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Kobmoo, B. & Skeates, D.A. 1986 X-radiography of tropical forest tree seed. The Embryon 1(1): 49–55 (see p. 49).

Lailhacar, K.S. & Laude, H. 1975 An improvement of seed germination in Atriplex repanda Phil. Jour. Range Management 28(6): 491–494.

Ledig, F.T. 1986 Conservation strategies for forest gene resources. Forest Ecology and Management 14: 77–90.

Marsh, P.L. 1985 A flexible computer algorithm for designing seed orchards. Silvae Genetica 34(1): 22–26.

Matheson, A.C. & Lindgren, D. 1985 Gains from the clonal and the clonal seed orchard options compared for tree breeding programs. Theor Appl. Genet. 71: 242–249.

Máthur, R.S., Sharma, K.K. & Rawat, M.M.S. 1984 Germination behaviour of various provenances of Acacia nilotica ssp. indica. Indian Forester 110(5).

Maury-Lechon,G., Hadley, M. & Younes, T. (Editors) 1984 The significance of species in tropical forest ecosystems. Biology International, Special Issue 6 (ii + 76 pp.) (IUBS - Secretariat, Services des Publications, 51 Boulevard de Montmorency, 75016 Paris, France).

McCarter, P.S. & Birks, J.S. 1985 Pinus patula subspecies tecunumanii: the application of numerical techniques to some problems of its taxonomy. Commonwealth Forestry Review 64(2): 117 – 132.

McCutchan, B.G., Ou, J.X. & Namkoong, G. 1985 A comparison of planned unbalanced design for estimating heritability in perennial tree crops. Theor Appl. Genet. 71:536–544.

Middleton, J. & Merriah, G. 1985 The rational for conservation: Problems from a virgin forest. Biological Conservation 33(2): 133–145.

Muller, C. & Bonnet-Masimbert, M. 1985 Levée de dormance des faines avant leur conservation: résultats préliminaires. Ann. Sci. For. 42(4): 385–396. (INRA, Versailles, France).

Namkoong, G. 1985 The influence of composite traits on genotype by environment relations. Theor. Appl. Gen. 70: 315 – 317.

Namkoong, G. 1981 Diminishing genetic resources: no eleventh hour reprieve. Research Perspectives 1(4):19. (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C., USA).

Nautiyal, A.R. & Purohit, A.N. 1985 Seed viability of sal (Shorea robusta) I-IV. Seed Science & Technology 13(1): 59–86.

Nanson, A. 1986 Effets de la pollution atmosphérique sur le patrimoine génétique de nos essences forestières. Schweiz Z. Forstwes. 137.5:359 – 375. (Schweizerischer Forstverein, Schmelzbergstrasse 25, ETH-Zentrum, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland).

Ngamkhajornwiwat, S. & Wasuwanich, P. 1986 Preliminary studies on flower development in Dipterocarpus alatus Roxb. The Embryon 1(1): 56–61 (see p. 49).

Oltremari, J.V. & Jackson, R.G. 1985 Chile's National Parks: Present and Future. Parks 10(2): 1–4. (IUCN, Parks Magazine, c/o Nat. Park Service, Dept. of the Interior, P.O. Box 37127, Washington D.C. 20013–7127, USA).

Palmberg, C. 1986 Selection and genetic improvement of indigenous and exotic multipurpose tree species for dry zones. Agroforestry Systems 4:121–127.

Panochit, J., Wasuwanich, P. & Hellum, A.K. 1986 Collection and storage of seeds of Shorea roxburghii G. Don. The Embryon 1(1): 62–67 (see p. 49).

Philipson, J.J. 1985 The effect of top pruning, girdling and gibberellin A4/7 application on the production and distribution of pollen and seed cones in Sitka spruce. Can. Journal of Forest Research 15(6). (The National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada K1A OR6).

Pina Puente, F. & Perez Octavo, F. 1983 Localización de rodales silvestres de jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) en el Estado de Baja California Sur. Ciencia Forestal 8(41). INIFA, Mexico.

