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(i) Libros, manuales

Anón. 1983 Reproduction of Conifers. A. Handbook for Cone Crop Assessment. Forestry Technical Report 31. Canadian Forestry Service (Environment Canada Distribution Centre, 151 Jean Proulx, Hull, Quebec, K1A 1C7, Canadá). (38 págs.)

Anón 1983 Representative types of nature in the Nordic countries: a base for the planning of environmental protection and land use. Nordic Council of Ministers. Berlings Arlöv, Suecia. (60 págs.)

Anón 1984 Casuarinas: Nitrogen-Fixing Trees for Adverse Sites. Innovations in Tropical Reforestation. National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C. (BOSTID JH-217D, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue. Washington D.C. 24018, Estados Unidos. (118 págs.)

Anón 1984 Leucaena: Promising forage and tree crop for the tropics. 2a edition. Nat. Acad. Press, Washington D.C. (100 págs.)

Dodds, J.H. (Ed.) 1983 Tissue culture of trees. American edition pub. Avi Publishing Co., Westport. Conn. (146 págs.)

Ffolliott, P.F. y Thames, J.L. 1983 Environmentally sound small-scale forestry projects. Guidelines for planning. Volunteers in Technical Assistance. Vita Publus., Arlington. Va. (109 págs.)

Gordon, A.G. y Rowe. D.C.F. 1982 Seed Manual for Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Forestry Commission Bulletin 59. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Londres, Reino Unido

McIvor, J.G. y Bray, R.A. (Eds.) 1983 Geneti Resources of Forage Plants, CSIRO, Australia (Vega Press Pty Ltd., Blackburn, Victoria) (337 págs.)

Pryor, L.D. y Willing, R.R. 1982 Growing and breeding poplar in Australia, Canberra. Publishing and Printing Co., Australia. (56 págs.)

von Maydell, J.-J. 1983 Arbres et arbustes du Sahel. Leurs caractéristiques et leurs utilisations. No. 147 de la série GTZ Eschborn. (531 págs.)

(ii) Actas de conferencias y seminarios

Anón. 1983 Proceedings of sessions IA,B,C (Exploration, conservation and genetic improvement of Pinus caribaea and P. oocarpa): IUFRO symposium on genetic improvement and productivity of fast growing forest trees. Aguas de São Pedro, agosto 1980. Silvicultura No. 29, marzo–abril 1983.

Anón. 1983 Proceedings of sessions IIA, IIIA, IVA (Explotarion, conservation and genetic improvement of Gmelina, Tectona, Araucaria, Agathis and other tropical forest species): IUFRO symposium on genetic improvement and productivity of fast growing trees. Aguas de São Pedro, agosto 1980. Silvicultura No.30, mayo–junio 1983.

Anón. 1983 Proceedings of sessions IIB, IIIB, IVB, IIC (Exploration, conservation and variation of E. grandis; collected provenances and provenance tests in other Eucalyptus species; methods of selection and improvement in eucalypts; silviculture and yield in fast growing forests): IUFRO symposium on genetic improvement and productivity of fast growing trees. Aguas de São Pedro, agosto 1980. Silvicultura No. 31, julio-agosto 1983.

Anón. 1983 Proceedings of sessions IIc, IVc, Vc, VA, VB, VIB, C, VIIA,B,C, (Nutritional and physiological problems of eucalypt plantations; their response to manuring. Development of short rotation ecosystems and wood quality of fast growing forests. Management of eucalypts for seed production. Regional, national and international cooperation): IUFRO symposium on genetic improvement and productivity of fast growing trees. Aguas de São Pedro, agosto 1980. Silvicultura No. 32, septiembre–octubre 1983.

Anón. 1984 Proc. simposio internacional: métodos de produçao e controles de qualidade de sementes e mudas florestais. Curitiba, Brasil, 19–23.3.84. (Prof. J.E.A, Carneiro, Rua Bom Jesus 650, Caixa Postal 2959, 80 000 Curitiba, Parana, Brasil). (494 págs.)

Lange, W.; Zeven, A.C.; y Hogenboom, N.G. (Eds.) 1984 Efficiency in Plant Breeding. Actas de 10th Congr. de EUCARPIA. Pudoc Publishers, P.O. Box 4, 6700 AA Wageningen, Países Bajos (dólares EE.UU. 44).

