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Dynamics of marketing tropical timber: Three studies

M. Chundnoff and R.L. Youngs
Summary 1: Evaluating concepts for the improved utilization of tropical timber resources

From a study produced by the Forest Products Research and Development Commission of the Philippines.
Summary 2: Guidelines for the improved utilization and marketing of tropical wood species of the Philippines

J.T. Wassink and S.I. Wisselius
Summary 3: A guide to overcoming; problems of market access to Europe

Concepts and guidelines for the utilization and marketing of tropical timber in a changing supply-and-demand situation

Recent trends in tropical timber production and trade show that increasing quantities of roundwood are processed in tropical countries for export and domestic consumption. More attention needs to be given to the use of hitherto unconventional tropical "wood raw materials.

Here are summaries of three studies that were prepared at institutes in different regions of the world at the request of FAO. These summaries were first presented to the Fifth Session of the FAO Committee on Forest Development in the Tropics held in Rome in May 1980.

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