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CL 94/1 Provisional Annotated Agenda
CL 94/2 The State of Food and Agriculture 1988
CL 4/2 Sup. 1 Supplement to CL 94/2
CL 94/2 Sup. 2 The Locust Situation in 1988 and Outlook for 1989
CL 94/3 Reports of the 54th Session of the Programme Committee and 62nd Session of the Finance Committee
CL 94/4 Progress Report on the Review of FAO and Reports of the 55th Session of the Programme Committee and 63rd Session of the Finance Committee
CL 94/5 Report of the 51st Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters
CL 94/6 Aspects of FAO’s Policies, Programmes, Budget and Activities Aimed at Contributing to Sustainable Development
CL 94/7 First Report on Unscheduled and Cancelled Sessions in the 1988-89 Biennium
CL 94/8 Report of the 9th Session of the Committee on Forestry
CL 94/9 13th Annual Report of the WFP Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes to the Economic and Social Council, and the FAO Council (1987)
CL 94/10 Report of the 13th Session of the Committee on World Food Security
CL 94/11 Membership of the WFP Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes
CL 94/12 Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest to FAO
CL 94/13 Plan of Action for Integration of Women in Development
CL 94/13 Sup.1 Summary Report on the Expert Consultation on Experiences of Institutional Changes Concerning Women in Development
CL 94/14 Revised Calendar of 1988-89 Sessions of the Council and of Those Bodies which Report to the Council
CL 94/15 Procedure for Election of Chairmen and Members of the Programme and Finance Committees
CL 94/16 Tenth World Forestry Congress
CL 94/17 Examination of Proposal regarding Regional Office for the Near East
CL 4/18 No document
CL 94/19 African Forestry Commission Change of Title to African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
C 89/Series
C 89/5 Financial. Report and Statements Volume I - Regular Programme 1986 87
C 89/5 Corr. 1 (English/French/ Spanish) Corrigendum to C 89/5
C 89/6 Financial Report and Statements Volume II UNDP 1.86 87
C 89/7 Financial Report and Statements Volume III WFP 1986 87
C 89/7 Corr 1 (English only) Corrigendum to C 89/7
CL 94/INF/Series
CL 94/INF/1 Provisional Timetable
CL 94/INF/2-Rev 2 Provisional List of Delegates and Observers
CL 94/INF/3 Provisional List of Documents
CL 94/INF/4 Progress Report on World Food Day Activities
CL 94/INF/5 Statement by Mr. Edouard Saouma, Director General to the 94th Session of the Council (15 November 1988)
CL 94/INF/5-Rev. 1 (English only) Revision to CL 94/INF/5
CL 94/INF/6 Index of Conference and Council. Decisions
CL 94/INF/7 Preventive Arrest and Detention of an FAO Staff Member for information)
CL 94/INF/8 Invitations to Non Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions
CL 94/INF/9 Changes in Representation of Member Nations on the Programme and Finance Committees
CL 94/INF/10 19th Report on the Activities of the Joint Inspection Unit (1 July l986 June 1987)
CL 94/INF/11 Work Programme of the Joint Inspection Unit for 1988
CL 94/INF/12 Summary of Recommendations of the 1988 Regional Conferences
CL 94/INF/12. Sup.1 Supplement to CL 94/INF/12
CL 94/INF/l2 Sup. 1 Corr 1 Corrigendum to CL 94/1NF7 12 Sup.1
CL 94/INF/13 ACC Comments on JIU Report on Field Representation of Organizations of the UN System Structure and

Coordination (JIU/REP /86/1)

CL 94/INF/14 ACC Comments on JITI Report on Management of Interpretation Services n the UN System (JIU/REP/86/5)
CL 94/INF/15 ACC Comments on JIU Report on Problems of Storage and its Costs in Organizations of the UN System (JIU/REP/
CL 94/INFI16 JIU Report on Problems of Storage and its Costs in Organizations of the UN System (JIU/RF2/87/6 (Addendum)
CL 94/INF/17 JIU Report on Technical Cooperation Between Organizations of the TIN System and the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) (JIU/REP/87/5)
CL 94/LIM/Series
CL 94/LIM/l Financial Position of the Organization
CL 94/LIM/2 Draft Resolution on the Plan of Action for Integratiion of Women in Agricultural and Rural Development
CL 94/REP/Series
CL 94/REP/1 to Draft Report of Plenary
CL 94/REP/b
CL 94/PV/Series
CL 94/PV/1 to Verbatim Records of Plenary
CL 94/PV/17
CL 94/OD/Series
CL 94/OD/1 to Orders of the Day
CL 4/OD/9

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