Rogale Wicz, J. Vlk. & V. 1986 Monitoring seed viability in a genebank. Seed Sciences & Technology 14: 465 – 476.

Roland, F. & Roman-Amat, B. 1985 Le choix des provenances d'Abies grandis (Dougl.) Lindl. (1933). Premiers résultats obtenus en plantations comparatives. Revue forestière française 37(2): 114 – 124. ENGREF, Nancy, France.

Roman-Amat, B. & Arbez, M. 1985 Pinus laricio de Corse et de Calabre. Quelles provenances choisir? Le point sur les expériences comparatives de l'INRA. Revue forestière française 37(5):377 – 388.

Sánchez-Córdova, J. 1984 Picea chihuahuana, una conífera en peligro de extinción. Ciencia Forestal 9(51).

Sarmiento, M. 1983 Comportamiento de brotes de Cocoite blanco (Gliricidia sepium) en estacas. Ciencia Forestal 8(41).

Schmidtling, R.C. 1985 Irrigation effective in increasing fruitfulness of short-leaf Pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) seed orchard. Tree Planters' Notes 36(2):18 – 22.

Scholz, F. & Bergmann, F. 1984 Selection pressure by air pollution as studied by Isozyme - Gene systems in Norway Spruce exposed to Sulphur Dioxide. Silvae genetica 33(6): 238.

Shrestha, K.B., Shepherd, K.R. & Turnbull, J.W. 1985 Controlled atmosphere storage for Pinus radiata seed. Commonwealth Forestry Review 64(2): 141 – 150.

Skroppa, T. & Tutturen, R. 1985 Flowering in Norway Spruce seed orchards. Silvae Genetica 34, 2–3: 90 – 95.

Smits, W.T.M. 1983 Vegetative propagation of Shorea of. obtusa and Agathis dammara by means of leaf-cuttings and stem-cuttings. Malaysian Forester 46(2): 175–185. Forest Department, Malaysia.

Soetisna, U., King, M.W. & Roberts, E.H. 1985 Germination test recommendations for estimating the viability of moist or dry seeds of lemon (Citrus limon) and lime (C. anrantifolia). Seed Science & Technology 13(1): 87–110.

Soule, M.E. 1986 What do genetics and ecology tell us about the design of nature reserves? Biological conservation 35: 19–40.

St. Clair, J.B., Kleinschmidt, J. and Svolba, J. 1985 Juvenility and serial vegetative propagation of Norway Spruce clones (Picea abies Karst). Silvae Genetica 34(1): 42–48.

Subramanian, K. & Seethalakshmi, T.S. 1984 A preliminary note on pollen in teak in relation to fruit set. Indian Forester 110(10): 1023–1029.

Sumberg, J. 1985 Collection and initial evaluation of Gliricidia sepium from Costa Rica. Agroforestry Systems 3: 357–361. Nijhoff/Junk, Dordsecht, The Netherlands.

Talbert, J.T., Weir, R.J. & Arnold, R.D. 1985 Costs and benefits of a mature first-generation loblolly pine tree improvement program. Journal of Forestry 83(3): 162–166. Society of American Foresters, Bedhesda, USA.

Tompsett, P.B. 1985 The influence of moisture content and storage temperature on the viability of Shorea almon, Shorea robusta and Shorea roxburghii seed. Can. Journal of Forest Research 15(6).

Turnbull, J.W. & Griffin, A.R. 1986 The concept of provenance and its relationship to infraspecific classification in forest trees. The Systematics Association Special vol. 29: 157–189. In: Styles, B.T. (Editor) 1986 (see section (i)).

Unival, D.P., Thaplival, R.C. & Rawat, M.S. 1985 Vegetative propagation of sandal by root cuttings. Indian Forester 111(3).

Vakshasya, R.K. & Rawat, M.S. 1985 Evaluation of budding and field planting periods for teak seed orchard establishment. Indian Forester 111(5): 328–332.

Venkatesh, C.S. 1984 Dichogamy and breeding system in a tropical bamboo, Ochlandra travancorica. Biotropica 16(4): 309 – 312.

