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0501 Livingstone, D., 1861 Extracts from the despatches of Dr. David Livingstone to the Rt. Hon. Lord Malmesbury. J.R.Geogr.Soc., 31:256–96

0502 Livingstone, D., 1863 Dr. Livingstone's expedition to Lake Nyasa in 1861–3. J.R.Geogr.Soc., 33:251–76

0503 Livingstone D. and C. Livingstone, 1865 A popular account of Livingstone's expedition to the Zambezi and its tributaries: and of the discovery of Lakes Shirwa and Nyasa 1858–1864. London, Murray

0504 Livingstone, D.A., 1980 Workshop on deep drilling in African lakes. August 21–23 1980. Washington, D.C., Report submitted to the National Science Foundation, 19 p.

0505 Livingstone, D.A., et al., 1983 Potential sites for a long core in the East African rift. Bull.Cent.Rech.Explor.Prod. Elf-Aquitane, 7(1):443–8

0506 Livingstone, W.P., 1922 Laws of Livingstonia. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 385 p.

0507 Loftas, T., 1973 Boat building and fishing on Lake Malawi. World Fish., 22(9):73–6

0508 Long, R.C., 1956 The breeding colonies of large water and marsh birds within the Port Herald District. Nyasal.J., 9(2):29–50

0509 Louda, S.M. and K.R. McKaye, 1982 Diurnal movements in populations of the prosobranch Lanistes nyassanus at Cape Maclear, Lake Malawi, Africa. Malacologia, 23(1):13–21

0510 Louda, S.M., et al., 1983 Distribution of gastropod genera over a vertical depth gradient at Cape Maclear, Lake Malawi. Veliger, 25(4):387–92

0511 Louda, S.M., 1984 Activity, density and size of Lanistes nyassanus and L. solidus (Gastropoda, Ampullariidae) over the depth gradient at Cape Maclear, Lake Malawi, Africa. Veliger, 26(3):145–52

0512 Loveridge, A., 1953 Zoological results of a fifth expedition to East Africa. 4. Amphibia from Nyasaland and Tete. Bull. Mus.Comp.Zool.Harv., 110

0513 Loveridge, A., 1953a Herpetological results of the Berner-Carr entomological survey of the Shire Valley, Nyasaland. Q.J.Fla.Acad.Sci., 16:139–50

0514 Lowe, R.H., 1948 Notes on the ecology of Lake Nyasa fishes. Nyasal.J., 1(1):39–50

0515 Lowe, R.H., 1952 Report on the Tilapia and other fish and fisheries of Lake Nyasa 1945–47. Part 2. Fish.Publ.Colon.Off. Lond., 1(2):126 p.

0516 Lowe, R.H., 1953 Notes on the ecology and evolution of Nyasa fishes of the genus Tilapia, with a description of Tilapia saka, Lowe. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 122:1035–41

0517 Lowe, R.H., 1955 The fecundity of Tilapia species. E.Afr.Agric.J., 21(1):45–52

0518 Lowe-McConnell, R.H., 1959 Breeding behaviour patterns and ecological differences between Tilapia species and their significance for evolution within the genus Tilapia (Pisces: Cichlidae). Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 132(1):1–30

0519 Lowe-McConnell, R.H., 1969 Speciation in tropical freshwater fishes. Biol.J. Linn.Soc., 1:51–75

0520 Lowe-McConnell, R.H., (ed.), 1969a Speciation in tropical environments. London, Academic Press, 246 p.

0521 Lowe-McConnell, R.H., 1975 Fish communities in tropical freshwaters: their distribution, ecology and evolution. London, Longman, 337 p.

0522 Lowe-McConnell, R.H., 1979 Ecological aspects of seasonality in fishes of tropical waters. Symp.Zool.Soc.Lond., 44:219–41

0523 Lowe-McConnell, R.H., 1982 Tilapias in fish communities. In The biology and culture of tilapias, edited by R.S.V. Pullin and R.H. Lowe-McConnell. ICLARM Conf.Proc., 7:83–113

0524 Lugard, F.D., 1893 The rise of our East African Empire. Vol. I. Early efforts in Nyasaland and Uganda. London, Blackwood, 563 p.

0525 Lund, J.W.G., 1954 The seasonal cycle of the plankton diatom, Melosira italica (Ehr.) Kütz. subsp. subarctica O. Müll. J.Ecol., 42(1):151–79

0526 Maasha, N. and P. Molnar, 1972 Earthquake fault parameters and tectonics in Africa. J.Geophys.Res., 77(29):5731–43

0527 MacAlister, R.G., 1980 Low-cost boats of Lake Malawi. Fish.News Int., 19(9):51–3

0528 MacAlister, R.G., 1980a The introduction of ferrocement fishing boats to Lake Malawi. J.Ferrocement.Bangkok, 10(3):249–56

0528a MacCrimmon, H.R., 1971 World distribution of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 28(5):663–704

0529 MacDonald, I.S., 1966 A guide to fish pond farming. Malawi Sci.Teacher, 2(1):36–9

0530 Maclaren, P.I.R., 1958 The fishing devices of Central and Southern Africa. Occas.Pap.Rhodes-Livingstone Mus., (12):48 p.

0531 Magasa, J., 1979 Distribution and abundance of larval Engraulicypris sardella in the central region of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Field Document 4 (mimeo)

0532 Mandahl-Barth, C., 1954 The freshwater molluscs of Uganda and adjacent territories. Ann.Mus.Cong.Belg. (Ser.8vo. Zool.), 32:7–206

0533 Mandahl-Barth, C., 1958 Intermediate hosts of Schistosoma, African Biomphalaria and Bulinus. WHO Monogr.Ser., (37):132 p. Reprinted from: Bull.WHO, (16):1103–63, (17):1–65(1957)

0534 Mandahl-Barth, C., 1965 The species of the genus Bulinus, intermediate hosts of Schistosoma. Bull.WHO, (33):33–44

0535 Mandahl-Barth, C., 1972 The freshwater Mollusca of Lake Malawi. Rev.Zool.Bot. Afr., 86 (3–4):257–89

0536 Maples, E., 1897 Chauncey Maples, D.D., F.R.G.S. London, Longman, 2nd.ed. (1898) 403 p.

0537 Marsh, A.C., 1981 A contribution to the ecology and systematics of the genus Petrotilapia (Pisces: Cichlidae) in Lake Malawi. M.Sc. Thesis, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 207 p.

0538 Marsh, A.C., 1983 A taxonomic study of the fish genus Petrotilapia (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. Ichthyol. Bull.Rhodes Univ., (48):1–14

0539 Marsh, A.C. and A.J. Ribbink, 1981 A comparison of the abilities of three sympatric species of Petrotilapia (Cichlidae, Lake Malawi) to penetrate deep water. Environ. Biol.Fish., 6:219–22

0540 Marsh, A.C., A.J. Ribbink and B.A. Marsh, 1981 Sibling species complexes in sympatric populations of Petrotilapia Trewavas (Cichlidae, Lake Malawi). Zool.J.Linn.Soc., 71:253–64

0541 Marshall, B.E., 1984 Small pelagic fishes and fisheries in African inland waters. Espéces de petits pélagiques et leurs pêcheries dans les eaux intérieures de l'Afrique. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (14):25 p.

0542 Martens, A.E. von, 1897 Beschahlte weichtiere Deutsch-Ost-Afrikas. Berlin, 308 p.

0543 Martin, C.G.C., 1980 Maps and surveys of Malawi. Cape Town, A.A. Balkema, 270 p.

0544 Mathotho, A.J., 1975 A simple guide to rearing of fish in small dams. Malawi Fish.Bull., (5):9 p.

0545 Mathotho, A.J. and J.F. Rogers, 1977 Fisheries development in Malawi: commercial trawling. In Proceedings of the Conference on handling, processing and marketing of tropical fish, edited by P.J. Sutcliffe and J.G. Disney. London, Tropical Products Institute, pp.433–7

0546 Matthes, H., 1973 A bibliography of African freshwater fish. Rome, FAO, 299 p.

0547 Mattingley, P.F., 1954 The distribution of some African mosquitoes. Proc.Linn.Soc.Lond., 165(1):49–61

0548 Maxwell, W.A., 1954 The Shire Valley Project (a criticism). Nyasal.J., 7(2):39–45

0549 Mayland, H.J., 1976 Die buntbarsche Afrikas. Minden, Philler Verlag

0550 Mayland, H.J., 1978 Cichliden und fischzucht. Grosse Aquarienpraxis. 3. Hannover, Landbuch-Verlag, 478 p.

0551 Mayland, H.J., 1982 Der Malawi-See und seine fische. Hannover, Landbuch-Verlag, 336 p.

0552 Mayr, E., 1984 Evolution of fish species flocks: a commentary. In Evolution of fish species flocks, edited by A.A. Echelle and I. Kornfield. Orono, University of Maine at Orono Press, pp.3–11

0553 McConnell, R.B., 1972 Geological development of the rift system of eastern Africa. Bull.Geol.Soc.Am., 83(9):2549–72

0554 McKaye, K.R., 1978 Explosive speciation: the cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi. Discovery, 13(1):24–9

0555 McKaye, K.R., 1980 Seasonality in habitat selection by the gold color morph of Cichlasoma citrinellum and its relevance to sympatric speciation in the family Cichlidae. Environ.Biol.Fish., 5(1):75–8

0556 McKaye, K.R., 1980a The role of the community in structuring fish social behaviour. Newsl.IAFE, 3(2):27 (Abstr.)

0557 McKaye, K.R., 1981 Predator-prey interactions between parental cichlids and predators upon their young. Newsl.IAFE, 5(1):5 (Abstr.)

