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(Rome, 10–12 December 1985)


During its 6th Session, held in Rome 10–12 December 1985, the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources noted with satisfaction the increased attention at a global level being paid to work in the genetic resources field, reflected i.a. in the recent establishment of the FAO Commission on Plant Genetic Resources. It warmly welcomed the establishment of this Commission, which complements the technical and scientific advisory functions carried out by the Panel.

The Panel noted with concern that the rate of loss or impoverishment of forest genetic resources in the widest sense of the word (including also e.g. wild crop relatives) continues to increase, and that actions to explore, evaluate and conserve these resources are still wholly inadequate. In view of the urgency of the situation, and the great increase in scope and responsibilities in the genetic resources field over the past few years, the Panel strongly recommend that resources allocated in support of this field be increased, both for operations in the field (through extra-budgetary resources) and for appropriate strengthening of the FAO Secretariat responsible for coordinating the programme. Such strengthening would facilitate the most effective use of opportunities for the collection of information and research material essential for the proper exploration, evaluation, conservation and utilization of forest genetic resources.

The Panel recommended that high priority continue to be given to in and ex situ conservation of plant and forest genetic resources. Recognizing that conservation of forest genetic resources is only possible on a large scale through its incorporation in forest management and its inclusion as an integral part of tree breeding strategies, it recommended that appropriate linkages be developed between conservation on the one hand and forest management and tree improvement on the other. It also recommended that efforts be made to incorporate genetic resource conservation as a stated objective in management plans of existing protected areas.

Recognizing that activities in in situ and ex situ conservation are complementary and that efforts in these two fields should be carried out in parallel, the Panel recommended that a survey be carried out on the FAO/UNEP ex situ pilot conservation stands established in a range of countries in the 1970's and on the role that these stands have played in the provision of genetic material and in generating similar action in other species and areas; that the survey of seed storage as a means of ex situ conservation carried out for the previous session of the Panel be reviewed and, if necessary, updated; and that developments in advanced technologies of genetic resource conservation like cryopreservation and meristem culture be closely followed for their possible application in the forestry field.

The Panel recommended that attention be focussed on exploration, collection, evaluation and conservation of multi-purpose woody species which provide a range of goods and services and which contribute to environmental stabilization and improvement.

The Panel recommended that work continue to be carried out through existing institutes, thus simultaneously strengthening their capabilities and know-how. It further recommended that ⅓ of Regular Programme funds available for contractual services in the forest genetic resources field be used for conservation activities; and ⅔ for seed collection, handling, storage, evaluation of seedlots and tree improvement. Approximately ⅓ of total funds should be used for the humid zones, ⅔ in dry areas where problems of genetic resource conservation and the procurement of reproductive materials are acute.

The report of the Session is in preparation and is expected to be published during 1987.

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