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The Queensland Department of Forestry has recently collected seed of native eucalypt species for sale. The seed has been collected from latitudes 16° – 17°S, from altitudes ranging from 600 to 1000 m a.s.l. Among the species collected the following can be mentioned: Eucalyptus grandis (Mt Lewis); E. camaldulensis (Petford); E. pellita (Kuranda); E. cloeziana (Atherton)*; E. acmenioides (Herberton)*; E. resinifera (Atherton)*; E. tereticornis (Atherton)*.

(* = small quantities only).

For further information on exact provenance and on price and availability, please contact:

Director of Operations
Queensland Department of Forestry
Mineral House
41 George Street
Brisbane Qld 4000, Australia.

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