0558 McKaye, K.R., 1981a Field observation on death feigning: a unique hunting behavior by the predatory cichlid, Haplochromis livingstoni, of Lake Malawi. Environ.Biol.Fish., 6(3–4):361–5

0559 McKaye, K.R., 1981b Natural selection and the evolution of interspecific brood care in fishes. In Natural selection of social behaviour, edited by R. Alexander and D. Tinkle. New York, Chiron, pp.173–83

0560 McKaye, K.R., 1983 Ecology and breeding behavior of a cichlid fish, Cyrtocara eucinostomus, on a large lek in Lake Malawi, Africa. Environ.Biol.Fish., 8(2):81–96

0561 McKaye, K.R., 1984 Behavioural aspects of cichlid reproductive strategies: patterns of territoriality and brood defence in Central American substratum spawners and African mouth brooders. In Fish reproduction: strategies and tactics, edited by R.J. Wooton and G.W. Potts. London, Academic Press, pp.245–73

0562 McKaye, K.R., 1985 Cichlid-catfish mutualistic defense of young in Lake Malawi, Africa. Oecologia, 66(3):358–63

0563 McKaye, K.R., and W.N. Gray, 1984 Extrinsic barriers to gene flow in rock-dwelling cichlids of Lake Malawi: macrohabitat heterogeneity and reef colonization. In Evolution of fish species flocks, edited by A.A. Echelle and I. Kornfield. Orono, University of Maine at Orono Press, pp. 169–83

0564 McKaye, K.R. and T. Kocher, 1983 Head ramming behaviour by three paedophagous cichlids in Lake Malawi, Africa. Anim.Behav., 31(1):206–10

0565 McKaye, K.R. and C. Mackenzie, 1982 Cyrtocara liemi, a previously undescribed paedophagous cichlid fish (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi, Africa. Proc.Biol. Soc.Wash., 95(2):398–402

0566 McKaye, K.R. and A. Marsh, 1983 Food switching by two specialized algae-scraping cichlid fishes in Lake Malawi, Africa. Oecologia, 56:245–8

0567 McKaye, K.R. and M.K. Oliver, 1980 Geometry of a selfish school: defence of cichlid young by bagrid catfish in Lake Malawi, Africa. Anim.Behav., 28(4):1287

0568 McKaye, K.R., et al., 1982 A sympatric sibling species complex of Petrotilapia Trewavas from Lake Malawi analysed by enzyme electrophoresis (Pisces: Cichlidae). Zool.J. Linn.Soc., 76:91–6

0569 McKaye, K.R., 1984 Genetic evidence for allopatric and sympatric differentiation among color morphs of a Lake Malawi cichlid fish. Evolution, 38(1):215–9

0570 McKaye, K.R., 1985 On the possible introduction of non-indigenous zooplankton-feeding fishes into Lake Malawi, Africa. Biol.Conserv., 33(4):289–307

0571 McLachlan, A.J. 1969 Some effects of water level fluctuations on the benthic fauna of two Central African lakes. News Lett.Limnol.Soc.South.Afr., 13:58–63

0572 McLachlan, A.J., 1969a Aspects of the ecology of the bottom fauna of Lake Chilwa. In Problems of Natural Resources in Malawi. IBP Conference, University of Malawi, pp.27–9

0573 McLachlan, A.J., 1971 Some immature stages of the subgenus Chironomus (Meigen) (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Malawi, Central Africa. J.Entomol., 40(2):173–8

0574 McLachlan, A.J., 1974 Development of some lake ecosystems in tropical Africa with special reference to the invertebrates. Biol. Rev.Camb.Philos.Soc., 49:365–97

0575 McLachlan, A.J., 1974a Recovery of the mud substrate and its associated fauna following a dry phase in a tropical lake. Limnol. Oceanogr., 19(1):74–83

0576 McLachlan, A.J., 1975 The role of aquatic macrophytes in the recovery of the benthic fauna of a tropical lake after a dry phase. Limnol.Oceanogr., 20(1):54–63

0577 McLachlan, A.J., 1977 Density and distribution in laboratory populations of midge larvae (Chironomidae: Diptera). Hydrobiologia, 55(3):195–9

0578 McLachlan, A.J., 1979 The aquatic environment: I. Chemical and physical characteristics of Lake Chilwa. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:59–78

0579 McLachlan, A.J., 1979a Decline and recovery of the benthic invertebrate communities. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:143–60

0580 McLachlan, A.J., 1981 Food sources and foraging tactics in tropical rain pools. Zool.J.Linn.Soc., 71:265–77

0581 McLachlan, A.J., 1981a Biological consequences of fluctuations in lake level. In Seminar on river basin management and development, edited by J. Kapetsky. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (8):225–31

0582 McLachlan, A.J., 1981b Interactions between insect larvae and tadpoles in tropical rain pools. Ecol.Entomol., 6(2):175–82

0583 McLachlan, A.J., 1983 Life-history tactics of rain-pool dwellers. J.Anim. Ecol., 52:545–61

0584 McLachlan, A.J., 1983a Habitat distribution and body size in rain-pool dwellers. Zool.J.Linn.Soc., 79:399–407

0585 McLachlan, A.J. and M.A. Cantrell, 1980 Survival strategies in tropical rain pools. Oecologia, 47:344–51

0586 McLachlan, A.J. and S.M. McLachlan, 1969 The bottom fauna and sediments in a drying phase of a saline African lake (L. Chilwa, Malawi). Hydrobiologia, 34(3–4):401–13

0587 McLachlan, A.J, 1976 Development of the mud habitat during the filling of two new lakes. Freshwat.Biol., 6:59–67

0588 McLachlan, A.J., et al., 1972 Aspects of the recovery of a saline African lake following a dry period. Arch.Hydrobiol., 70(3):325–40

0589 Meecham, K., 1976 Aquaculture in Malawi. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech CPCA, (4) Suppl. 1:66–72

0590 Mendelssohn, S., 1957 South African bibliography. London, Holland Press, Vol.1:1008 p., Vol.2:1139 p.

0591 Meyer, M.K. and W. Foerster, 1984 Un nouveau Pseudotropheus du lac Malawi avec des remarques sur le complexe Pseudotropheus - Melanochromis (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae). Rev.Fr.Aquariol., 10(4):107–12

0592 Meyer, M.K. and M. Schartl, 1984 Pseudotropheus (Maylandia) hajomaylandi n.sp., a new taxon from Lake Malawi. Rev.Fr.Aquariol., 11(2):51–6

0593 Meynell, P.J., 1978 Reducing blowfly spoilage of sundrying fish in Malawi using pyrethrum. Proc.IPFC, 18(3):347–53

0594 Meynell, P.J., 1979 Effects of pre-freezing handling procedures on the quality of chisawasawa (Lethrinops and Haplochromis spp.) from Lake Malawi. Trop.Sci., 21(2):85–96

0595 Mitchell, B.L., 1946 A naturalist in Nyasaland. Nyasal.Agric.Q.J., 6:1–47

0596 Mitchell, B.L., 1950 Some reptiles and amphibians of Nyasaland. Nyasal.J., 3(2):46–57

0597 Mkoko, B.J., 1978 Problems in the assessment of fish stocks. Thesis for Diploma in Fisheries Management (Tropical and Temperate). Grimsby, U.K., Grimsby College of Technology, 40 p.

0598 Mkoko, B.J. and K.B. Meecham, 1971 Lake Malawi. In Evaluation of fisheries resources in African fresh waters, edited by H.A. Regier. Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 1(1):77

0599 Mohr, P.A., 1969 Relationships between recent Middle East and African earthquakes. Nature.Lond., 223(5208):816–8

0600 Moir, F.L.M., 1923 After Livingstone. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 200 p.

0601 Monteiro, M.I., 1960 Contribuição para o estudo das Diatomáceas do Lago Niassa (Moçambique). Contribution to the study of the Diatomaceae of the Lake Nyasa (Mozambique). Estud. Ensaios Doc., Lisb., (72):96 p.

0602 Monteiro, M.I., 1963 Segunda contribuição para o estudo das Diatomáceas do Lago Niassa (Moçambique). Second contribution to the study of the Diatomaceae of the Lake Nyasa (Mozambique). Estud.Ensaios Doc.,Lisb., (106):108 p.

0603 Moore, J.E.S., 1898 The marine fauna in Lake Tanganyika and the advisability of further exploration in the Great African Lakes. Nature.Lond., 58:404–8

0604 Moore, J.E.S., 1903 The Tanganyika problem. London, Hurst and Blackett, 371 p.

0605 Morgan, A., 1968 A physico-chemical study of Lake Chilwa. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Malawi, 189 p.

0606 Morgan, A. and M. Kalk, 1970 Seasonal changes in the waters of Lake Chilwa (Malawi) in a drying phase 1966–1968. Hydrobiologia, 36(1):81–103

0607 Morgan, P.R., 1971 The Lake Chilwa Tilapia and its fishery. Afr.J. Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 1(1):51–8

0608 Morgan, P.R., 1971a The culture of Tilapia shirana chilwae in fish ponds. Soc.Malawi J., 24(2):74–9

0609 Morgan, P.R., 1972 Causes of mortality in the endemic Tilapia of Lake Chilwa (Malawi). Hydrobiologia, 40(1):101–19

0610 Morgan, P.R., 1972a The effect of natural alkaline waters upon the ova and miracidia of Schistosoma haematobium. Cent.Afr.J. Med., 18:182–6

0611 Morgan, P.R., 1973 The transport of Tilapia in polythene bags. Rev. Biol., Lisb., 9(1–4):97–100

0612 Moseley, M.E., 1948 Trichoptera collected by Miss R.H. Lowe at Lake Nyasa. Ann.Mag.Mat.Hist., 1(12):31–47

0613 Moss, B., 1969 Limitation of algal growth in some Central African waters. Limnol.Oceanogr., 14(4):591–601

0614 Moss, B., 1970 The algal biology of a tropical montane reservoir (Mlungusi Dam, Malawi). Br.Phycol.J., 5:19–28

0615 Moss, B., 1979 Algae in Lake Chilwa and the waters of its catchment area. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:93–103

0616 Moss, B., 1979a The Lake Chilwa ecosystem - a limnological overview. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:399–415

