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APPENDIX II - Project goals and concepts

The following list describes components which should be included in consideration of goals and concepts to the extent they are relevant and identified:

- System concept

· major physical components, i.e. hatchery, laboratory, production ponds, cages

- Owner/operator

· privately operated

· publicly operated

- Purpose

· commercial enterprise

· demonstration purposes

· public education

· applied research and development

· training of technicians

- Financial objectives

· for profit/commercial

· self-sustaining costs of hatchery or farm

· foreign exchange earnings

· employment enhancement

· income distribution

- Funding source

· private capital

· public capital (government, international agencies)

· combination of public and private capital

· budgetary constraints

- Scale of operation

· pilot or demonstration scale

· commercial/large-scale for financial

· objectives

· phased for future expansion

- Location

· region/province

· state

· country

- Production programme

· species to be produced

· source of animals to be produced

· quantity of (each) species

· schedule of production

· size of animals to be stocked and harvested

· technology to be used

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