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International year of the forest medals

A special series of six medals was designed for the International Year of the Forest by artists training at the Medallic School of the Italian State Mint. Each medal (issued in both bronze and silver) is dedicated to a particular region. The inscription "International Year of the Forest Save the World's Forests", is on the obverse of each piece. The series includes one 12-g gold medal only, designed by the head of the school. Laura Cretara, and struck by the Italian State Mint.

Gold medal

Gold medal (by Laura Cretara) This piece is dedicated to the Ninth World Forestry Congress, which took place in Mexico City from I to 12 July 1985. The obverse features a dryad, an ancient Greek tree nymph, protector of the forests, and bears the inscription "IX World Forestry Congress". On the reverse is a deeply rooted tree made of three human hands, an allegory of man's dependence on the forest, and the need for cooperation in preserving it.

Africa: plant trees - prevent desert

Africa: plant trees - prevent desert (by Wilma Basilissi) Overgrazing, the clearance of marginal lands for agriculture and the growing demand for fuelwood are leading inexorably to an extension of the desert and the destruction of fragile environments. The obverse of this medal shows a farmer planting a tree, and on the reverse a woman carrying fuelwood; women often have to trek many kilometres each day just to meet minimum needs.

Asia: preserve forests - prevent erosion

Asia: preserve forests - prevent erosion (by Yang Cheng Chung) The obverse shows an elephant working in a rich tropical forest: the reverse shows the contrast between an arid, eroded landscape and a well-managed forest.

Europe: pollution threatens forests

Europe: pollution threatens forests (by Maria Morzilli) Europe's forests are threatened by the pollution caused by industrial development and a very high population density. The obverse suggests an ideal balance between natures culture and industry, symbolized by the classical temple, the Gothic column, factory chimneys and machinery in harmony with a healthy, rich forest; the reverse shows the contrary, a forest encroached upon and destroyed by technological progress.

Latin America: develop tropical forests wisely

Latin America: develop tropical forests wisely (by Marzia Gandini) On the obverse is an Amerindian child with a parrot from a tropical rain forest, a delicate and complex ecosystem requiring protection; on the reverse are workers measuring a trunk, symbolizing rational forestry management.

Near East: forests restore soils

Near East: forests restore soils (by Marina Berlinghini) The obverse shows a dead tree, the branches of which extend as crevices in a parched and impoverished soil. The reverse features the same tree but in full leaf, over a crop; trees help restore vigour and humus to the impoverished soils typical of a good part of the region.

North America: forests for better living

North America: forests for better living (by Silvia Isola) In a region such as North America, forests are vital for human recreation, for improving the environment and the quality of life: the artist's designs show the harmony between human beings and nature.


FAO Money & Medals - Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

Please send me the following INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE FOREST medals:


The gold medal (28-mm Ø, 12 g, 0.750 gold)


The silver medal (50-mm Ø, 65 g, 0.925 silver)


The bronze medal (50 mm Ø)



Metal (please specify)

Continent (please specify)

Amount (US$)













TOTAL AMOUNT _________________________


Buy the complete set of six 50 mm Ø medals in either silver or bronze and

- get a tree luxury presentation case, and

- benefit from an overall discount of 10 percent




including the gold medal at US$347



without the gold medal at US$108




including the gold medal at US$590



without the gold medal at US$351



TOTAL AMOUNT _________________________

I enclose payment for this total amount, made out to "FAO Money"

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________

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