0617 Moss, B., 1980 Ecology of fresh waters. London, Blackwell, 332 p.

0618 Moss B. and J. Moss, 1969 Aspects of the limnology of an endorheic African lake (L. Chilwa, Malawi). Ecology, 50(1):109–18

0619 Moss B., 1969a Aspects of the limnology of an endorheic African lake (Lake Chilwa, Malawi). In Report of the Regional Meeting of Hydrobiologists in Tropical Africa, Kampala, 20–28 May, 1969. Nairobi, UNESCO, pp. 139–41

0620 Msiska, O.V., 1981 A study of the use of poultry manure in fish production in experimental ponds. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Malawi

0621 Msiska, O.V., 1981a Quality and nutrient release of poultry manure immersed in water. J.Limnol.Soc.South.Afr., 7(2):59–62

0622 Msiska, O.V., 1981b Aspects of fish culture development in Malawi and its potential economic impact on a rural economy. In Seminar on river basin management and development, edited by J.M. Kapetsky. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech. CPCA, (8):292–302

0623 Msiska, O.V., 1983 Yields of Sarotherodon mossambicus using inorganic fertilizers and rice bran in southern Malawi. Aquaculture, 32:201–5

0624 Msiska, O.V., 1983a Nutrient limitation in waters from selected fish ponds. Luso:J.Sci.Technol.Malawi, 4(1):21–9

0625 Msiska, O.V. and M.A. Cantrell, 1985 Influence of poultry manure on growth of Oreochromis shiranus chilwae. Aquaculture, 44:67–73

0626 Muller, G. and U. Forstner, 1973 Recent iron ore formation in Lake Malawi, Africa. Miner.Deposita.Berl., 8:278–90

0627 Muller, G., 1976 Primary nontronite from the Venezuelan Guayana: additional primary occurrences (Red Sea, Lake Malawi). Am.Miner., 61:500–1

0628 Müller, O., 1903 Berichte über die botanischen ergebnisse der Nyassa-See und Kinga-Gebirgs-Expedition der Hermann-und Elise-geb. Heckmann-Wentzel-Stiftung. Bacillariaceen aus dem Nyassalande und einigen benachbarten Gebieten, Erste Folge. Surirelloideae - Surirelleae. Engler's Bot.Jahrb., 34:9–38

0629 Müller, O., 1904 Bacillariaceen aus dem Nyassalande und einigen benachbarten Gebieten, Zweite Folge. Discoideae - Coscinodisceae. Discoideae - Eupodisceae. Engler's Bot.Jahrb., 34:255–301

0630 Müller, O., 1905 Bacillariaceen aus dem Nyassalande und einigen benachbarten Gebieten, Dritte Folge. Naviculoideae - Naviculeae - Gomphoneminae - Gomphocymbellinae - Cymbellinae. Nitzschioideae - Nitzschieae. Pflanzengeographische Ubersichten. Engler's Bot. Jahrb., 36:137–205

0631 Müller, O., 1910 Bacillariaceen aus dem Nyassalande und einigen benachbarten Gebieten, Vierte Folge. Engler's Bot.Jahrb., 45:69–122

0632 Muntz, W.R.A., 1976 Visual pigments of cichlid fishes from Malawi. Vision Res., 16(9):897–903

0633 Murray, S.S., 1932 A handbook of Nyasaland. Zomba, Government Printer

0634 Mwanza, N.P., 1967 The Lake Chilwa co-ordinated research project. Malawi Sci.Teacher, 3(1):71–3

0635 Mwanza, N.P., 1967a The Lake Chilwa co-ordinated research project. Paper presented at the Second International Congress of Africanists, Dakar (mimeo)

0636 Mwanza, N.P., 1969 The Lake Chilwa co-ordinated research project. Report to the third General Assembly of the IBP, Varna

0637 Mwanza, N.P., 1969a Preliminary studies of the role of bacteria in the food cycle in Lake Chilwa. In Problems of natural resources in Malawi. IBP Conference, University of Malawi, pp.24–6

0638 Mwanza, N.P., 1972 Some characteristics of a shallow endorheic lake in its drying phase and its recovery phase. Lake Chilwa (Malawi). In Productivity problems of freshwaters, edited by Z. Kajak and A. Hillbricht-Ilkowska. Warsaw, PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, pp. 897–900

0639 Myers, G.S., 1960 Fish evolution in Lake Nyasa. Evolution, 14(3):394–6

0640 Mzumara, A.J.P., 1967 The Lake Chilwa fisheries. Soc.Malawi J., 20(1):58–68

0641 Mzumara, A.J.P., 1979 The Fisheries Department of Malawi: organisation, policy and management. Univ.Malawi J.Soc.Sci., 7:108–14

0642 Naylor, A.H., 1958 Lake Nyasa and the Shire River. Proc.Inst.Civ.Eng., 10:227

0643 Neergaard, S., 1974 Nyasa-Cichlider. Kopenhagen, J.Fr.Clausens Forlag

0644 Neergaard, S., 1975 Ciklider fran Malawisjön - Mbunagruppen.

0645 Neergaard, S., 1978 Mbuna-Cichliden. Stüttgart, Kernen-Verlag, 128 p.

0646 Nelissen, M., 1984 Social organisation in Melanochromis auratus (Cichlidae): the dominance hierarchy. Newsl.IAFE, 7(1):3–4

0647 Newton, R.B., 1910 Nonmarine Mollusca etc. from Nyasaland. Q.J.Geol. Soc.Lond., 1910:239–48

0648 Ng'ombe, E., 1979 Factors to be considered in the establishment and development of a fish landing site. Thesis for Diploma in Fisheries Management (Tropical and Temperate). Grimsby, U.K., Grimsby College of Technology

0649 Ngwira, T.N., 1983 Protein qualities of Malawi fish under differing processing conditions. In Proceedings of conferences from 1981 to 1983, Association for the Advancement of Science of Malawi, 1982:11 (Abstr.)

0650 Nichols, J.T. and F.R. La Monte, 1931 New cichlid fishes from Lake Nyasa. Am.Mus.Novit., 451:1–4

0651 Nielsen, S., 1959 Commercial fishing on Lake Nyasa. In Proceedings of the first fisheries day in Southern Rhodesia, Salisbury, August, 1957. Salisbury, Government Printer, pp. 25–8

0652 Nongwa, G., 1978 Some aspects regarding fisheries management and regulation. Thesis for Diploma in Fisheries Management (Tropical and Temperate). Grimsby, U.K., Grimsby College of Technology

0653 Nordlund, C.D., 1975 Malawi boatbuilding programme. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/71/516/7:14 p. (mimeo)

0654 Norman, J.R., 1925 Two new cyprinoid fishes of the genus Barbus from Nyasaland and Siam. Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist., 9(15):315–6

0655 Oliver, M.K., 1975 Labidochromis textilis, a new cichlid fish (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. Proc.Biol. Soc.Wash., 88(29):319–30

0656 Oliver, M.K. and P.V. Loiselle, 1972 A new genus and species of cichlid of the mbuna group (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 85(3–4):309–20

0657 Oliver, M.K. and K.R. McKaye, 1982 Floating islands: a vehicle for dispersal of fishes in Lake Malawi, Africa. Copeia, 1982(4):748–54

0658 Omer-Cooper, J., 1957 Dytiscidae from Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia. 1. General Introduction. 2. Noterinae. J.Entomol. Soc.South.Afr., 20(2):353–72

0659 Omer-Cooper, J., 1958 Dytiscidae from Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia. 3. Laccophilinae. J.Entomol.Soc.South.Afr., 21(1):36–55

0660 Omer-Cooper, J., 1958a Dytiscidae from Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia. 4. Vatellinae, Methlinae and Hydroporinae, Hyphydrini. J.Entomol.Soc.South.Afr., 21(2):249–60

0661 Omer-Cooper, J., 1959 Dytiscidae from Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia. 5. Hydroporinae, Bidessini. J.Entomol.Soc.South. Afr., 22(1):108–37

0662 Omer-Cooper, J., 1963 Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) from Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia. 6. Hydroporinae, Hydrovatini. J.Entomol. Soc.South.Afr., 26(1):161–86

0663 Omer-Cooper, J., 1964 Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) of Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia. 7. Hydroporinae, Hydroporini. J.Entomol. Soc.South.Afr., 26(2):366–78

0664 Omer-Cooper, J., 1964a Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) of Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia. 8. Colymbetinae: Agabini, Copelatini and Colymbetini. J.Entomol.Soc.South.Afr., 27(1):117–33

0665 Omer-Cooper, J., 1965 Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) of Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia. 9. Dytiscinae: Eretinae, Hydaticini, Thermonectini. J.Entomol.Soc.South.Afr., 28(1):92–106

0666 Omer-Cooper, J., 1967 Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) of Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia. 10. Cybisterini and addenda. J.Entomol. Soc.South.Afr., 29:48–63

0667 Omer-Cooper, J., 1969 Notes on some little known species of Africophilus Guign. (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) with the description of three new species. J.Entomol.Soc.South.Afr., 32(2):461–7

0668 Omer-Cooper, J., 1971 Taxonomic studies on some African Hyphydrus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). J.Entomol.Soc.South.Afr., 34(2):277–88

0669 Omer-Cooper, J., 1974 The species of Bidessus Sharp (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of Africa south of the Sahara, including Madagascar. J.Entomol.Soc.South.Afr., 37(2):305–14

0670 Omer-Cooper, J., 1979 The species of Bidessus Sharp (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of Africa south of the Sahara, including Madagascar. J.Entomol.Soc.South.Afr., 42(2):197–216

0671 O'Neill, H.E., 1884 Journey from Mocambique to Lakes Shirwa and Amaramba. Proc.R.Geogr.Soc., 6(11):632–47; 6(12):713–25

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0673 Pachai, B., 1979 The influence of history on Lake Chilwa and its people. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:295–308

0674 Paulo, J., 1976 Malawi-Buntbarsche. Stuttgart, A. Kernen-Verlag, Kleine DATZ-Bücherei (26)

0675 Pellegrin, J., 1904 Contribution a l'étude anatomique, biologique et taxonomique des poissons de la famille des Cichlidés. Mém.Soc.Zool.Fr., 16:41–402

0676 Peters, H.M., 1975 Hermaphroditism in cichild fishes. In Intersexuality in the animal kingdom, edited by P. Reinboth. New York, Springer-Verlag, pp.228–9

0677 Petr, T. and J.M. Kapetsky, 1983 Pelagic fish and fisheries of tropical and subtropical natural lakes and reservoirs. ICLARM Newsl., 6(3):9–11

0678 Pfeffer, G.J., 1896 Fische. In Deutsch Ost-Afrika. K. Mobius. Volume III. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen).

