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American Chemical Society, 1969. Fifteenth meeting, September 1968. Symposium on natural food toxicants. J. Agric. Food Chem., 17:413-538

Atack, T.H., K. Jauncey and A.J. Matty, 1979. The utilization of some single cell proteins by fingerling mirror carp (Cyprinus carpis). Aquaculture, 18:337-48

Bondari, K. and D.C. Sheppart, 1981. Soldier fly larvae as feed in commercial fish production. Aquaculture, 24:103-9

Brandt, T.M., 1979. The use of heat treated full-fat soyabeans in channel catfish and golden shiner feeds. Paper presented at the Texas Fish Farming Conference, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, January 17-19, 1979, 15 p.(mimeo)

Bywater, A.C. and R.L. Baldwin, 1980. Alternative strategies in food-animal production. In Animals, feed, food and people, edited by R.L. Baldwin. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Sel. Symp., (42):1-30

Carmichael, R.Q., 1981. Recent developments in conditioning. In Proceedings of The Holmen feed production Symposium '81. pp. A(1) to A(12), Baringstoke, Hampshire, Holmen Chemicals Ltd., pp. A(1)-A(12)

Chow, K.W., G.L. Rumsey and P.W. Woldroup, 1980. Linear programming in fish diet formulation. In Fish feed technology. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/80/11:241-86

Devendra, C., 1979. Malaysian feedstuffs. Serdang, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), 145 p.

Disney, J.G., 1979. Prospects for fish silage in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and the Philippines. IPFC Occas. Pap., (1979/1):51 p.

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Hickling, C.F., 1962. Fish culture. London, Faber and Faber, 295 p.

Jackson, A.J., B.S. Copper and A.J. Matty, 1982. Evaluation of some plant proteins in complete diets for the tilapia Sarotherodon mossambicus. Aquaculture, 27:97-109

Kanshik, S.J. and P. Luquet, 1980. The influence of bacterial protein incorporation and of sulphur amino acid supplementation to such diets on growth of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson. Aquaculture, 19:173-75

Koops, H. et al., 1976. Die verwertung von sojaprotein durch die regenbogenforelle (Salmo gairdneri). Arch. Fischereiwiss., 26:181-91

Liener, I.E., 1978. Protease inhibitors and other toxic factors in seeds. In Plant proteins edited by G. Norton. Longon, Butterworths, pp. 117-40

Ling, S.W., 1967. Feeds and feeding of warm-water fishes in ponds in Asia and the Far East. FAO Fish.Rep., (44) vol.3:291-309

Lovell, R.T., 1977. Digestibility of nutrients in feedstuffs for catfish. In Nutrition and feeding of channel catfish, edited by R.R. Stickney and R.T. Lovell. South.Coop.Ser.Bull. Ala.Agric.Exp.Stn., Auburn Univ., (218):33-7

Lovell, R.T., 1981. Cottonseed meal in fish feeds. Feedstuffs, Minor., 53, issue of December 21:p.28

McDowell, L.R. et al., 1974. Latin American table of feed composition. Gainesville, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, 509 p.

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Randall Robinette, H., 1977. Diet formulations. In Nutrition and feeding of channel catfish, edited by R.R. Stickney and R.T. Lovell. Coop.Ser.Bull.Ala.Agric.Exp.Stn. Auburn Univ., (218):38-42

Randall Robinette, H. and A.S. Dearing, 1978. Shrimp by-product meal in diets of channel catfish. Prog.Fish-Cult., 40:39-40

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Consultancy reports referred to in text

EGY/80/002, Artificial feeding for polyculture of carp, tilapia and mullet at the Zaweya Fish Farm Egypt (In press)

IND/75/031, Carp nutrition research at the Freshwater Aquaculture Research and Training Centre, Dhauli. FI:DP/IND/75/031, Field Document 4. May 1982

MAL/77/008, Diet development for sea bass, grouper and penaeid shrimp culture in Malaysia (In press)

MEX/77/002, Diet formulation for selected species for aquaculture in Mexico (In press)

RAS/76/003, Fish nutrition research at the NIFI Lead Centre for Aquaculture in Thailand (In press)

TCP/TUN/0104(I), Préparation d'un plan de développement de l'aquaculture (In press)

VEN/79/002, Pisciculture Venezuela (In press)

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