Anón. 1983 Leucaena Research in the Asian-pacific Region: Proceedings of a workshop held in Singapore, 23–26 Nov. 1982. IDRC, Box 8500, Ottawa, Canada K1G 3H9, Ottawa. (192 págs.)

Libby, W.J. 1982 Resistance to diseases and pests in forest trees. In: Heybroek, H.M. et al (Eds.). Resistance to Diseases and Pests in Forest Trees. Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on the Genetics of Host-Parasite Interactions in Forestry (Wageningen 14–21.9.1980). Genera for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen, Países Bajos (págs. 342–360).

MacKay, D.B.: Ader, F.; Gordon, A.G.; Hutin, C.; y Rennie, W.J. (Eds.) 1983 Proceedings of International Symposium on Seed Pathology. Seed Science and Technology 11 (3 & 3a), ISTA Secretariat, P.O. Box 412, Reckenholz, CH-8046 Zurich, Suiza. (919 págs.)

(iii) Información de instituciones, institutos, asociaciones, etc.

Anón. 1983 Le cedre. Afocel - Armef Informations - Forêt. (Págs. 99–110)

Anón. 1983 Saving Sicily's relict Abies. IUCN Threatened Plants Newsletter No. 12: pág. 3

Anón. 1983 Les cèdres. Feuilles forestières 12: 1–4.

Ashton, D. y Edwie, A.B. 1984 Treated seed in the laboratory: the nature and level of the hazard and legislation to protect the worker. ISTA News No. 76, junio 1984; 1–6 (ISTA Secretariat, P.O. Box 412, Reckenhelz, CH-8046 Zürich, Suiza).

Bell, T.I.W. 1980 Selection and breeding of Pinus caribaea Morelet in Fiji. Fiji Pine Research Paper No. 7. (Fiji Pine Commission, Box 521, Lautoka, Islas Fiji). 7 págs.

Bergsten, U. 1983 Removal of mechanically damaged and filled-dead seeds from a seed lot of Pinus sylvestris. ECE/FAO/ILO Joint Committee on Forest Working Techniques and Training of Forest Workers in coop. with IUFRO. High Tatras, Checoslovaquia, 17 págs.

Conde, M.T.; Hodgskiss, P.D.; Nunnally, L.B. and Hunter, S.C. 1983 Starch Gel Electrophoresis of Conifer Seeds; A laboratory manual. USFS General Technical Report PSW-64. (United States Dept. Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Box 245, Berkley, Calif. 94701, Estados Unidos).

Critchfield, W.B. 1980 The genetics of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). Research Paper No. 37, USDA For. Serv., Washington, D.C. iii + 57 págs.

de Muckadell, J.S. y Malim, P. 1983 Preliminary observations on harvesting, handling and storage of seeds from some dipterocarps. Working paper 18, FAO/UNDP-MAL/78/009. For. Res. Centre Sepilok, Sandakan, Sabah: 42 págs.

García, S.C. y Rojas, R.V. 1982 Ensayo de dos métodos de injerto en Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. Boletín Técnico 75. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, México, 15 págs.

Hoff, R.J. y Coffan, D.O. 1982 Recommendations for selection and management of seed orchards of Western White Pine (Pinus monticola). USDA, Forest Service Research Note INT-325. (Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden UT 84401, Estados Unidos). 7 págs.

Jadan, S. y Valarezo, V. 1983 Recursos genéticos forestales en el Ecuador. IF. No. 29, Centro de Capacitación e Investigación Forestal “Luciano Andrade Marín”, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (Casilla 2919, Quito, Ecuador). 13 págs.

Krugman, S.L., Ching, K.K., Dinus, R.J., Fins, L., Kellison, R.C. y Winieski, J. 1981 Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement in the People's Republic of China, Office of International Cooperation and Development USDA & Society of American Foresters, Washington D.C., Estados Unidos, 81 págs.

Lacroix, P. 1984 La construction d'une sécherie de graines d'arbres feuillus. Bulletin No. 69 d'Information, Offfice National des Forêts, 2 Avenue de Saint-Mandé, F-75570 Paris Cedex 12, Francia, págs. 16–19.