0679 Philippart, J.-Cl. and J.-Cl. Ruwet, 1982 Ecology and distribution of tilapias. In The biology and culture of tilapias, edited by R.S.V. Pullin and R.H. Lowe-McConnell. ICLARM Conf.Proc., (7):15–59

0680 Pike, J.G., 1957 The movement of water in Lake Nyasa. Nyasal.J., 10(2):58–64

0681 Pike, J.G., 1957a Northern Nyasaland: a regional geographic study with special reference to hydrography and hydrology. Blantyre

0682 Pike, J.G., 1959 A brief note on the Upper Pleistocene raised beach of the north Karonga lake shore. Nyasal.J., 11(1):57–9

0683 Pike, J.G., 1960 The pre-historical climate of Nyasaland. Nyasal.J., 13(2):80–4

0684 Pike, J.G., 1962 Evaporation and evapotranspiration in Nyasaland. Prof.Pap.Water Dev.Dep., (2)

0685 Pike, J.G., 1964 The hydrology of Lake Nyasa. J.Inst.Water Eng., 18(7):542–64

0686 Pike, J.G., 1964a The estimation of annual run-off from meteorological data in a tropical climate. J.Hydrol., 12:187

0687 Pike, J.G., 1964b The estimation of flood frequency in Malawi. Prof. Pap.Hydraul.Dep.Malawi, (3):20 p.

0688 Pike, J.G., 1968 The sunspot/lake level relationship and the control of Lake Malawi. Soc.Malawi J., 21(2):48–59

0689 Pike, J.G., 1968a The hydrology of Lake Malawi. Soc.Malawi J., 21(2):20–47

0690 Pike, J.G., 1968b Malawi. A political and economic history. London, Pall Mall Press, 248 p.

0691 Pike, J.G. and G.T. Rimmington, 1965 Malawi, a geographical study. London, Oxford University Press, 229 p.

0692 Pinhey, E.C.G., 1966 Check-list of dragonflies (Odonata) from Malawi, with description of a new Teinobasis Kirby. Arnoldia.Rhod., 2(33):1–24

0693 Pinhey, E.C.G., 1967 African Chlorocyphidae (Odonata). J.Entomol.Soc. South.Afr., 29:161–97

0694 Pinhey, E.C.G., 1970 Monographic study of the genus Trithemis Brauer (Odonata: Libellulidae). Mem.Entomol.Soc.South.Afr., (11):159 p.

0695 Pinhey, E.C.G., 1979 Additions and corrections to the 1966 check-list of dragonflies (Odonata) from Malawi. Arnoldia.Rhod., 8(38):1–14

0696 Pinhey, E.C.G., 1982 Platycypha caligata (Selys) and a new lacustrine morph (Odonata: Chlorocyphidae). Adv.Odonatol., 1:213–25

0697 Poll, M., 1957 Les genres des poissons d'eau douce de l'Afrique. Bruxelles, La Direction de l'Agriculture, des Forets et de l'Elevage, 191 p.

0698 Popham, E.J., 1980 Inexpensive means of controlling insect infestation of dried fish from Lake Chilwa, Malawi. Luso:J.Sci. Technol.Malawi, 1(2):55–61

0699 Poulter, R.G. and J.G. Disney, 1977 Development of novel products from tropical fish species. In Proceedings of the Second Annual Tropical and Subtropical Technological Conference of the Americas. College Station, Texas, Center for Marine Resources, Texas A & M University, TAMU-89-78-101, pp.43–51

0700 Poulter, R.G., 1978 Preparation of protein concentrates from waste fish. Proc.IPFC, 18(3):559–71

0701 Poynton, J.C., 1962 Zoogeography of eastern Africa: an outline based on Anuran distribution. Nature,Lond., 194(4835):1217–9

0702 Poynton, J.C., 1965 Amphibia of Nyasa-Luangwa region of Africa. Senckenb. Biol., 45(3–5):193–225

0703 Preston, H.B., 1910 Further additions to the molluscan fauna of Central Africa. Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist., 6:58–64

0704 Price, C.E., and R.G. Kirk, 1967 First description of a monogenetic trematode from Malawi. Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 76(1–2):137–44

0705 Price, T., 1966 Shire, Shirwa and Nyasa. Soc.Malawi J., 19(1):15–9

0706 Pruginin, Y., 1971 The development of fish farming in Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:SF/MLW7, Working Paper No. 1:17 p. (mimeo)

0707 Pruginin, Y., 1975 Fish farming in Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/71/516/5:4 p. (mimeo)

0708 Pruginin, Y., 1976 Fish farming in Malawi, (2). Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/71/516/8:12 p. (mimeo)

0709 Pruginin, Y. and A. Arad, 1977 Fish farming in Malawi, (3). Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/71/516/10:22 p. (mimeo)

0710 Rankin, D.J., 1893 The Zambesi basin and Nyassaland. London, Blackwood, 277 p.

0711 Ransford, O., 1966 Livingstone's lake. London, John Murray, 313 p.

0712 Ratcliffe, C., 1971 Experimental small craft pair trawling, Lake Chilwa 1970–71, Malawi. Malawi Fish.Bull., (1):31 p.

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0713 Ratcliffe, C., 1972 The fishery of the Lower Shire River area, Malawi, 1972. Malawi Fish.Bull., (3):79 p.

0714 Ratcliffe, C., 1972a Trawling - Central African style. Fish.News Int., 9:22–7

0715 Ratcliffe, C., 1974 Commercial small craft pair fishing trials, Lake Chilwa, Malawi 1971. Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 3(1):61–78

0716 Regan, C.T., 1921 The cichlid fishes of Lake Nyasa. Proc.Zool.Soc. Lond., 1921:675–727

0717 Reid, G.M., 1978 A systematic study of labeine cyprinid fishes, with particular reference to the comparative morphology and morphometrics of African Labeo species. Ph.D. Thesis, Queen Elizabeth College, University of London

0717a Reid, G.M., 1985 A revision of African species of Labeo (Pisces: Cyprinidae) and a re-definition of the genus. Theses Zool., 6:322 p.

0718 Rensburg, C.A.J. van, 1974 A checklist of the Ethiopian water mites with notes on their distribution. Wet.Bydraes van die P.U. C.H.U. Reeks:Natuurwet., Nr. (68):51 p.

0719 Renson, H.L.F., 1969 Fish marketing. Malawi, Ministry of Agriculture, 37 p.

0720 Rhoades, E.L., 1902 Lieutenant Rhoades' survey of Lake Nyasa. Geogr.J., 20:68–70

0721 Rhodesia, n.d. Federal Department of Trigonometrical and Topographical Surveys, Lake Nyasa pilot or sailing directions. Salisbury, Government Printer, 122 p.

0722 Ribbink, A.J., 1977 Cuckoo among Lake Malawi cichlid fish. Nature. Lond., 267(5608):243–4

0723 Ribbink, A.J., 1978 Ichthyologists in Malawi. Rhodes Rev., 1978:20–1

0724 Ribbink, A.J., 1979 Reproductive behaviour. In McGraw-Hill Year Book of Science and Technology. New York, McGraw-Hill, pp.328–30

0725 Ribbink, A.J., 1980 The dilemma of the great lakes of Africa. Paper presented at Habcon Conference, South Africa, University of Cape Town

0726 Ribbink, A.J., 1984 Is the species flock concept tenable? In Evolution of fish species flocks, edited by A.A. Echelle and I. Kornfield. Orono, University of Maine at Orono Press, pp. 21–5

0727 Ribbink, A.J., 1984a The feeding behaviour of a cleaner and scale, skin and fin eater from Lake Malawi (Docimodus evelynae; Pisces, Cichlidae). Neth.J.Zool., 34(2):182–96

0728 Ribbink, A.J. and B.J. Hill, 1979 Depth equilibration by two predatory cichlid fish from Lake Malawi. J.Fish Biol., 14(6):507–10

0729 Ribbink, A.J. and D.S.C. Lewis, 1982 Melanochromis crabro sp. nov.: a cichlid fish from Lake Malawi which feeds on ectoparasites and catfish eggs. Neth.J.Zool., 32(1):72–87

0730 Ribbink, A.J., A.C. Marsh and B.A. Marsh, 1981 Nest-building and communal care of young by Tilapia rendalli Dumeril (Pisces, Cichlidae) in Lake Malawi. Environ.Biol. Fish., 6(2):219–22

0731 Ribbink, A.J. and A.C. Ribbink, 1983 Malawi fishes feature on a new issue of stamps. Rhodes Rev., 1983:21–4

0732 Ribbink, A.J., et al., 1979 Communication among Lake Malawi cichlids. Paper presented at Zoological Society of Southern Africa conference (mimeo)

0733 Ribbink, A.J., 1979a Conservation and exploitation of the fish of Lake Malawi. Paper presented at SARCCUS Conference.

0734 Ribbink, A.J., 1980 Parental behaviour and mixed broods among cichlid fish of Lake Malawi. S.Afr.J.Zool., 15:1–6

0735 Ribbink, A.J., 1983 A preliminary survey of the cichlid fishes of rocky habitats in Lake Malawi. S.Afr.J.Zool., 18(3):149–310

0736 Ribbink, A.J., 1983a The zoogeography, ecology and taxonomy of the genus Labeotropheus Ahl, 1927, of Lake Malawi (Pisces, Cichlidae). Zool.J.Linn.Soc., 79:223–43

0737 Ricardo Bertram, C.K., H.J.H. Borley and E. Trewavas, 1942 Report on the fish and fisheries of Lake Nyasa. London, Crown Agents, 181 p.

