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The present issue of Forest Genetic Resources Information (FGRI), contains information and reports on seed collection and availability of seed of Terminalia superba for the humid lowland tropics; seed collection reports from Papua New Guinea regarding Acacia species and from Central America regarding Gliricidia. Our Chinese colleagues have, for the first time, forwarded to us a list of seedlots available for exchange and for research purposes. We are sure that there will be many requests for seed of these species, earlier difficult or impossible to procure.

Articles describing findings from species and provenance research carried out in a range of altitudinal zones in Colombia; new provenance trials on Casuarina in California, USA; and efforts to conserve in situ an important hardwood species (Baikiaea plurijuga) in Zambia, conclude the information received from our international correspondents.

Reports from the Secretariat include a note on the work programme of FAO's Forestry Department in the forest genetic resources field; and a final report on the FAO/IBPGR/UNEP Project on Genetic Resources of Arid and Semi-Arid Zone Arboreal Species for the Improvement of Rural Living. The latter project is being continued at a reduced scale of financing, through FAO's Regular Programme.

FGRI is presently distributed on a regular basis in some 2,200 copies, in English, French and Spanish. Geographically, some 28% of these copies go to individuals and institues in Europe in 29 countries; 22% to Latin America and the Caribbean in 31 countries; 20% to Asia and the Pacific in 26 countries; 17% to North America in 2 countries; 11% to Africa in 44 countries; and 2% to the Near East Region in 14 countries.

The suggestions, views and ideas of our readers regarding contents of FGRI would be most welcome, as would brief articles of general interest for inclusion in future issues. The topics dealt with in the articles should whenever possible be of immediate, practical application to our readers in all parts of the world.

The address of the Secretariat is:

Chief, Forest Resources Development Branch
Forest Resources Division
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
I-00100 Rome, Italy.

We look forward to hearing from you!

1 Forest Genetic Resources Information is published annually.

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