Libby, W.J. 1983 The clonal option. Norsk Institut for Skogforskrung (Norwegian Forest Research Institute, N-1432 Ås-NLH, Noruega. 32 págs.

Montero N., C. y Estevez M., J.E. 1983 Respuesta de las semillas de 16 especies forestales a diferentes tratamientos pregerminativos. INDERENA, Investigaciones Forestales No. 14 (Inst. Nacional de los Recursos Naturales Renovables y del Ambiente, Apartado Aéreo 13458, Bogotá D.E., Colombia). 26 págs.

Nicholson, D.I. y Brass, A.L. 1980 The performance of Pinus strobus var. chiapensis Martinez in Queensland. Tech. paper, Dept. of Fo, Queensland, No. 23. 7 págs.

Owens, J.N. y Molder, M. 1984 The reproductive cycles of Western Redcedar and Yellow-cedar. Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Forests, 1450 Government Street, Victoria B.C. V8W 3EF, Canadá. 28 págs.

Owens, J.N. y Molder, M. 1984 The reproductive cycle of Lodgepole Pine. Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Forests, 1450 Government Street, Victoria B.C. V8W 3EF, Canadá, 29 págs.

Owens, J.N. y Molder, M. 1984 The reproductive cycles of Western and Mountain Hemlock. Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Forests, 1450 Government Street. Victoria B.C. V8W 3EF, Canadá. 34 págs.

Owens, J.N. y Molder, M. 1984 The reproductive cycle of Interior Spruce. Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Forests, 1450 Governments Street, Victoria B.C. V8W 3EF, Canadá, 30 págs.

Pearce, R.B. 1983 Isozyme Electrophoresis - the “new” forest genetics. Forestry Research West, dic. 1983. págs. 12–16 (USFS/PNWFRES, 809 N.E. 6th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97232, Estados Unidos.

Prescher, F. 1983 Alternative breeding strategies in Scandinavian spruce and pine with reference to quantitative and qualitative breeding objectives. Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Stencil No. 19. Institutionen för Skogsproduktion, Garpenbeg, Suecia. 31 págs.

Rehefeldt, G.E. 1983 Seed transfer guidelines for Douglas fir in central Idaho. Intermountain Forest and Range Expt. Station. Research Note INT-337. (Ogden, UT 84401, Estados Unidos. 3 págs.

Rivera, F.N. 1984 Establishment of mango germplasm bank in the Philippines. IBPGR, Regional Comm. for SE Asia. Newsletter 8(1); 11–12.

Rogstad, N.C. y Wold, A. 1984 Measuring efficiency of ventilators to remove vapour/dust of seed disinfectants when analysing treated seed samples. ISTA News Bulletin No. 75; 3–6. (Internat. Seed Testing Association, Recknholz, P.O. Box 412, CH-8046 Zürich, Suiza.

Rojas V., P. y Salas G., G. 1984 Sistema computacional INTROESP (Introducción de Especies Forestales. Chile Forestal 108, Sept. 1984.

Saenger, P., Hegerl, E.J. y Davie, J.D.S. (Eds.). 1983 Global status of mangrove ecosystems. Global status of mangrove ecosystems. Commission on Ecology Papers No. 3. IUCN. 88 págs.

Simak, M. y Sahlén, K. 1983 Bibliography on X-radiography in seed research and testing. Swedish U. of Agric. Sci., Dept. of Silv., Umeå. 72 págs.

Thomson, J.R. (Ed.) 1983 Advances in Research and Technology of Seeds. Part. 8 Centre for Agric. Publishing and Documentation, P.O. Box 4, 6700 AA., Wageningen, Países Bajos. 124 págs.

Trujillo N., E. 1983 Manual General sobre Uso de Semillas Forestales. Inst. Nacional de los Recursos Naturales Renovables y del Ambiente, Subgerencia Fomento Bosques y Aguas Apartado Aéreo 13458, Bogotá, Colombia. 35 págs.

Wang, B.S.P. & Ackerman, F. 1983 A new germination box for tree seed testing. Information Report PI-X-27. Petawawa National Forestry Institute, Canadian Forestry Service, Chalk River, Ontario KOJ 1JO. 15 págs.