0738 Richards, E.V., 1954 The Shire Valley Project. Nyasal.J., 7(1):7–18

0739 Roberts, T.R., 1975 Geographical distribution of African freshwater fishes. Zool.J.Linn.Soc., 57(4):249–319

0740 Rogers, J., 1976 Fish processing in Malawi - fresh fish distribution, utilization of snails, insect infestation. Rome, FAO, FI/MLW/71/516/9:18 p. (mimeo)

0741 Rosendahl, B.R., 1984 Exploring the rift lakes of Africa. Topic, 148: 9–13

0742 Rosendahl, B.R. and D.A. Livingstone, 1983 Rift valley lakes of East Africa, new seismic data and implications for future research. Episodes, 1983(1):14–9

0743 Rufli, H., 1980 Report prepared for the Fisheries Expansion Project. Rome, FAO, FI:MLW/75/019:2 p. (mimeo)

0744 Rufli, H., 1982 Seasonal abundance and depth distribution of pelagic fish off Nkhata Bay. In Biological studies on the pelagic ecosystem of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Technical Report 1:117–37

0745 Rufli, H. and J. Van Lissa, 1982 Age and growth of Engraulicypris sardella in Lake Malawi. In Biological studies on the pelagic ecosystem of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Technical Report 1:85–97

0746 Rufli, H., and J.A. Vitullo, 1982 Preliminary estimate of the abundance of pelagic fish stocks in Lake Malawi. In Biological studies on the pelagic ecosystem of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Technical Report 1:138–53

0747 Rusche, B., 1980 Individual adaptation in territorial conflicts. Newsl.IAFE 3(4–5):56–7 (Abstr.)

0748 Ruxton, T.D., 1966 The Walker's Ferry scheme. Soc.Malawi J., 19(1):32–48

0749 Salama, R.D. and D.R. Jones, 1982 Fish exports from Malawi - a supply study. Malawi, Export Promotion Council, 21 p.

0750 Samson, A.D., 1950 The fisheries of Nyasaland. In Comptes rendus de la Conference piscicole anglo-belge. Elizabethville, Congo Belge, 13–18 Juin 1949. Bruxelles, Directions de l'Agriculture du Ministère des Colonies et du Government Général du Congo Belge, pp.139–42

0751 Sars, G.O., 1910 Zoological results of the third Tanganyika expedition, conducted by Dr. W.A. Cunnington. 1904–1905. Report on the Copepoda. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 1910:31–76

0752 Sars, G.O., 1910a Zoological results of the third Tanganyika expedition, 1904–1905. Report on the Ostracoda. Proc.Zool.Soc. Lond., 1910:732

0753 Schafer, T.C., 1979 Hot springs of Malawi. Malawi J.Sci. 3:109–10 (Abstr.)

0754 Schmidle, W., 1899 Über planktonalgen und flagellaten aus den Nyassasee. Engler's Bot.Jahrb., 27:229–37

0755 Schmidle, W., 1902 Berichte über die botanischen ergebnisse der Nyassa-See und Kinga-Gerbirgs-Expedition der Hermann-und Elise-geb. Heckmann-Wentzel-Stiftung. 5. Algen, insbesondere solche des plankton, aus dem Nyassa-See und seiner umgebung, gesammelt von Dr. Fülleborn. Engler's Bot.Jahrb., 32:56–88

0756 Schmidle, W., 1902a Berichte über die botanischen ergebnisse der Nyassa-See und Kinga-Gerbirgs-Expedition der Hermann-und Elise-geb. Heckmann-Wentzel-Stiftung. 6. Das Chloro- und Cyanophyceenplankton des Nyassa und einiger anderer innerafrikanischer Seen. Engler's Bot.Jahrb., 33:1–33

0757 Schminke, H.K., 1980 Agnathobathynella ecclesi gen.n., sp.n. aus Malawi und die formenvielfalt der familie Bathynellidae (Crustacea, Bathynellacea). Bijdr.Dierkd., 50(1):145–54

0758 Schroder, J.F., 1979 Geomorphological mapping of Liwonde National Park, Malawi. Malawi J.Sci., 3:32–5

0759 Schröder, J.H., 1980 Morphological and behavioural differences between the BB/OB and B/W colour morphs of Pseudotropheus zebra Boulenger (Pisces: Cichlidae). Z.Zool.Syst. Evolut.-Forsch., 18(1): 69–76

0760 Schroedter, W., 1981 Fish marketing in northern Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Field Document 22:27 p. (mimeo)

0761 Schulten, G.G.M., 1974 The food of some duck species occurring at Lake Chilwa, Malawi. Ostrich, 45:224–6

0762 Schulten, G.G.M. and G. Harrison, 1975 An annotated list of birds recorded at Lake Chilwa (Malawi, Central Africa). Soc.Malawi J., 28(2): 6–30

0763 Seed, C., 1949 Trout in Nyasaland. Nyasal.J., 2(2):23–9

0764 Shackleton, N.J., 1980 Deep drilling in African lakes. Nature.Lond., 288(5788): 211–2

0765 Sharp, B.J., 1981 An ecological study of territoriality in four cichlid species resident on rocky shores near Monkey Bay, Lake Malawi. M.Sc. Thesis, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 188 p.

0766 Shaw, P. and R. Crossley, 1983 N. Lancaster: Formation of the Holocene Lake Chilwa sand bar, a discussion; with a reply by N. Lancaster. Catena, 10:281–3

0767 Shaw, P., R. Crossley and S. Davison-Hirschmann, 1983 A major fluctuation in the level of Lake Chilwa, Malawi, during the Iron Age. Palaeoecol.Afr.Surrounding Isl., 16:391–5

0768 Shepherd, C.J., 1976 et al., In Investigations into fish productivity in a shallow freshwater lagoon in Malawi 1975/76, edited by C.J. Shepherd. London, ODM, 90 p.

0769 Skelton, P.H., 1984 A systematic revision of species of the catfish genus Amphilius (Siluroidei, Amphiliidae) from east and southern Africa. Ann.Cape Prov.Mus.(Nat.Hist.), 16(3): 41–71

0770 Skelton, P.H., R.A. Jubb and M.N. Bruton, 1980 Additions to the checklist and recent changes to the scientific names of southern African freshwater fishes. J.Limnol.Soc. South.Afr., 6(2): 109–12

0771 Smith, E.A., 1877 On the shells of Lake Nyasa, and on a few marine species from Mozambique. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 1877:712–22

0772 Smith, E.A., 1881 Remarks on the shells from Lakes Tanganyika and Nyassa and other localities between the latter and Dar-es-Salaam. In To the Central African lakes and back, by J. Thomson. London, Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, pp. 295–8

0773 Smith, E.A., 1881a On a collection of shells from Lakes Tanganyika and Nyasa and other localities in East Africa. Proc. Zool.Soc.Lond., 1881:276–300

0774 Smith, E.A., 1893 On a collection of land and freshwater shells transmitted by Mr. H.H. Johnston C.B. from British Central Africa. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 1893:632–41

0775 Smith, E.A., 1907 Descriptions of new species of freshwater snails from Central Africa. Proc.Malacol.Soc.Lond., 1907:12–5

0776 Ssentongo, G.W., J.R. Durand and B. Harbott, 1981 The rational exploitation of African aquatic ecosystems. In The ecology and utilization of African inland waters, edited by J.J. Symoens, M. Burgis and J.J. Gaudet. UNEP Rep.Proc.Ser., (1):167–75

0777 Staeck, W., 1974 Cichliden-verbreitung, verhalten, arten. Band 1. Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Engelbert Pfriem Verlag, 317 p.

0778 Staeck, W., 1976 Ergebnisse einer ichthyologischen sammelreise zum nordende des Nyassasees (2). Aquarium, 89:486–92

0779 Staeck, W., 1977 Cichliden-verbreitung, verhalten, arten. Band 2. Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Englebert Pfriem Verlag, 296 p.

0780 Staeck, W., 1979 Pseudotropheus heteropictus n.sp. aus dem Malawi-See (Pisces: Cichlidae). Senckenb.Biol., 60(3–4): 159–62

0781 Staeck, W., 1983 Cichliden, entdeckungen und neuimporte. Band 3. Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Engelbert Pfriem Verlag, 351 p.

0782 Staeck, W. and H. Linke, 1981 Afrikanische cichliden, 2. Buntbarsche aus Ostafrika. W. Germany, Tetra, 150 p.

0783 Starmans, G.A.N., 1956 A preliminary note on the fluvial morphology of the rivers of Nyasaland. Nyasal.J., 9(1): 7–10

0784 Starmans, G.A.N., 1957 Note on the surface water resources of the protectorate. Nyasal.J., 10(1):24–44

0784a Stauffer, J.R. and K.R. McKaye, 1985 Cyrtocara macrocleithrum, a deep-water cichlid (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi, Africa. Copeia, 1985(3): 591–6

0785 Stead, D.E., 1979 Liwonde National Park: Part 3. The birds. Nyala, 5(1): 12–27

0786 Stegman, J.J., 1951 Nyasaland droughts. Nyasal.J., 4(1): 61–9

0787 Stevens, R.A., 1971 A new tree-frog from Malawi (Hyperoliinae, Amphibia). Zool.Afr., 6(2): 313–20

0788 Stevens, R.A., 1974 An annotated check list of the amphibians and reptiles known to occur in south-eastern Malawi. Arnoldia. Rhod., 6(30): 1–22

0789 Stewart, D.T., 1977 Geographic variation of Barbus radiatus Peters, a widely distributed African cyprinid fish. Environ. Biol.Fish., 1(2): 113–25

0790 Stewart, M.M., 1967 Amphibians of Malawi. New York, State University of New York Press, 163 p.

0790a Stewart, M.M., 1974 Parallel pattern polymorphism in the genus Phrynobatrachus (Amphibia: Ranidae). Copeia, 1974(4):823–32

0791 Stewart, M.M. and V.J. Wilson, 1966 Herpetofauna of the Nyika Plateau (Malawi and Zambia). Ann.Natal Mus., 18:287–313

0792 Stiassny, M.L.J., 1980 The anatomy and phylogeny of two genera of African cichlid fishes. Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, 350 p.

