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Forest Genetic Resources Information number 11 could well be called a “Mammoth Number”, being no less than 69 pages, thus almost corresponding to a double number. This may, to some extent, make up for the long intervals between the last few issues, which certainly are not a reflection of a lack of interesting material, but rather of heavy workload and other commitments of the collating/editing technical Branch in FAO's Forestry Department.

In the previous issue, Forest Genetic Resources Information no. 10, we included a questionnaire for the up-dating of our mailing list, which presently consists of some 2000 addressees. Judging from the steady flow of completed questionnaires still being received and the comments made by our readers in the space left for observations, FGRI is considered to fulfill a useful function in the dissemination of information within the broad field of forest genetic resources.

Many useful suggestions were made on the above, and some of them have already been, or will soon be, acted upon. Thus, for example, in the list of recent publications of interest, the address of the author or the publishing institute will in the future be given in parenthesis after the reference, whenever available. A subject and author index will also, as suggested by some readers, be published in our next issue, covering the first 12 numbers of FGRI (1973 – 1983).

The only complaint voiced by some readers was that of delays experienced in the receipt of FGRI. This is due mainly to two factors: (i) the publication is not distributed before it is available in all the three languages in which it is produced (English, French, Spanish); and (ii) the mailing is, according to FAO policy, done by sea mail. Thus, the date of publication year) printed on FGRI corresponds to the printing of the English version; delays of several months may be experienced before mailing can be effected. Also, depending on the physical distance and mail connections between FAO Headquarters and the recipient, another several months may sometimes be added before the publication actually arrives. These delays are regrettable, but unavoidable.

Once again, thank you for the interest shown and the encouraging and even flattering remarks provided. Such evidence of support is invaluable and indispensable to justify the continued publication of FGRI.

Lastly, we would please request those recipients who wish to remain on the mailing list and who have not yet returned to us the questionnaire published on page 3 of FGRI no. 10, to do so soonest, as this will ensure that their names are not deleted. Should you have mislaid the issue or the questionnaire, just drop us a note, stating your interest and giving your exact mailing address.

Short notes of general interest and manuscripts of up to some 3000 words, are also welcome. All correspondence should be directed to the following address:

The Chief
Forest Resources Development Branch
Forestry Department, FAO
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
I-00100 Rome, Italy.

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