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For information te be requested from suppliers please refer to
“FAO Guidelines for seed ordering”, FGRI, No. 12, pp. 30–31

FOR CHOICE OF SPECIES/PROVENANCESDescription of the proposed plantation site
 Location- latitude
  - altitude
 Climate- mean annual rainfall
  - rainfall regime (winter, summer, uniform)
  - length of the dry season
  - mean max temp and humidity of hottest month
  - mean min temp and humidity of coldest month
  - mean annual temp and humidity
  - occurrence of frost and snow (average number of days per year)
 Soils- broad classification
  - indication of depth
  - texture (light, medium, heavy)
  - drainage (good, moist, impeded, seasonal waterlogging)
  - ph (acid, neutral, alkaline)
  - other characteristics such as salinity, etc.
Have the species you require seed of already been planted on the site (at experimental scale)? If yes, mention (if known) the origin of the material already introduced (supplier/provenance/origin) and give indication of its adaptability and performance.
Other species planted or growing on the site
 List the main species and give some indication on their adaptability/performance.
End uses
 What is the objective of the plantation and what type of production or function (or both) are expected:
 - wood production (timber, posts, poles, fuelwood)
 - other production (fodder, food, gums, resins, tannins, medicine, etc.)
- improvement of the environment (stabilization of shifting sands, erosion control, shelterbelts, wind-breaks, hedges, live fences, road side planting, amenity planting, maintenance and restoration of soil fertility, etc.)
FOR SEED PROCUREMENTPractical procedure
 Please supply:
 - accurate address of the receiver
 - number of seedlings needed for planting (research purpose)
 - date of sowing
- information on import permits and for phytosanitary certificates required for research quantities of tree seed
 - information on most reliable shipping method and routing

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