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The preparation of this bibliography has been influenced by the fact that this guide is likely to be used by extension agents and their trainers who will have little time for extensive reading or research. It has been decided, therefore, not to produce a lengthy list of titles, most of which might, in any case, be difficult for the agent to obtain, but instead to suggest a small number of the more widely used texts on extension. The list has been divided into four broad types of extension literature.

Framework of rural development

COOMBS, P.H. & AHMED, M. 1974 Attacking rural poverty. World Bank, Johns Hopkins University Press.

FOSTER, G. 1962 Traditional cultures and the impact of technological change. New York, Harper.

LELE, U. 1979 The design of rural development. World Bank, Johns Hopkins University Press.

LONG, N. 1977 An introduction to the sociology of rural development. London, Tavistock.

WORLD BANK. 1975 The assault on world poverty: problems of rural development. Baltimore, 1975 Johns Hopkins University Press.

Resource books on extension

CROUCH, B.R. & CHAMALA, S. 1981 Extension education and rural development. Chichester, 1981 W. Sussex, Wiley. 2 vols.

JONES, G.E. & ROLLS, M.J. 1981 Progress in rural extension and community development. 1981 Chichester, W. Sussex, Wiley.

MAUNDER, A.H. 1972 Agricultural extension: a reference manual. Rome, FAO. 1972

SAVILE, A.H. 1965 Extension in rural communities. Oxford University Press. 1965

Extension practice

Batten T.R. 1967 Non-directive approach to group and community work. Oxford University Press.

BENOR, D. & HARRISON, J.O. 1977 Agricultural extension: the training and visit system. Washington, World Bank.

DIAZ BORDENAVE, J.E. 1977 Communication and rural development. Paris, Unesco.

FAO. 1979 Small farmers development manual. Rome. 2 vols.

FUGLESANG, A. 1982 About understanding- ideas and observations on cross-cultural communication. Uppsala, Sweden, Dag Hammarskjold Foundation.

HAVELOCK, R.G. 1973 Training for change agents. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Institute of Social Research.

O'SULLIVAN-RYAN J. & KAPLUN, M. (eds). 1980 Communication methods to promote grass roots participation. Paris, Unesco.

STUART, M. & DUNN, A.M. 1982 Extension methods. In HAWKINS, M.S. Agricultural livestock extension. Canberra, Australian Universities International Development Programme, Vol. 2.


Agricultural information development bulletin
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Bangkok, Thailand.

Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Centre, School of Education University of Reading, UK.

FAO, Rome.

Media in education and development
British Council Media Department, London, UK.

Rural extension, education and training abstracts
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Farnham Royal, Slough, UK.

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