0793 Stiassny, M.L.J., 1981 Phylogenetic versus convergent relationship between piscivorous cichlid fishes from Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika. Bull.Br.Mus.(Nat.Hist.) (Zool.), 40(3): 67–101

0794 Stiassny, M.L.J., 1981a The phyletic status of the family Cichlidae (Pisces, Perciformes): a comparative anatomical investigation. Neth.J.Zool., 31(2): 275–314

0795 Stock, A.D., 1976 The taxonomic status of Labidochromis joanjohnsonae Johnson, Labidochromis fryeri Oliver and Melanochromis exasperatus Burgess. Buntbarsche Bull., 55:14–9

0796 Stoneman, J., K.B. Meecham and A.J. Mathotho, 1973 Africa's Great Lakes and their fisheries potential. Biol.Conserv., 5(4):299–301

0797 SVADP (Shire Valley Agricultural Development Project), 1975 Fisheries. In An atlas of the Lower Shire Valley, Malawi. Blantyre, Shire Valley Agricultural Development Project, pp.30–1

0798 Sweeney, R.C.H., 1965 Notes on some birds seen in the Lake Chilwa region. Soc.Malawi J., 18(2): 55–8

0799 Sweeney, R.C.H., 1970 Animal life of Malawi, Volume 1. Invertebrates. Beograd, Yugoslavia, Institute for the Publication of textbooks of the Socialist Republic of Serbia, 235 p.

0800 Sweeney, R.C.H., 1970a Animal life of Malawi, Volume 2. Vertebrates. Beograd, Yugoslavia, Institute for the Publication of textbooks of the Socialist Republic of Serbia, 212 p.

0801 Symoens, J.J., M. Burgis and J.J. Gaudet (eds), 1981 The ecology and utilization of African inland waters. UNEP Rep.Proc. Ser., (1):191 p.

0802 Tait, C.C.H., 1975 Fishing technology. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/71/516/6: 21 p. (mimeo)

0803 Talbot, W.D.S., 1956 A few notes on hippopotamus hunting by the Phodzo people of Port Herald District, using harpoons. Nyasal.J., 9(2): 19–20

0804 Talbot, W.D.S., 1962 Some notes on the dhows of Fort Johnston District. Nyasal.J., 15(2): 24–9

0805 Talling, J.F., 1969 The incidence of vertical mixing, and some biological and chemical consequences, in tropical African lakes. Verh.Int.Ver.Theor.Angew.Limnol., 17:998–1012

0806 Talling, J.F. and I.B. Talling, 1965 The chemical composition of African lake waters. Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 50(3): 421–63

0807 Tarbit, J., 1970 Protein taxonomy of the Tilapia of Malawi. News Lett. Limnol.Soc.South.Afr., 19:12 (Abstr)

0808 Tarbit, J., 1972 Lake Malawi trawling survey - interim report 1969–1971. Malawi Fish.Bull., (2):16 p.

0809 Tarbit, J., 1974 Mechanised fishing on Lake Malawi. Fish.News Int., 13(5): 52–7

0810 Taubert, B.D., 1979 Ageing Lake Malawi fish using daily rings in otoliths. Rome, FAO, FI:MLW/75/019/2:13 p. (mimeo)

0811 Taverne, L., 1971 Note sur la systématique des poissons Mormyriformes. Le problème des genres Gnathonemus Gill, Marcusenius Gill, Hippopotamyrus Pappenheim, Cyphomyrus Myers et les nouveaux genres Pollimyrus et Brienomyrus. Rev. Zool.Bot.Afr., 84(1–2):99–110

0812 Taverne, L., 1971a Ostéologie des genres Marcusenius Gill, Hippopotamyrus Pappenheim, Cyphomyrus Myers, Pollimyrus Taverne et Brienomyrus Taverne (Pisces, Mormyriformes). Ann.Mus. R.Afr.Cent. (Sér.8o Sci.Zool.), 188:1–144

0813 Taverne, L., 1972 Ostéologie des genres Mormyrus Linné, Mormyrops Müller, Hyperopsius Gill, Myomyrus Boulenger, Stomatorhinus Boulenger et Gymnarchus Cuvier. Considérations générales sur la systematique des poissons de l'ordre des Mormyriformes. Ann.Mus.R. Afr.Cent.(Sér.8o Sci.Zool.), 200:1–194

0814 Terver, D., 1972 Données quantitatives sur la poute et l'incubation buccopharyngienne des genres Pseudotropheus et Labeotropheus (Poissons, Cichlidés). C.R.Hebd.Séances Acad.Sci.Paris (D), 274(15):2185–8

0815 Tetley, A.E., 1959 Rainfall characteristics in Nyasaland. Prof.Pap. Water Dev.Dep., (1):10 p.

0816 Teugels, G.G., 1982 Preliminary data of a systematic outline of the African species of the genus Clarias (Pisces, Clariidae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 96(4): 731–48

0817 Teugels, G.G., 1982a A systematic outline of the African species of the genus Clarias (Pisces; Clariidae), with an annotated bibliography. Ann.Mus.R.Afr.Cent. (Sér.8o Sci.Zool.), 236:1–249

0818 Teugels, G.G., 1983 La structure de la nageoire adipeuse dans les genres Dinotopterus, Heterobranchus et Clarias (Pisces; Siluriformes; Clariidae). Cybium, 7(1): 11–4

0819 Teugels, G.G., 1983a Notes on the status of Clarias ngamensis Castelnau 1861, C. mellandi Boulenger 1905, C. prentissgrayi (Fowler 1930) and C. lamottei Daget and Planquette 1967 (Pisces, Clariidae) with the rehabilitation of Dinotopteroides Fowler 1930 as a subgenus of Clarias. Cybium, 7(1):15–28

0820 Thomson, J., 1881 To the Central African lakes and back. London, Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, Vol.1, 320 p., Vol.2, 323 p. 3rd ed.

0821 Trewavas, E., 1931 A revision of the cichlid fishes of the genus Lethrinops Regan. Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist., 10(7): 133–52

0822 Trewavas, E., 1935 A synopsis of the cichlid fishes of Lake Nyasa. Ann. Mag.Nat.Hist., 10(16):65–118

0823 Trewavas, E., 1941 Nyasa fishes of the genus Tilapia and a new species from Portuguese East Africa. Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist., 11(7): 294–306

0824 Trewavas, E., 1946 The types of African cichlids described by Borodin in 1931 and 1936, and of two species described by Boulenger in 1901. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 116(2): 240–6

0825 Trewavas, E., 1947 Speciation in cichlid fishes of East African lakes. Nature.Lond., 160(4055):96–7

0826 Trewavas, E., 1947a An example of mimicry in fishes. Nature.Lond., 168:128

0827 Trewavas, E., 1949 The origin and evolution of the cichlid fishes of the Great African Lakes, with special reference to Lake Nyasa. Proc.Int.Congr.Zool., 13:365–8

0828 Trewavas, E., 1964 A revision of the genus Serranochromis Regan (Pisces, Cichlidae). Ann.Mus.R.Afr.Cent. (Sér.8o Sci.Zool.), 125:1–58

0829 Trewavas, E., 1966 Fishes of the genus Tilapia with four anal spines in Malawi, Rhodesia, Mozambique and southern Tanzania. Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 74(1–2):50–62

0830 Trewavas, E., 1966a A preliminary review of fishes of the genus Tilapia in the eastward flowing rivers of Africa, with proposals for two new specific names. Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 74(3–4):394–424

0831 Trewavas, E., 1976 Tilapiine fishes from crater-lakes north of Lake Malawi. Bull.Br.Mus. (Nat.Hist.) (Zool.), 30(5):149–56

0832 Trewavas, E., 1981 Nomenclature of the tilapias of southern Africa. J.Limnol.Soc.South.Afr., 7(1):42

0833 Trewavas, E., 1982 Tilapias: taxonomy and speciation. In The biology and culture of tilapias, edited by R.S.V. Pullin and R.H. Lowe-McConnell. ICLARM Conf.Proc., 7:3–13

0834 Trewavas, E., 1983 Tilapiine fishes of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Danakilia. Publ.Br.Mus. (Nat.Hist.), (878): 583 p.

0835 Trewavas, E., 1984 Nouvel examen des genres et sous-genres du complexe Pseudotropheus - Melanochromis du lac Malawi (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae). Rev.Fr.Aquariol., 10(1983) (4): 97–106

0836 Trewavas, E., 1984a Un nom et une description pour l'Aulonocara (Sulphur-head), poisson Cichlidé du Lac Malawi. Rev.Fr.Aquariol., 11(1): 7–10

0837 Tropical Development and Research Institute, 1983 Central Lake Fisheries Development Project, Malawi: summary report. Rep. Trop.Dev.Res.Inst., Lond., (R1154(C)): 195 p.

