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Detailed analysis of the field evaluation reports

Introduction to modules

2 field evaluation reports
4 negative marks out of 18 (2.2%)

Main Comments:

Module too simple (1)
Change title to 'Introduction to population Education' (1)
Improve illustrations by making them more relevant to the text (1)

Possibly offensive points:

Some illustrations and ideas may offend Muslim laws.(l)

Module 1: Population and Agriculture.

17 field evaluation reports.
5 negative marks out of 153 (3.3%)

Main comments:

Colour the illustrations (5/17)
P23 Show the extension worker more active (3/17)
Add illustrations of crops and children properly spaced. Use rice not maize. (2/17)
Enlarge illustrations (1/17)
Add more illustrations (1/17)
P20 add illustration of large overcrowded family (1/17)
Add more info on agriculture (1/17)
Show plant spacing in rows (1/17)
Adapt dress to the area

Possibly offensive points:

That if women should have a part in agricultural decision making- they could become too dominant. (1)

Module 2: Population and the Environment.

13 field evaluation reports.
2 negative marks out of 117 (1.7%)

Main Comments:

Colour the illustrations (5/13)
Enlarge illustrations (1/13)
Illustrate subjects better (1/13)
Use harder cover for modules (1/13)
Replace solar cooker with simpler activity (1/13)
Compare with countries with drought/famine from lack of vegetation (1/13)

Module 3: Population. Emplovment and Income.

18 field evaluation reports
5 negative marks out of 162 (3.1 %)

Main Comments:

Colour the Pictures (5/18)
Add other/cheaper income generating activities (3/18)
Enlarge diagrams/illustrations (2/18)
Change tyre tile making activity to something more available Eg. Basket making, Blacksmith etc.(2/18)
Label illustrations clearly (1/18)
Improve P5 illustrations (Act 1 'What will I do as an adult') (1/18)
Change title to 'What job will I do in future?'(l/18)
Use experts to teach activities (1/18)

Possibly offensive points:

Some people fear a fire risk with rubber roof tiles. (1)

Module 4; Population and Nutrition.

11 field evaluation reports
4 negative marks out of 99 (4%)

Main Comments:

Add details on malnutrition (2/11)
Make illustrations more realistic (2/11)
Label foodstuffs and ensure they are appropriate to the country (2/11)
Compare strong healthy farmer with poor malnourished one (1/11)
Prepare a list of major food items and the nutrients they contain (1/11)
Colour the illustrations (1/11)
Activity 3 - building a drying rack not understood.

Possibly offensive points:

Picture of malnutrition. (1)

Module 5; Population and Health

19 field evaluation reports
10 negative marks out of 171 (5.8%)

Main Comments:

Colour the illustrations (9/19)
Label illustrations and flashcards (2/19)
Improve illustrations (3/19)
Need local foodstuffs/illustrations (1/19)
Enlarge flashcards (1/19)
Add more information on community health (1/19)
Children should be thinner and fighting for food (1/19)
Put illustration on the cover (1/19)
Add illustration of social worker talking to youth (1/19)
Personal hygiene - illustration with dirty environment, flies, faeces etc (1/19)
Use tables for data (1/19)

Module 6: The Family and Family Size

18 field evaluation reports
8 negative marks out of 162 (4.9%)

Main Comments:

Colour the illustrations (9/18)
Drawing of large and small families for comparison (3/18)
Cover should be a illustration (2/18)
Label the illustrations (1/18)
Show positive side of family life also (1/18)
Add religion to factors affecting family size (1/18)
Add chart of advantages/disadvantages of large/small family (1/18)

Possibly offensive points:

The idea of polygamy which is no longer practised. (1)
That it is nice to have small families - contrary to belief. (1)

Module 7: Responsible Parenthood

19 field evaluation reports
8 negative marks out of 171 (4.7%)

Main Comments:

Colour illustrations (8/19)
Improve/make illustrations more realistic (2/19)
Add tables where needed (2/19)
Show comparison of responsible/irresponsible parenthood (1/19)
Add 'decision' to title (1/19)
Add more details on population education (1/19)
Include activities on fathers with low income - how they often leave the family with no support and stay away for months or years. (1/19)
Stories not interesting (1/19)
Activity 2. Men and women in illustration should be talking to each other. (1/19)

Possibly offensive points:

Use of contraceptives especially the coil. (1)
Village people think children come from God and no-one should control the numbers. (1)

Module 8: Human Growth and Development

20 field evaluation reports
14 negative marks out of 180(7.8%)

Main Comments:

Colour some/all illustrations (9/20)
Show menstruation in red (2/20)
Put diagram on cover (2/20)
Add information on twins, albinos, difficult births etc (2/20)
Improve illustrations and increase size (2/20)
Make binding stronger (1/20)
Label illustrations and add brief comments (1/20)
Provide cover for carrying module (1/20)
Produce slides and films as backup materials (1/20)
Produce in large numbers for under five clinics (1/20)
Use larger lettering (1/20)
Add information on birth control (1/20)
Remove or draw more discreetly P33/34 (woman giving birth) (1/20)

