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APPENDIX 1. Tree species of high priority for non-industrial uses as assessed by the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources in 1977

* Acacia albidaFd Fu FF
* A. aneuraFd Fu Sh SS
* A. saligna (syn. A. cyanophylla)Fu Sh SS
 A. ligulataFu Sh SS
* A. niloticaFd Fu FF
 A. peuceFu Sh SS
 A. salicinaFu Sh SS
* A. senegalFu FF
* A. tortilisFu FF
 Anacardium occidentaleFo FF
 Argania sideroxylonFd Fu SS
* Atriplex spp.Fd SS
* Azadirachta indicaFu Sh FF
 Calligonum spp.SS
 Casuarina decaisneanaFu Sh SS
 Ceratonia siliquaFd Fu
 Conocarpus lancifoliusFu Sh SS
 Eucalyptus astringensFu Sh SS
 E. brockwayiFu Sh SS
* E. camaldulensisFu Sh
 E. gomphocephalaFu Sh SS
 E. intertextaFu Sh SS
 E. leucoxylonFu Sh
 E. loxophlebaFu Sh SS
* E. microthecaFu Sh SS
 E. occidentalisFu Sh SS
 E. ochrophloiaFu Sh SS
 E. salmonophloiaFu Sh SS
 E. salubrisSh SS
 E. sargentiiFu Sh SS
 E. sideroxylonFu Sh
 E. tereticornisFu Sh
* Gleditsia triacanthosFd Fu Sh SS
 Haloxylon spp.Fd Fu SS
 Kochia spp.Fd SS
 Morus albaFo Fu FF
*Leucaena leucocephalaFd Fu FF SS
(for wetter areas)
* Prosopis spicigera (syn. P. cineraria)Fd Fu Sh SS
*Prosopis spp.Fd Fu Sh SS
 Tamarix aphyllaFu Sh SS
 Zizyphus spp.Fd Fu SS

N.B. Emphasis is given to arid zones since this is where environmental amelioration or abuse are likely to have the greatest effect.

Species marked * were subsequently selected as priority species for action.

Fo = Food
Fd = Fodder
Fu = Fuelwood
Sh = Shelterbelt
SS = Soil stabilization
FF = Farm forestry


FAO (1977): - see Section (V) and Appendix 8; FAO (1980); plus: unpublished background documentation for the 4th Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources in 1977 (FAO, Rome).

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