0838 Turner, J.L., 1975 Preliminary analysis of demersal trawl fishery of Lake Malawi. EIFAC Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CECPI, (23) vol.1:14–22

0839 Turner, J.L., 1977 Changes in the size structure of cichlid populations of Lake Malawi resulting from bottom trawling. J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 34(2):232–8

0840 Turner, J.L., 1977a Some effects of demersal trawling in Lake Malawi (Lake Nyasa) from 1968 to 1974. J.Fish Biol., 10:261–71

0841 Turner, J.L., 1978 Status of various multi-species fisheries of Lakes Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi based on catch and effort data. In Symposium on river and floodplain fisheries in Africa, edited by R.L. Welcomme. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (5):4–15

0842 Turner, J.L., 1981 Changes in multispecies fisheries when many species are caught at the same time. In Seminar on river basin management and development, edited by J.M. Kapetsky. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (8):201–11

0843 Turner, J.L., 1982 Analysis of the catch and effort data of a purse seine fishery for Engraulicypris sardella at the southern end of Lake Malawi. In Biological studies on the pelagic ecosystem of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Technical Report 1:109–14

0844 Turner, J.L., 1982a Analysis of purse seine and gillnet catch data off Nkhata Bay, Lake Malawi, from March 1980 to April 1981. In Biological studies on the pelagic ecosystem of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Technical Report 1:154–62

0845 Turner, J.L., 1982b Lake flies, water fleas and sardines. In Biological studies on the pelagic ecosytem of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Technical Report 1:165–73

0846 Turner, J.L., J.H. Magasa and P. Degnbol, 1982 Distribution and abundance of larval Engraulicypris sardella in Lake Malawi from 1979 to 1980. In Biological studies on the pelagic ecosystem of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Technical Report 1:68–82

0847 Tweddle, D., 1975 Age and growth of the catfish Bagrus meridionalis Gunther in southern Lake Malawi. J.Fish Biol., 7:677–85

0848 Tweddle, D., 1977 Angling in Malawi. Venture, 2(6):3–7. Rev. ed. issued also as Tight Lines, 22(7):4, 30–1 Anon. (1981)

0849 Tweddle, D., 1978 Traditional fishing in Malawi. Venture, 3(3):31–4

0850 Tweddle, D., 1980 The river fishes of Malawi, with a discussion on the relationships between the various river systems. Proceedings of the Limnological Society of Southern Africa Annual Congress, Grahamstown, July 1980 (Abstr.)

0851 Tweddle, D., 1981 The importance of long-term data collection on river fisheries, with particular reference to the cyprinid Opsaridium microlepis (Gunther, 1864) fisheries of the affluent rivers of Lake Malawi. In Seminar on river basin management and development, edited by J.M. Kapetsky. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (8):145–63

0852 Tweddle, D., 1981a A preliminary assessment of the bottom-trawling potential of northern Lake Malawi. Luso:J.Sci. Technol.Malawi, 2(2):3–13

0853 Tweddle, D., 1982 Tooth replacement in the tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus Castelnau. Luso:J.Sci.Technol.Malawi, 3(1):33–5

0854 Tweddle, D., 1982a The fishes of the Malawi Northern Region game reserves. Nyala, 7(2):99–108

0855 Tweddle, D., 1982b A comparison of gillnet mounting techniques and different mesh sizes in northern Lake Malawi. Luso: J.Sci.Technol.Malawi, 3(2):47–65

0856 Tweddle, D., 1982c Fish breeding migrations in the North Rukuru area of Lake Malawi, with a note on gillnet colour selectivity. Luso:J.Sci.Technol.Malawi, 3(2):67–74

0857 Tweddle, D., 1983 Breeding behaviour of the mpasa, Opsaridium microlepis (Gunther) (Pisces: Cyprinidae), in Lake Malawi. J.Limnol.Soc.South.Afr., 9(1):23–8

0858 Tweddle, D., 1983a The fish and fisheries of Lake Chiuta. Luso:J.Sci. Technol.Malawi, 4(2):55–83

0859 Tweddle, D., 1984 Malawi's answer to the salmon. Trout Salmon, 344:48–9

0860 Tweddle, D., 1985 The importance of the National Parks, Game Reserves and Forest Reserves of Malawi to fish conservation and fisheries management. Nyala, 11(1)

0861 Tweddle, D., 1985a The fishes of Kasungu National Park. Nyala, 11(2)

0862 Tweddle, D., R.E. Hastings and T. Jones, 1978 The development of a floodplain fishery: Elephant Marsh, Malawi. In Symposium on river and floodplain fisheries in Africa, edited by R.L. Welcomme. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech. CPCA, (5):341–56

0863 Tweddle, D. and D.S.C. Lewis, 1983 Convergent evolution between the Lake Malawi mpasa (Cyprinidae) and the Atlantic salmon (Salmonidae). Luso:J.Sci.Technol.Malawi, 4(1):11–20

0864 Tweddle, D., D.S.C. Lewis and N.G. Willoughby, 1979 The nature of the barrier separating the Lake Malawi and Zambezi fish faunas. Ichthyol.Bull.Rhodes Univ., 39:1–9

0865 Tweddle, D., and J.L. Turner, 1977 Age, growth and natural mortality rates of some cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi. J.Fish Biol., 10:385–98

0866 Tweddle, D. and N.G. Willoughby, 1976 Dry season fish populations in the Shire Valley game reserves. Nyala, 2(1):3–16

0867 Tweddle, D., 1977 Further notes on the fishes of Malawi's game reserves. Nyala, 3(2):4–13

0868 Tweddle, D., 1978 Electrofishing survey of the affluent streams of Lake Malawi in the Viphya-Chintheche area. Rome, FAO, FI:MLW/75/019/1:32 p. (mimeo)

0869 Tweddle, D., 1979 An annotated checklist of the fish fauna of the River Shire south of Kapachira Falls, Malawi. Ichthyol. Bull.Rhodes Univ., 39:11–22 Abbreviated version issued in Nyala, 5(2):74–91

0870 Tweddle, D., 1982 The distribution and identification of mormyrid fishes in Malawi, with notes on the synonymy of Marcusenius nyasensis and M. livingstonii (Mormyriformes: Mormyridae). Spec.Publ.J.L.B.Smith Inst.Ichthyol., (24): 11 p.

0871 Twombly, S., 1981 Patterns of zooplankton abundance in tropical Lake Malawi. Proc.Annu.Meet.Am.Soc.Limnol.Oceanogr., 44:72 (Abstr.)

0872 Twombly, S., 1982 Population dynamics of Mesocyclops leuckarti and Thermocyclops neglectus from tropical Lake Malawi. Proc.Annu.Meet.Am.Soc.Limnol.Oceanogr., 45:68 (Abstr.)

0873 Twombly, S., 1983 Patterns of abundance and population dynamics of zooplankton in tropical Lake Malawi. Ph.D. Thesis, Yale University.

0874 Twombly, S., 1983a Seasonal and short term fluctuations in zooplankton abundance in tropical Lake Malawi. Limnol.Oceanogr., 28(6):1214–24

0875 Van der Velden, J., 1979 A summary of rainfall, pan evaporation and temperature data at pan evaporation stations in Malawi. Malawi, water Resources Division (WRD-No.TP.3)

0876 Vandewalle, P., 1973 Caudal osteology of the Cichlidae. Biol.Bull.Fr. Belg., 107(4):275–89

0877 Van Lissa, J., 1982 Growth of larval Engraulicypris sardella as determined by daily growth increments on the asteriscus, lapillus and sagitta otoliths. In Biological studies on the pelagic ecosystem of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Technical Report 1:51–6

0878 Van Lissa, J., 1982a Food habits of Engraulicypris sardella from along the shoreline of Lake Malawi. In Biological studies on the pelagic ecosystem of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Technical Report 1:98–108

0879 Van Meel, L., 1954 Le phytoplancton. Result.Sci.Explor.Hydrobiol.Lac Tanganyika (1946–1947), 4(1):1–681

0880 Vincke, P., 1982 Catfishes of the genus Clarias - a general bibliography. FAO Fish.Circ., (739):38 p.

0881 Visagie, P., 1962 Guide to angling in the Rhodesias and Nyasaland. Salisbury, Levin, 50 p.

0882 Vodegel, N., 1978 A study of the underlying motivation of some communicative behaviours of Pseudotropheus zebra (Pisces, Cichlidae); a mathematical model (1). Proc.K.Ned.Akad.Wet. (Ser.C.), 81(2):211–25

0883 Vodegel, N., 1978a A causal analysis of the behaviour of Pseudotropheus zebra. Ph.D. Thesis, The Netherlands, University of Groningen

0884 Vodegel, N., 1980 Which factors are responsible for short-term behavioural changes? Newsl.IAFE, 3(6):65–6 (Abstr.)

0885 Voigt, E., 1973 Faunal remains from the Iron Age sites of Matope Court, Namichimba and Chikumba, southern Malawi. Publ.Dep.Antiq., Malawi, (13):135–67

0886 Von Daday, E., 1910 Untersuchungen über die süsswassermikrofauna Deutsch-Ostafrika. Zoologica,Stuttgart, 23(59):59–106

0887 Von Herzen, R.P. and V. Vacquier, 1967 Terrestrial heat flow in Lake Malawi, Africa. J.Geophys.Res., 72(16):4221–6

0888 Walczak, P.S., 1982 Feeding habits and daily food consumption rates of the major pelagic fish species of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:MLW/75/019 Field Document 25:19 p. (mimeo)

0889 Walker, D.J., 1981 Report of a secondment as fisheries technologist to the Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources, Malawi. August 1980 – September 1981. Rep.Trop.Prod.Inst.Lond., (R1095(A)):22 p.

0890 Walker, D.J. and L. Donegan, 1984 Spray application of insecticides to protect sundrying fish from blowfly infestation during the wet season in Malawi. Int.Pest Control, 26(5):132–7

0891 Walker, D.J. and P. Golob, 1985 Recent developments in the use of contact insecticides and fumigants to protect fish from infestation by blow-fly (Diptera) and beetle (Coleoptera) pests. FAO expert consultation on fish technology in Africa. Lusaka, Zambia, 21–25 January 1985. FII:FTA/85/46

0892 Walker, D.J. and C.D. Wood, 1985 Non-insecticidal methods for reducing losses due to infestation of cured fish with beetle pests (Coleoptera). FAO expert consultation on fish technology in Africa. Lusaka, Zambia, 21–25 January 1985. FII:FTA/85/43

0893 Walker, D.J., 1985a Non-insecticidal methods of reducing losses caused by infestation of blowflies (Diptera) during fish curing procedures. FAO expert consultation on fish technology in Africa. Lusaka, Zambia, 21–25 January 1985. FII:FTA/85/44

0894 Welcomme, R.L., 1971 Provisional list of inland fishery workers in Africa. FAO Fish.Circ., (130): 10 p.

0895 Welcomme, R.L., 1972 The inland waters of Africa. Les eaux intérieures d'Afrique. CIFA Teçh.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (1):117 p.

