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Terminalia superba is a large sized, highly valuable timber tree of the semi-deciduous and closed wet forest formations of West and Central Africa.

Within the framework of the cooperative seed collection programme between the Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, France and FAO's Forestry Department, a wide collection of provenances has been obtained over the past years in several African countries through cooperation with national forestry organizations.

A total of 30 provenances (see next page) including 362 mother trees (with seed collected in most of the cases from a minimum of 10 trees in each provenance) are available, free of charge, for international provenance trials.

The proposed trials will be coordinated by CTFT in consultation with FAO's Forestry Department.

The rotation age of Terminalia superba in plantation varies from 30 to 40 years. As it is difficult to carry out adequate evaluation work over such a long period, two types of design are proposed depending on the objective of the trial:

Further details on the recommended designs and guidance for their implementation are available, upon request, at FAO's Forestry Department to those who are interested in participating in the trials. More information on the species will be provided at the same time. This will include: (i) occurrence and main characteristics, (ii) silviculture in plantations and (iii) knowledges already available on the biology, physiology and genetics of the species.

Requests for seed, together with all necessary import permits, special instructions about compulsory pesticide treatment, etc., should be addressed to CTFT, Division matériel végétal, 45bis Avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 Nogent-sur-Marne, Cedex, FRANCE, with a copy to FAO's Forestry Department. The request should reach CTFT at least two months before the seed is required for sowing. The number of proposed trial sites and the design to be used should be clearly stated. In order to allow a selection of an appropriate range of provenances, the letter requesting the seeds should provide site details on the format shown on page 26. The sowing period should also be indicated, taking into account that the period needed for producing plantable size seedlings is about 5 months. Terminalia superba seed does not store well at ambient temperature or at high moisture level. Seed despatch should therefore be requested so that the seed is out of cold storage for the shortest time possible.

An article on T. superba by M. Corbasson and O. Souvannavong, CTFT, will be published in the next issue of FGRI.


seeds available from:CTFT
 45bis avenue de la Belle Gabrielle
 94736 Nogent sur Marne, Cédex

CTFT Seedlot NumberProvenanceLatitudeLongitudeAltitude
Mean Annual Rainfall
Number of Trees CollectedGermination
in %in no. of plants per g
 Rumonge4°00'S29°30'E7801 0203096,2510,4
81/3416 NProv. ex situ Mayumbe-Zaire       
83/4061 NM'Balmayo3°25'N11°31'E6401 600  959,508,0
83/4060 NBelabo4°43'N13°25'E7001 6001141,506,3
85/4757 NDjoum2°39'N12°45'E6841 5001642,35,5
85/4758 NMoloumbu2°38'N15°23'E5201 4501232,65,4
85/4750 NSabe/M'Baiki4°00'N18°00'E4501 700  952,65,8
85/4760 NPepelou/Alindao (plantation)4°30'N21°12'E4201 400 74,28,6
85/4761 NN'Gotto4°00'N17°20'E4501 700  743,55,3
85/4762 NNola3°35'N16°10'E4001 600  756,06,5
83/3987 NBilala-Mayombe4°31'S12°14'E  251 586  962,506,9
83/3988 NN'Gouha 23°00'S12°20'E2001 650  766,508,8
83/3989 NDivenie2°45'S12°03'E2001 57512638,4
83/3990 NSibiti3°47'S13°12'E3001 5971564,56,6
83/3991 NTiti3°14'S12°33'E1501 40717718,0
83/3992 NPassi-Passi4°00'S12°30'E2501 220  980,59,2
83/3993 NKimongo4°20'S13°00'E4001 21110596,21
 Côte d'Ivoire       
83/3994 NSangoué6°17'N5°28'W2001 35012667,7
83/3995 NGregbeu6°53'N6°45'W2501 55013485,6
83/3996 NGoumere8°00'N2°49'W3501 1501473,58,1
83/4049 NZaranou6°20'N3°22'W1501 4501478,57,1
83/4050 NSinfra6°28'N5°57'W2501 25018777,9
83/4051 NDivo5°45'N5°19'W1501 55019697,5
83/4052 NSan Pedro5°12'N6°53'W1501 950  6476,2
83/4053 NGuiglo6°33'N7°25'W2001 75015627,0
83/4054 NBiankouma7°51'N7°46'W4501 5501847,55,7
83/4055 NArrah (Abengourou)6°43'N3°40'W2001 35012555,2
83/4056 NMopri5°50'N4°53'W  601 31011688,2
83/4057 NHire5°50'N4°55'W  801 24511636,8
83/4058 NKouin7°30'N7°15'W3001 600  859,56,7
83/4059 NPelezi6°53'N6°27'W2801 3501163,59,2

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