Vozzo, J.A. Pericarp changes observed during Quercus nigra L. germination. Seed Science & Technology 13(1): 1–10.

Warham, E.J. 1985 A comparison of packaging materials for seed with particular reference to humid tropical environments. Seed Science & Technology 14: 191–211.

Wheeler, N.C., Masters, C.J., Cade, S.C., Ross, S.D., Keely, J.W. & Hsin, L.Y. 1985 Girlding: an effective and practical treatment for enhancing seed yields in Douglas fir seed orchards. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 15(3): 505–510.

Whitmore, T.C., Garton, A. & Steel, J. 1985 Progress on vegetative propagation of Agathis. Commonwealth For. Rev. 64(2): 163–166.

Wilcox, M.D. & Ledgard, N.J. 1983 Provenance variation in the New Zealand species of Nothofagus. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 6: 19–31. (For. Res. Inst., New Zealand Forest Service, Private Bag, Rotorua, New Zealand).

Wise, F.C. Blazich, F.A. & Hinesley, L.E. 1985 Propagation of Abies procera by softwood stem cuttings. Can. Journal of Forest Research 15(6).

Yamoah, C.F., Ay, P. and Agboola, A.A. 1986 The use of Gliricidia sepium for alley cropping in the Southern Guinea savanna zone of Nigeria. The International Tree Crops Journal 3: 267–279. A.B. Academic Publishers, Berkhamsted, Herts, UK.

Yap, S.K. & Wong, S.M. 1983 Seed biology of Acacia mangium, Albizia falcataria, Eucalyptus spp., Gmelina arborea, Maesopsis eminii, Pinus caribaea and Tectona grandis. Malaysian Forester 46(1): 26–45.

Yeh, F.C., Brune, A., Cheliak, W.M. & Chipman, D.C. 1983 Mating system of Eucalyptus citrodora in a seed production area. Can. Journal of Forest Research 13(6): 1051–1055.

Youscheng, C. & Sziklai, O. 1985 Preliminary study on germination of Toona sinensis (A. fuss.) Roem. seed from eleven Chinese provenances. Forest Ecology and Management 10(3): 269–281.

1 Les points (iii) et (iv) ne comprennent pas les papiers individuels inclus dans les paragraphes, Comptes Rendus et livres.

2 Dans cette liste, chaque fois que cela a été possible, on a mis les adresses des éditeurs ou des auteurs entre parenthèses après les références. Ecrire directement à ces adresses pour commander les publications/articles qu'on souhaite éventuellement acquérir.

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Notes techniques et autres publications du DANIDA Forest Seed Centre

Notes Techniques

No. 25 (June 1985) Seed Cleaning with a Winnowing Chamber (G.E. Chaplin), 4 pp.

No. 26 (November 1985) A Machine for Freeing Seed of Chemicals (F. Stubsgaard), 4 pp.

No. 27 (March 1986) Pretreatment of Acacia and Prosopis Seed. Two mechanical methods (F. Stubsgaard), 8 pp.

No. 28 (November 1986) Detection, Presence and Control of Seed-borne Pests and Diseases of Trees with Special Reference to Seeds of Tropical and Sub-Tropical Pines (A.A. Rees & D.H. Philips)

No. 29 (November 1986) Home-made Hot-wire Seed Scarifier (A.M.J.Robbins)

Lettres Circulaires

No. 24 (April 1985) Report on Activities 1984

No. 25 (September 1985) Change of Taxonomy. Pinus oocarpa - Pinus patula var. tecunumanii

No. 26 (June 1986) Report on Activities 1985

Bulletins Semences

No. 4 (June 1985) Tectona grandis (H. Keiding) ii + 21 pp.

No. 4A (November 1986) Tectona grandis, nursery techniques (A. Kaosa-ard)

No. 5 (June 1986) Pinus kesiya (R. Pousujja, J. Granhof & R.L. Willan) 26 pp.

No. 6 (June 1986) Gmelina arborea (E.B. Lauridsen), 31 pp.

