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Note from the Editor

FAO's Forest Resources Development Branch, in cooperation with UNEP, has recently compiled a Guide to In Situ Conservation of Genetic Resources of Tropical Woody Species. This Guide, based on the work of L. Roche and M. J. Dourojeanni, is published as document FORGEN/MISC/84/2 of 1984. Together with two companion volumes (FORGEN/MISC/84/1, “In situ conservation - the scientific and technical bases”; and FORGEN/MISC/84/3 “In situ conservation - a status review and action plan” this document is available, upon request and free of charge, from FAO's Forestry Department (see address below).

As part of this in situ study, three countries, Cameroon, Peninsular Malaysia and Peru, were requested to prepare case studies summarizing the current status, problems and opportunities for in situ conservation of 20 important forest species in each country. The approaches to conservation followed by these countries will be of general interest to readers, so we intend to publish abbreviated versions of each study in FGRI. Those for Cameroon and Peninsular Malaysia appear in this issue. That for Peru will appear in FGRI 15.

Although the above two studies account for the bulk of this issue of FGRI, a number of other articles and notes help ensure the variety of contents we are striving at in order to try to satisfy the interests of all our readers.

Please write to us and share your results or observations with your collegues all over the world.

The address of the editor is:

The Chief
Forest Resources Development Branch
Forest Resources Division
Forestry Department
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
I - 00100 Rome, Italy

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