Wormald, T.J. 1982 HP67 & HP97 calculator programs for elementary satistical calculations (also compatible with the HP41-C). Occ. Paper No. 21. Commonw. For. Inst. Oxford: ix+31pp+31 programs + appx. 1 comprising iv+31 programs + ii p comprising 2 bibliographical appendices.

Young Chang Han & Kab Yeon Lee 1983 Provenance Test of Pinus strobus L. in five plantations at age 15 in Korea. Res. Rep. Inst. For. Gen. Korea 19: 73–80.

(iv) Artículos seleccionados de publicaciones periódicas

Ahuia, M.R. 1983 Somatic cell differentiation and rapid clonal propagation of aspen. Silvae Genetica 32(3–4): 131–135.

Allen, P.W. 1984 Fresh germplasm for natural rubber. Span 27 (1):7–8.

Anderson, D.R. 1983 A simple method of temporary cone storage. Tree Planters' Notes 34(4); 28–30.

Askew, G.R. y Burrows, P.M. 1983 Minimum coancestry selection I. A Pinus taeda population and its simulation. Silvae Genet. 32(3–4):125–131.

Borchert, R. 1983 Phenology and control of flowering in tropical trees. Biotropica 15(2): 81–89.

Bouvet, J.M. y Delwaulle, J.C. 1983 Introduction d'Eucalyptus cloeziana au Congo. Pointe-Noire Parcelle 77.13. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 200(2):7–20.

Burdon, R.D. y Namkoong, G. 1983 Short note: “multiple populations” and “sublines”. Silva Genetica 32(5–6):221–222.

Burgess, I.P. y Bell, J.C. 1983 Comparative morphology and allozyme frequencies of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden and E. saligna Sin. Australian Forest Research 13(2): 133–149.

Chacko, K.C. 1981 A simple method of extraction of seeds of Anthocephalus chinensis. Evergreen 7:3.

Chaturvedi, A.N. 1983 Performance of Leucaena leucocephala. Ind. For. 109(7):423–426.

Chavas, R., Kageyama, P.Y. y do Conto, H.T.2. 1983 Estimativas da variação genética e da herdábilidade para florescimento em Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis e em Pinus oocarpa. IPEF, Piracicaba 25:15–23(IPEF/ESALQ, C.P. 9, Piracicaba 13.400 S.P., Brasil.

Daniels, J.D. 1984 Role of tree improvement in intensive forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 8(3–4):161–195.

Darrow, Wm.K. 1983 Provenance-type trials of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E. tereticornis in South Africa and South-West Africa: Eight-Year results. S.Afr. For. J. No. 124-marzo 1983: 13–22.

Darrow, Wm.K. y Coetzee, H. 1983 Potentially valuable Mexican Pines for the summer rainfall region of Southern Africa. S.Afr. For. J. No. 124 - marzo 1983: 23–35.

Darrow, K. y Roeder, K.R. 1983 Provenance trials of Eucalyptus urophylla and E. alba in South Africa: Seven-Year results. South African Forestry Journal No. 125-junio 1983: 20–28.

Davidson, D.W. y Morton, S.R. 1984 Dispersal and adaptations of some Acacia species in the Australian arid zone. Ecology 65(4):1038–1051.

Densmore, R. y Zasada, J. 1983 Seed dispersal and dormancy patterns in northern willows: ecological and evolutionary significance. Canadian Journal of Botany 16:3207–3216.

de Souza, S.M., Lima, P.C.F. & de S. Aranjo, M. 1983 Sementes de Algarroba (Prosopis juliflora): metodos e custos de beneficiamento. Revista Brasileira de Sementes 5(3):51–61

Eldridge, K.G. y Griffin, A.R. 1983 Selfing effects in Eucalyptus regnans. Silvae Genet. 32 (5–6):216–221.

Eguiluz Piedra. T. y Perry, J.P. Jr. 1983 Pinus tecunumanii: una especie nueva de Guatemala. Ciencia Forestal 8(41):3–22.

Fripp, Y.J. 1982 Allozyme variation and mating system in two populations of Eucalyptus kitsoniana (Luehm.) Maiden. Aust. For. Res. 13:1–10.

