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The Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter is published under the joint auspices of the Plant Production and Protection Division of FAO, Rome and the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources. It aims at providing up-to-date information of current activities and notes on crops, genetic resources centres, publications and meetings, but also reviews articles and papers on work which will be of broader, general interest to the whole genetic resources community.

The following articles which may be of interest to the readers of FGRI, have recently been published in the Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter:

  • Nbr 41 (1980), pp.3–18. “A new, more economic and accurate approach to monitoring the viability of accessions during storage in seed banks”, by Ellis, R.H.; Roberts, E.H.; and Whitehead, J.

  • Nbr 42 (1980), p.9. “Plant genetic resources data management”. Information note on implementation at the University of Birmingham (UK) of a new data base management system.

  • Nbr 43 (1980), pp.28–31. “Pollen preservation of fruit trees for genebanks in Japan”, by Omura, M. and Akihama, T.

  • Nbr 44 (1980), pp.2–11. “Medicinal plants and spices in Asia” by Chomchalow, N.

Table 1.


AustraliaEucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. 111 new provenances collected for project with special emphasis on arid zones.
 E. microtheca F. Nuell.173 seedlots, grouped into 21 “provenance groups” for first-stage evaluation according to climatic conditions.
 Acacia aneura F. Muell. ex Benth.5 provenances collected by early 1980
ChileAcacia caven Mol. 
 Atriplex repanda Phil. 
 Prosopis tamarugo F. Philippi 
 Prosopis spp. (“Algarrobo”)May include several species, P. atacamensis, P. silicuastrum, P. chilensis, P. burkartii.
IndiaAcacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Del.ssp. indica/var. vediana
   var. jaquamontii
   var. cupressiformis
 A. senegal (L.) Willd.“Land Race”
 A. tortilis Hayne“Land Race”; according to some sources may in fact be A. raddiana Savi.
 Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce
(syn. P. spicigera L.)
IsraelAcacia albida Del. 
A. raddiana Savi
(syn. A. tortilis (Forsk) Hayne ssp. raddiana (Savi) Brenan)
A. tortilis Hayne
(syn. A. tortilis (Forsk) Hayne ssp. tortilis (Hayne) Brenan)
MexicoAtriplex canescens 
 Prosopis spp. (“Mezquite”)May include several species, P. juliflora; P. glandulosa, P. alba, P. torreyana.
PeruProsopis spp. (“Algarrobo”)May include several species, P. chilensis, P. limensis, P. juliflora.
SenegalAcacia albida Del. var. adansonii 
 A. nilotica (L.) Willd. ex. Del. 
 A. raddiana Savi 
 A. senegal (L.) Willd. 
 A. tortilis Hayne 
SudanAcacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex. Del.ssp. nilotica
  ssp. tomentosa
  ssp. astringens
 Acacia tertilis 
PDR YemenProsopis cineraria (L.) Druce 
 Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex. Del.“Land Race”
 A. senegal (L.) Willd. 
 A. tortilis Hayne 

1 Collections completed and distributed for evaluation.

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