0896 Welcomme, R.L., 1974 Some general and theoretical considerations on the fish production of African rivers. Quelques considérations générales et théoretiques sur la production halieutique des cours d'eau africains. CIFA Occas.Pap./Doc.Occas.CPCA, (3):26 p.

0897 Welcomme, R.L., 1975 The fisheries ecology of African floodplains. CIFA Tech.Pap., (3):51 p. Issued also in French

0898 Welcomme, R.L., 1976 Some general and theoretical considerations on the fish yield of African rivers. J.Fish Biol., 8:351–64

0899 Welcomme, R.L., 1978 Some factors affecting the catch of tropical river fisheries. In Symposium on river and floodplain fisheries in Africa, edited by R.L. Welcomme. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (5):266–75

0900 Welcomme, R.L., 1979 Preliminary record of international transfers of fish species. FAO Fish.Circ., (715):37 p.

0901 Welcomme, R.L., 1979a Fisheries ecology of floodplain rivers. London, Longman, 317 p.

0902 Welcomme, R.L., 1981 (comp.), Register of international transfers of inland fish species. Registre des transferts internationaux d'espèces de poissons des eaux continentales. Registro de transferencias internacionales de especies de peces de aguas continentales. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap./FAO Doc.Tech. Peches/FAO, Doc.Téc.Pesca, (213):120 p.

0903 Werner, A., 1906 Fishing. Canoe making. In The natives of British Central Africa. London, Constable, pp.192–5

0904 West, G.S., 1907 Report on the freshwater algae, including phytoplankton, of the third Tanganyika expedition conducted by Dr. W.A. Cunnington, 1904–1905. J.Linn.Soc.Bot., 38:81–197

0905 Whitehead, P.J. and P.H. Greenwood, 1959 Mormyrid fishes of the genus Petrocephalus in eastern Africa, with a redescription of Petrocephalus gliroides (Vinc.). Rev.Zool.Bot. Afr., 60(3–4):283–95

0906 Whitehouse, H.F., 1952 Level of Lake Nyasa. Nyasal.J., 5(1): 18–22

0907 Whiting, P.S., 1977 Cost estimate on small fishing vessel hulls in Malawi using various materials. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/71/516/11:15 p. (mimeo)

0908 Wickler, W., 1966 Ein augen fressender bundbarsch. Natur Mus.Frankf., 96(8):311–5

0909 Willan, R.G.M., 1962 Mud-flow in the Chelinda Valley, Nyika Plateau. Nyasal.J., 15(2):30–2

0910 Williams, R.D., 1969 Commodity distribution in Malawi: a case study (fish marketing). In Economic development and structural change. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, pp.83–104

0911 Willoughby, N.G., 1979 The development and management of the Shire Valley fishery, Malawi, Southern Africa. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Kainji Lake and river basins development in Africa. Ibadan, 11–17 December 1977, Vol.2:278–87

0912 Willoughby, N.G., 1979a African freshwater fisheries and their management. Fish.Manage., 10(4):159–68

0913 Willoughby, N.G., 1979b Fisheries research in the Lower Shire valley. Malawi J.Sci., 3:30–1 (Abstract and Discussion)

0914 Willoughby, N.G. and D. Tweddle, 1978 The ecology of the catfish Clarias gariepinus and Clarias ngamensis in the Shire Valley, Malawi. J.Zool.,Lond., 186:507–34

0915 Willoughby, N.G., 1978a The ecology of the commercially important species in the Shire Valley fishery, Malawi. In Symposium on river and floodplain fisheries in Africa, edited by R.L. Welcomme. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (5):137–52

0916 Willoughby, N.G. and R.S. Walker, 1978 The traditional fishery of the Lower Shire Valley, Malawi. In Symposium on river and floodplain fisheries in Africa, edited by R.L. Welcomme. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (5):288–95

0917 Wilson, J.G.M., 1976 Freshwater fisheries management in Malawi. Fish. Manage., 7(4):87–8 (Abstr.)

0918 Winterbottom, J.M., 1944 The fresh waters of eastern Africa: an appreciation of fishing researches in eastern and central Africa. Rhodes-Livingstone J., 2:56–64

0919 Withers, F.M., 1952 Seine net fishing in Nyasa. Nyasal.J., 5(1):26–32

0919a Witte, F., 1984 Ecological differentiation in Lake Victoria haplochromines: comparison of cichlid species flocks in African lakes. In Evolution of fish species flocks, edited by A.A. Echelle and I. Kornfield. Orono, University of Maine at Orono Press, pp.155–67

0920 Wood, R.C., 1958 “Elephant Island” on Lake Nyasa. Nyasal.J., 11(1):23–4

0921 World Health Organisation, 1972 A field guide to African freshwater snails. 2. East African species. Denmark, Danish Bilharzia Laboratory

0922 World Health Organisation, 1977 A field guide to African freshwater snails. 4. South East African species. Denmark, Danish Bilharzia Laboratory, 40 p.

0923 Worthington, E.B., 1933 The fishes of Lake Nyasa (other than Cichlidae). Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 1933(2):285–316

0924 Worthington, E.B., 1937 On the evolution of fish in the Great Lakes of Africa. Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 35:304–17

0925 Worthington, E.B., 1954 Biology of speciation in African lakes. CSA/CTTA Record of Symposium on African hydrobiology and inland fisheries held October, 1952, at Entebbe, Uganda. Publ.Cons.Sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (6):83–5 (Summary)

0926 Worthington, E.B., 1954a Speciation of fishes in African lakes. Nature.Lond., 173:1064–7

0927 Wright, C.A., J. Klein and D.H. Eccles, 1967 Endemic species of Bulinus (Mollusca: Planorbidae) in Lake Malawi (=Lake Nyasa). J.Zool.,Lond., 151(2):199–209

0928 Yairi, K., 1977 Preliminary account of the lake-floor topography of Lake Malawi in relation to the formation of the Malawi rift valley. In Second Preliminary Report on African Studies. Japan, Nagoya University, pp.51–69

0929 Young, E.D., 1877 Nyassa; a journal of adventures whilst exploring Lake Nyassa, Central Africa, and establishing the settlement of “Livingstonia”. London, Murray, 239 p.

0930 Zihler, F., 1982 Gross morphology and configuration of digestive tracts of Cichlidae (Teleostei, Perciformes): phylogenetic and functional significance. Neth.J. Zool., 32(4):544–71

0931 Anon, n.d. Fisheries. In The natural resources of Nyasaland. Zomba, Government Printer, pp.24–5

0932 Anon, 1953 Fisheries. In Nyasaland: 1952. Colonial reports. Zomba, Government Printer, pp.70–2

0933 Anon, 1954 Fisheries. In Nyasaland: 1953. Colonial reports. London, HMSO, pp.75–7

0934 Anon, 1959 Fisheries. In Nyasaland: 1958. London, HMSO, pp.84–5

0935 Anon, 1963 Fisheries. In, Nyasaland, report for the year 1962. London, HMSO, pp.83–4

0936 Anon, 1964 Malawi handbook of agricultural, fisheries, livestock and forestry statistics. Malawi, Extension Aids, 24 p.

0937 Anon, 1969 Fishing on conservation dams. Ext.Circ.Minist.Agric. Malawi, (8/69):2 p.

0937a Anon, 1971 Pair trawling with outboard motors. World Fish., 20(8):8–10

0938 Anon, 1973 Boatbuilding and fishing on Lake Malawi. World Fish., 22(9):73–6

0939 Anon, 1975 Fisheries (incorporates Trout Rules). Laws of Malawi, Chapter 66:05:31 p.

0940 Anon, 1976 A water resources assessment of Lake Malawi. Malawi Government/UNDP/WMO Project 71/518:167 p.

0941 Anon, n.d. Fisheries Department. In Malawi Yearbook, 1978. Blantyre, Department of Information, pp.38–9

0942 Anon, 1979 Directory of hydrometric stations in Malawi current in November, 1979. Malawi, Water Resources Division (WRD-No.TP.2)

0943 Anon, n.d. Fisheries Department. In Malawi Yearbook, 1979. Blantyre, Department of Information, pp.58–9

0944 Anon, 1980 The introduction of ferrocement fishing boats to Lake Malawi. Appropriate Technol., 7(2):10–2

0945 Anon, 1981 Lake Malawi National Park Master Plan. Malawi, Department of National Parks and Wildlife, 121 p.

0946 Anon, 1982 Malawi motor sailors: lake project moves north. Fish. News.Int., 21(9):40

0947 Anon, 1982a African lake sediments hint at oil deposits. S.Afr.J. Sci., 78(2):51

0948 Anon, n.d. Fisheries Department. In Malawi Yearbook, 1980/81. Blantyre, Department of Information, pp.107–9

0949 Anon, n.d. Fisheries Department. In Malawi Yearbook, 1982. Blantyre, Department of Information, pp.97–8

0950 Anon, 1985 The National Atlas of Malawi. (Includes: Geology; Ground and surface water; Climate; Geomorphology; Biotic communities; Hydrology; Fisheries). Blantyre, Department of Surveys, 79 p.

0951 Anon, 1985a Fish and cattle and the tsetse fly. ICLARM Newsl., 8(2):2 (Editorial)


0952 Cantrell, M.A., 1985 Dissemination of aquatic invertebrates on windblown vegetation mats in Lake Chilwa, Malawi. J.Limnol.Soc. South.Afr., 11(1):1–4

0953 Fowler, H.W., 1958 Some new taxonomic names of fishlike vertebrates. Notul.Nat., 310:1–16

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