Geary, T.F. y Miller, W.F. 1982 Pellering small volumes of Eucalyptus seeds for precision sowing. Suid-Afrikaanse Bosbontydsksif 121:79–83.

Gibson, G.L., Barnes, R.D. y Berrington, J. 1983 Provenance productivity in Pinus caribaea and its interaction with environment. Commonw. For. Rev. 62(2):93–106.

Gibson, G.L., Barnes, R.D. y Berrington, J. 1983 Flowering and its interaction with environment in provenance trials of Pinus caribaea. Commonw. For. Rev. 62(4):251–263.

Griffin, A.R. 1982 Clonal variation in Radiata Pine seed orchards. I. Some flowering, cone and seed production traits. Aust. For. Res. 12:295–302.

Griffin, A.R., Williams, E.R. y Johnson, K.W. 1982 Early height growth and frost hardiness of Eucalyptus regnans provenances in twelve field trials in south-east Australia. Aust. For. Res. 12:263–79.

Gulati, N.K. y Sharma, B.K. 1983 Propagation of Calamus tennis Roxb. Ind. For. 109(8):541–545.

Hall, J.B. 1983/84 Positive management for strict natural reserves: reviewing effectiveness. For. Ecol. and Managet. 7:57–66.

Hamsa Mohamed El Amin. 1981/82 Establishment of seed banks. Sudan Silva 4(24):3–6.

Hartney, V.J. 1982 Tissue culture of Eucalyptus. Combined Proc., Internat. Plant Propagators Soc. 32:98–109 (publ. 1983).

Hartono W., y Soebroto, P.M. 1983 Teak improvement by Perum Perhutani. Duta Rimba 9(63–64): 3–13 d.

Hopkins, M.S. y Graham, A.W. 1983 The species composition of soil seed banks beneath lowland tropical rainforests in North Queensland, Australia. Biotropica 15(2):90–99.

Hrib, J. y Dobrý, J. 1984 An explant culture of Tassilian Cypress, Cupressus dupreziana. Forest Ecology and Management 8(3–4):235–242.

Joly, R.J. y Adams, W.T. 1983 Allozyme analysis of pitch x loblolly pine hybrids produced by supplemental mass-pollination. Forest Science 29(2):423–432.

Kageyama, P.Y. y Vencovsky, R. 1983 Variação genética em progénies de uma populaçao de Eucalyptus grandis (Hill) Maiden. IPEF, Piracicaba 24:9–26.

Kolevska-Pletikapié, B., Jelaska, S., Berliak, J. y VidakoviĆ, M. 1983 Bud and shoot formation in juvenile tissue culture of Pinus nigra. Silvae Genet. 32(3–4):115–119.

Kotwal, P.C. 1983 Selection of superior phenotypes of teak in Madhya Pradesh. Ind. J. For. 6(1): 1–4.

Kumar, A. y Sharma, R. 1982 Determination of viability of ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucacephala (Lam.) de Wit. seed by tetrazolium test. Van Vigyan 20(1/2):26–29.

Lanly, J.P. 1983 Present situation and evaluation of tropical forest resources. Mazingira 7(4):2–15.

Liegel, L.H. 1984 Assessment of hurricanes rain/wind damages in Pinus caribaea and Pinus oocarpa provenance trials in Puerto Rico. Commonw. For. Rev. 63(1):47-

McKinley, C.R. y Cunningham, M.W. 1984 Theoretical effects of seed orchard roguing on selfing and percent filled seeds. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 13(1):187–190.

Mendel Z., N., Fadlon, N., Golan, Y., Madar, Z y Weinstein, A. 1983 Effect of seed origin on susceptibility of Pinus halepensis to Matsococcus josephi. La Yaaran 33 (1–4):33–36.

Mendes, F.S. 1983 Teste de progênies de árvores superiores de Pinus taeda sleccionadas nos E.U.A. com alta capacidade geral do combinação. IPEF, Piracicaba 25:45–46 (IPEF/ESALQ, C.P. 9, 13.400 Piracicaba S.P., Brasil).

Müller-Stark, G., Ziehe, M. Bergmann, F., Gregorius H. y Hattemer, H.H. 1982 Die Samenplantages als Instrument der Vermenhrung von Waldbaumen. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung 153(12):220–229.

