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We have recently received a Data Sheet on Pterocarpus indicus compiled by A. Fraser, Dept. of Forestry and Wood Science, University College of North Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd, U.K. The datasheet is prepared in the same format as that used for the species in the Databook on Endangered Tree and Shrub Species and Provenances (FAO, Rome 1986), announced in Forest Genetic Resources Information No. 15.
P. indicus (family Papilionaceae) is a medium to large deciduous tree attaining heights normally between 30–40 m; thriving in a tropical climate with mean annual rainfall > 1500 mm; adapted to both perhumid and monsoonal environments.
P. indicus occurs naturally in South East Asia where it is regarded as one of the finest high-quality timbers, especially used for furniture, panelling, flooring and sliced veneers.
The full Data Sheet is available upon request from the Forest Resources Development Branch, Forestry Department, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

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