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Genetics and the forests of the future, UNASYLVA

The lead article, “Genetics and the forests of the future” by Gene Namkoong, in a recent issue of UNASYLVA (Vol. 38, No. 152, 1986/2), is based on the position paper he prepared for the genetic resources session of the 9th World Forestry Congress dealt with p. 27. Considering issues of both a technical and an ethical nature, Dr. Namkoong outlines a number of alternative strategies for genetic resource management in woody plants and discusses their application as related to a range of socio-economic conditions; level of technology; and biological objectives.

Other subjects covered in this issue of UNASYLVA are e.g. the ecological effects of eucalypts and the conservation of the Zambesi teak (Baikiaea plurijuga) forest in Zambia. The five action programme proposals that constitute FAO's Tropical Forestry Action Plan are also described in detail.

UNASYLVA is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish editions. Subscription price: one year, US$ 12.00, payable to the Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy; or equivalent in local currency, payable at FAO Distribution and Sales Agents worldwide.

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