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The Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter is published under the joint authorship of the Plant Production and Protection Division of FAO, Rome and the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources; Animal Genetic Resources Information is published by FAO, Rome, under the joint auspices of FAO's Animal Production and Health Division and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The following articles, which may be of interest to the readers of FGRI, have been published in recent issues of these two Newsletters:

1) Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter:

Nbr 49 (1982), pp. 19–21. “Pollen Preservation of Japanese Apricot and Mume”, by M. Omura, N. Matsuta, T. Akihama and M. Yoshida.

- pp. 34–36. “A Documentation System for the Nordic Gene Bank” by F. Yndgaard.

Nbr 50 (1982), pp. 9–13. “Fruit Collecting in Baltistan, Pakistan”, by M.S. Bhatti, Israr-ul-Maq, N.I. Mashmi and Z. Ahmed.

Nbr 52 (1982), pp. 7–9. “Browse and Forage Legume Collecting in Mexico”, by R. Reid.

Nbr 54 (1983), pp. 14–17. “Fruit and Vegetable Collecting in Nigeria”, by T. Badra, A.A.O. Edema and P. Nath.

- pp. 28–31. “A Procedure for Packing Long-Term Storage Seed”, by F. Yndgaard.

Nbr 55 (1983), pp. 2–15. “Recent Developments on Applying Sequential Analysis to Gene Bank Seed Viability Monitoring Tests”, by R.M. Ellis and M. Wetzel.

- pp. 28–31. “Conservation of Variation in Tropical Tree Species”, by C. Palmberg.

2) Animal Genetic Resources Information:

Nbr 1/83, pp. 24–26. “Les parcs Naturels de France et la Conservation Génétique Animale”, by A. Audiot.

The Plant Newsletter is available from the Plant Production and Protection Division, IBPGR Secretariat, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy; the Animal Newsletter from the Animal Production Service, Animal Production and Health Division, FAO (address as before).

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