Possibly offensive points:

Pictures of mother giving birth (6/20)
Pictures of sexual organs (5/20)
Stages of Pregnancy (2/20)
Drawing of menstruation (1/20)

Module 9: How the Population Changes

13 field evaluation reports
3 negative marks out of 117 (2.6%)

Main Comments:

Colour the illustrations (3/13)
Add illustration to cover (1/13)
Put stronger cover on module (1/13)
Add illustration of rural migrants facing problems in urban setting (1/13)
Add illustrations of effects of lack of family planning (1/13)
Produce large card of P13 (circles on population change) for group use (1/13)
Add follow up questions for each lesson to test understanding (1/13)

Module 10: Community Involvement

13 field evaluation reports
8 negative marks out of 117 (6.8%)

Main Comments:

Colour the illustrations (7/13)
Improve illustrations (1/13)
Make illustrations more appropriate/relevant to text (2/13)
Add activity on health clinic. (1/13)
Add more stories and dramas (1/13)
Add 'in population education' to the title (1/13)
Add test questions (1/13)
Produce a pamphlet for school children (1/13)
Add illustration of community at work together (1/13)
Illustrate covers (1/13)
Label illustrations (1/13)

Possibly offensive points:

Religions say it is wrong to decide the number of children (1/13)
Mature unmarried women are often considered to be prostitutes (1/13)

Flipchart on Human Growth and Development

442 field evaluation reports from group members

Statistical summary

Yes No

Like cover design?

419 23

Like Drawings?

433 9

Understand Text?

438 4

Drawings and Text compatible?



Learn anything?

435 7

Flipchart interesting?

441 1

Anything offensive?

222 221

Main Comments:

Colour the illustrations (53%)
Colour the menstrual cycle (1.3%)
Add strong cover to the flipchart (21.5%)
Label the flipchart (16.75%)
Increase size of flipchart/illustrations (12.9%)
Reduce size booklet/make smaller (3.6%)
Bind the chart better (12.67%)
Improve illustrations (general) (2.7%)
Enlarge lettering (2.7%)
Add more illustrations (0.7%)
Show difficulty of labour (3.6%)
Alter illustration of woman giving birth (cover vagina) (1.3%)

Add information (on twins/albinos/sex determination) (2%)
Add information (on care during pregnancy, birth and midwifery) (5%)
Add information (on difficult births) (3.6%)
Add information (on menstruation and how it affects women) (0.5%)
Add information on whether women should have sex when pregnant? (0.5%)
Add information (on male reproductive system) (0.68%)
                                                                                 (Total: 12.3%)

Number sequence of reproduction (0.5%)
Do not show to teenagers - only adult women (4.5%)
Elders will be offended, but not the youth (4.07%)
Use only experts (nurses/health workers) to present chart (0.9%)
Translate into local languages (0.2%)
Villagers were not offended by the illustrations as had been expected (0.5%)

Possibly Offensive Points

Drawings of female reproductive system (esp to youth) (10.86%)
Pictures of Childbirth (especially if shown to youth) (6.33%)
Men seeing illustrations of delivery (10.18%)
All illustrations of sex organs shown to youth (1.8%)
The whole subject (1.8%)
Pictures of sex organs shown in public (0.68%)

Flash Cards

344 field evaluation reports from group members

Statistical summary Yes No

Learn Anything?

 338  6
Like Drawings? 332 12

Cards Interesting?

340 4

Anything Offensive?

44 300

Did cards help you teach/learn?

342 2

Main Comments:

Colour the Drawings (especially food) (56.68%)
Improve the illustrations (general) (7.27%)
Label the illustrations (esp food) (22.96%)
Enlarge the cards/illustrations (11.63%)
Bind cards together (13.37%)
Add thick cover for protection (0.87%)
Use as flannelboard (0.58%)
Use as flipchart (0.29%)
Make cards into booklet (1.45%)

Food Hygiene card: Show good and bad cooking places (10.17%)
Housing cards:
Compare conditions of planned/unplanned families (9.59%)
Housing cards: Add well to good housing illustration (0.29%)
Clean water card: Dirty source - should be running water and with people washing/using as toilet as well as collecting drinking water. (2.3%)
Food illustrations hard to recognise (1.45%)
Some foods not known/use local foods (1.16%)
Add more on food combinations (0.29%)
Nutrition card: Show person eating foods (good and bad) for contrast (0.58%)
Compare and contrast the two sides of cards more clearly (2.03%)
Personal hygiene/food hygiene/sanitation: Make dirty scenes dirtier (1.45%)
Rest and sleep: show one area for rest and one for sleep (0.58%)
Immunisation: Only female nurses wear cap -Male nurse in illustration? (0.58%)
Environmental pollution: Poor (0.87%)
Pest control: Poor (0.29%)
No treatment centres as recommended to use (0.29%)
Need pump for clean water (0.58%)

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