No. 7 (December 1986) Pinus merkusii (R. Pousujja, J. Granhof & R.L. Willan)

Autres Publications

Keiding, J., Wellendorf H. & Lauridsen E.B. 1986 Evaluation of an International Series of Teak Provenance Trials, 81 pp.

Les publications ci-dessus sont disponibles auprès de:

DANIDA Forest Seed Centre (DFSC)
Krogerupveg 3A
DK-3050 Humlebaek

Il était donné dans les No. 11, 12, 13 et 14 d'IRGF une liste de diverses plublications plus anciennes du DFSC.

Actes de l'atelier de travail IUFRO sur la planification de la recherche en Asie, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 1984

Ces actes, préparés sous la direction de J. Burley et J.L. Steward (OFI, Oxford), contiennent les présentations faites au premier des trois ateliers de travail IUFRO pour les pays en voie de développement (cf. p. 23 pour plus de détails sur ces manifestations).

Figurent dans ces actes les papiers suivants:

Anantachote, A. Bamboos of Thailand (pp. 549–551)

Bhumibhamon, S. The status of genetic research in tree farming in Thailand (pp. 553–560)

Burley, J. Research in tree improvement and propagation (pp. 41–55)

Burley, J. & Wright, H.L. Experimental design in multipurpose tree research

Dixit, P.A. Multipurpose species research in Nepal (pp. 545–548)

Ghani, M.N.A. & Salleh, M.N. Hevea brasiliensis as a multipurpose tree (pp. 527–534)

Huang, R.C. Some multi-use tree species and their characteristics in China's tropical region

Mathur, R.S. Chairman's report for discussion Area 1: Research in tree improvement and propagation

Ng, F.S.P. Identification and Conservation of Genetic Resources (pp. 63–75)

Tiwari, K.M. Vegetative propagation of multipurpose species for wood-based energy and other uses in tropical Asia (pp. 113–125)

Vivekanandan, K. Species, provenance and germplasm trials (pp. 77–111)

Une version complète des actes “Increasing Productivity of Multipurpose Species” (p. 560) est disponible auprès de:

A-1131 Vienna

Actes de l'atelier de travail IUFRO sur la planification de la recherche en Afrique, Nairobi, Kenya, 1986

Ces actes, préparés sous la direction de L.W. Carlson et K.R. Shea, consistent essentiellement en des propositions de projets pour les zones sahélienne et nord-soudanienne présentées et discutées au second atelier de travail IUFRO pour les pays en voie de développement (cf. p. 23).

Ces propositions de projet sont les suivantes:

Recherche et développement agroforestiers: Pratiques agroforestières pour mettre fin aux pénuries d'aliments, de fourrage et de combustible Michel Baumer et Peter Wood

Recherche et développement des techniques de régénération naturelle pour l'aménagement sylvopastoral des ressources forestières existantes E.G. Bonkoungou et R. Catinot

Gestion des ligneux indigènes en vue de réhabiliter les terres à pâturage dégradées dans la zone aride du Kenya septentrional J.F. Lamprey

Sélection et amélioration génétique des essences ligneuses indigènes et exotiques à usages multiples, y compris l'amélioration des installations pour la récolte, la manipulation, l'entreposage et l'échange de graines FAO/O. Souvannavong et C. Cossalter

Amélioration du matériel végétal ligneux à partir de la manipulation des microorganismes symbiotiques dans les zones sahélienne et soudanosahélienne Y. Dommergues, B. Dreyfus, J.P. Colonna, S. Badji, J. Gorse et A.Niang

Recherche et développement des techniques de pépinière de plantage et d'aménagement des plantations pour la production du bois de chauffage, y compris les techniques d'économie de l'eau FAO/C. Cossalter et O. Souvannavong

Méthode de pépinière et de plantation de bois de combustion dans les régions arides et semi-arides d'Afrique du Nord-Est F.B. Armitage et J. Burley

Les actes de cet atelier de travail peuvent être obtenus gratuitement auprès de: Les W. Carlson, Canadian Forestry Service, Government of Canada, 351 St. Joseph Boulevard, Hull, Canada, K1A 1G5.

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