Murata, M., Tsuchiya, T. y Roos, E.E. 1984 Chromosome damage induced by artificial seed ageing in barley. III. Behaviour of chromosomal aberrations during plant growth. Teor. Appl. Genet. 64:161–170.

Namkoong, G. 1982 The application of biometrics in provenance analysis. Journal of Tree Sciences 1(½):57–63.

Negrutiu, I., Jacobs, M. y Caboche, M. 1984 Advances in somatic cell genetics of higher plants - the protoplast approach in basis studies on mutagenesis and isolation of biochemical mutants. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 67(4):289–304.

Nikolié, D. y Tucié, N. 1983 Isozyme variation within and among populations of European black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold). Silvae Genet. 32(3–4):80–89.

Oleksyn, J. y Giertych, M. 1984 Results of a 70 years old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) provenance experiment in Pulawy, Poland. Silvae Genetica 33(1):22–27.

Park, Y.S. y Fowler, D.P. 1983 A provenance test of Japanese larch in eastern Canada, including comparative data on European larch and tamarack. Silvae Genet. 32(3–4):96–101.

Paula, J.E. 1983 de Exploraçao dos recursos naturais renováveis, conservação e preservação dos respectivos ecosistemas. Brasil Florestal 8(56):5–30.

Petroff, G. y Tissot, M. 1983 Variabilité, caractéristiques papetières et sélection clonale de deux hybrides d'Eucalyptus plantés au Congo. Rev. Bois et For. Trop. 199(1):57–77.

Pitel, J.A. y Wang, B.S.P. 1984 A review of papers published in the proceedings of the IUFRO International Symposium on Forest Tree Seed Storage. Commonwealth Forestry Review 63(1):55–66.

Piña Puente, F. y Pérez Octavo, F. 1983 Localización de rodales silvestres de jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) en el Estado de Baja California Sur. Ciencia Forestal 8(41):23–43.

Quintao, Angela T.B. 1983 Evolução do conceito de Parques Nacionais e sua relação com o processo de desenvolvimento. Brasil Florestal 54:13–28.

Rao, D.V. 1984 Provenance trials of Eucalyptus. Indian Forester 110(1):28–34.

Sampaio, A. y Filho, W.S. 1983 Sementes florestais melhoradas. Brasil Florestal 54:71–73.

Schmidtling, R.C. 1983 Genetic variation in fruitfulness in a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seed orchard. Silvae Genet. 32(3–4):76–80.

Stead, J.W. 1983 Studies of variation in Central American pines. V: a numerical study of variation in the Pseudostrobus group. Silvae Genet. 32(3–4):101–115.

Styles, B.T. y Hughes, C.E. 1983 Studies of variation in Central American Pines. III. Notes on the taxonomy and nomenclature of the pines and related gymnosperms in Honduras and adjacent Latin American Republics. Brenesia No. 21:269–291.

Teissier du Cros, E. 1984 Breeding strategies with poplars in Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 8(1):23–39.

Turnbull, J.W. y Martensz, P.N. 1982 Aspects of seed collection, storage and germination in Casuarinaceae. Aust. For. Res. 12:281–94.

Van Wyk, G., y van der Sijde, H.A. 1983 The economic benefits of forest tree breeding. South African Forestry Journal No. 126-Sept. 1983:48–54.

Vidakovic, M. 1983 Viability of seeds obtained from backcross, as an indicator of the degree of incompatibility between Pinus nigra and P. sylvestris. Annales forestales 10/4:81–87.

Weinstein, A. 1982 Effect of seed origin on earlu growth of Pinus halepensis Mill. and P. brutia Ten. in Israel. La Yaaran 32(1–4):65–67.

Weinstein, A. 1982 The phenology of Pinus halepensis on two sites in Israel. La Yaaran 32(1–4):68–71.

White, G., Lowe, W.J. y Wright, J. 1983 Paraffin grafting techniques for loblolly pine. S.J. Appl. For. 7(3):116–118.

Wilcox, M.D. 1983 Reciprocal cross effects in Pinus radiata. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 13(1):37–45.

Wilcox, M.D. 1983 Inbreeding depression and genetic variances estimated from self - and cross-pollinated families of Pinus radiata. Silvae Genet. 32(3–4):89–96.

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