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A Multipurpose Tree & Seed Directory by Peter G. von Carlowitz was published by the International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) in May 1986.

It gives information on suppliers of some 700 multipurpose woody species (97 seed suppliers in 42 countries).

For each species, the following information is given: quantities of seed available for distribution (bulk or research), price, seed weight, germination percent and pretreatment.

The information on seed suppliers includes: institutional type (commercial, governmental, etc.), certificates provided by the supplier and required from the requesting institute (e.g. on provenance, phytosanity, purity and viability).

In addition to this core information, the Directory provides some useful assistance in the selection of species through schematic description of climate, soil conditions, reproduction, management and uses for 115 species. A useful addition would have been species-specific references to important literature, e.g. as given in Oxford Forestry Institute's Tropical Forestry Paper No. 15: A Guide to Species Selection for Tropical and Sub-Tropical Plantations (Webb et al., 2nd ed. 1984), which includes more than half of the species described in the ICRAF Directory.

The Directory also has a masterlist comprising almost 1 400 multipurpose woody species and their reported uses; plus a chapter on microsymbionts for nitrogen-fixing trees.

Altogether a useful, priced publication available from:

P.O. Box 30677

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