1978 Plant Reproductive Ecology of a Secondary Deciduous Tropical Forest in Venezuela. Biotropica 10 (3): 221–230.

Schmidt-Vogt, H. 1978 Genetics of Picea abies (L.) Karst. Annales Forestales-Annali za Sumarstvo 7/5. Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slavorum Meriodionalium, Zagreb, Yugoslavia.

Sepúlveda Betancourt, J.I. and Parra Hake, H. 1976 La Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis). Una Alternativa para el Desarrollo Económico de las Zonas Aridas y Semi-Aridas de México. Ciencia Forestal 1, Noviembre–Diciembre (México).

Silén, R.R. 1978 Genetics of Douglas Fir. USDA, Forest Service Research Paper WO-35.

Silén, R. and Osterhaus, C. 1979 Reduction of Genetic Base by Sizing of Bulked Douglas Fir Seed Lots. Tree Planters Notes Vol. 30 (1): 24–30.

Spiess, E.B. 1977 Genes in Populations. John Wiley and Sons, N.Y. 780 pp. ($19.95).

Tocoi, A. 1979 Experiences Internationales sur les Provenances de Pinus halepensis et Pinus brutia; Projet 4bis, FAO/SCM/CFRM. Istituto Sperimentale per la Selvicoltura, Viale S. Margharita 80, Arezzo, Italy.

UNESCO/UNEP/FAO 1978 Tropical Forest Ecosystems. Natural Resources Research XIV. UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 7 Place de Fontenoy, F-75700 Paris, France. 683 pp.

Willan, R.L. 1979 Eucalypts for South East Asia. Tropical Agriculture Research Series No. 12. Tropical Agriculture Research Centre, Yatabe, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300–21, Japan.

Zamora Serrano, C. and Velasco Fiscal, V. 1977 Pinus strobus var. chiapensis, una Especie en Peligro de Extinción en el Estado de Chiapas. Ciencia Forestal 2, Julio–Agosto (México).

Zamora Serrano, C. and Velasco Fiscal, V. 1978 Contribución al Estudio Ecológico de los Pinus del Estado de Chiapas. Bol. Div. Inst. Nac. For. 56, México.

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