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PART 3 - MONOGRAPHS (Continued)


Oncorhynchus spp 1,23(01)009,xx

The following Oncorhynchus species come within the scope of this study:

O. gorbuscha  1,23(01)009,02
O. keta  1,23(01)009,03
O. nerka   1,23(01)009,06
O kisutch   1,23(01)009,08

Data on all Oncorhynchus species have been collected below; the selected values should be applicable to all species.


Fillet Edible Flesh Comments Source
 66.4O. gorbuscha: USSR1
 53.4–61.3O. gorbuscha: USSR2
50 O. gorbuscha: USSR3
 61.6–68.7O. keta: USSR2
 57.6–62.6O. nerka: USSR2
 69.4O. nerka: includes skin and bone: Canada4
 56.7O. nerka: Canada5
 58.6–64.8O. tshawytscha: USSR2

Selected values

Skinless fillets [50%]
Edible flesh 62%

The selected value for skinless fillets is the only figure found in the literature. The edible flesh value is a simple mean of the collected results.


Protein Fat Comments Source
mean 19.5
mean 3.6
O. gorbuscha: Alaska6
mean 20.6
mean 3.7
O. gorbuscha: west USA7
 7.8O. gorbuscha: White Sea: mean of male and female1
mean 19.0
mean 4.76
O. gorbuscha: USA: mean of 3 grounds8
mean 19.4
mean 6.3
O. gorbuscha: USSR: means of different grounds, July to September2
19–244–9O. gorbuscha3
20.128.45Summer ) O. keta: Japan: means of 
15.951.58Autumn ) 12 fish: dorsal muscle9
19.22.9O. keta: Japan: means of 18 fish during migration: dorsal muscle10
22.105.98O. keta: Japan: means of 18 fish means of dorsal and abdominal muscle11
21.82.8 12.4O. keta: Japan: means of 2 fish O. keta: Japan: mean of 3 fish12 13
mean 21.3
mean 3.86
O. keta: USA: means of 7 fish8
mean 20.8
mean 7.2
O. keta: USSR: several grounds and periods2
19–234–9O. keta: USSR3
20.58.9O. masou: USSR: 2 grounds2
18.213.6O. masou: USSR3
21.969.94O. nerka: Canada: 8 lots, total of 56 fish14
18.6 O. nerka: Canada: 1 fish15
22.09.6O. nerka: USA16
19.87.79O. nerka: USA: composite sample of 12 fish17
 7.1O. nerka: Japan: 1 fish18
mean 21.3
mean 8.55
O. nerka: USA: means of 42 fish8
mean 20.6
mean 6.6
O. nerka: USSR: several grounds and periods2
19–22 O. nerka: USSR3
19.612.9O. tshawytscha: USSR: 2 lots2
 10–13O. tshawytscha: USSR3
19.511.5O. tshawytscha: USA: 3 fish8
19.1311.82O. tshawytscha: USA: 1 fish19
16.9716.43O. tshawytscha: USA20
mean 21.5
mean 5.73
O. kisutch: USA: means of 9 lots, total 90 fish: caught June to October in three successive years21
21.29.9O. kisutch: USSR: means of 3 lots2
20–236–9O. kisutch: USSR3

Selected values

Protein 20.5%
Fat 6.3%

The collected data include a number of good surveys of composition of fish during the commercial fishing season. The selected values are the means of 9 such surveys: for O. gorbuscha, sources 2, 6, 7 and 8; for O. keta, source 2; for O. nerka, sources 2, 8 and 14; for O. kisutch, source 21.

The much less extensive data for O. masou and O. tshawytscha appear to suggest that these species have a rather higher fat content than the major species, but this cannot be considered certain.


  1. Morshtyn, M.I. Technological characteristics of White Sea pink salmon. Ryb. Khoz. No 6, 78–81 (1976)

  2. Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 82–119

  3. Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 193–196

  4. Tomlinson, N. et al. Storage of Pacific salmon at sea. 2. Influence of delay in chilling the catch. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Vancouver Laboratory, Circular No 44 (1969)

  5. Idler, D.R. and Tsuyuki, H. Biochemical studies on sockeye salmon during spanning migration. I. Physical measurements, plasma cholesterol and electrolyte levels. Can. J. Biochem. Physiol. 36 783–791 (1958)

  6. Thurston, C.E. Variation in composition of south eastern Alaska pink salmon. Food Res. 23 619–625 (1958)

  7. Thurston, C.E. and Groninger H.S. Composition changes in Puget Sound pink salmon during storage in ice and in refrigerated brine. J. Agric. Fd Chem. 7 282–284 (1959)

  8. Stansby, M.E. Chemical characteristics of fish caught in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Mar. Fish. Rev. 38(9) 1–11 (1976)

  9. Hatano, M. et al. Proximate composition of fall chum salmon. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 49 213–218 (1983)

  10. Takahashi, H., Kaneko, H. and Ichisugi, T. Biochemical studies of salmon and trout. I. Chemical composition of salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) during the spawning migration. Hokusuishi Geppo 33(12) 1–6 (1976)

  11. Igarashi, H. and Zama, K. Biochemical studies of the salmon, Oncorhynchus keta. I. The changes in the chemical components of the body tissues during the spawning migration. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 18 618–622 (1953)

  12. Konosu, S. et al. Amino acids and related compounds in the extracts of different parts of the muscle of chum salmon. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish 49 301–304 (1983)

  13. Takahashi, K. et al. Characterization of molecular species of fish muscle phosphatidylcholine. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 51 1475–1486 (1985)

  14. Idler, D.R. and Bitners, I. Biochemical studies on sockeye salmon during spawning migration. II. Cholesterol, fat, protein and water in the flesh of standard fish. Can. J. Biochem. Physiol. 36 793–798 (1958)

  15. Anon. Transport and storage of fish in refrigerated sea water: IV Preliminary report on nitrogen loss, weight changes, and proteolysis (belly-burn). Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Progress Report Pacific Coast Stations No 104, 16–17 (1955)

  16. Thurston, C.E. and Newman, H.W. Proximate composition changes in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during spawning migration. Fishery Ind. Res. 2(1) 15–22 (1962)

  17. Gordon, D.T. and Roberts, G.L. Mineral and proximate composition of Pacific coast fish. J. Agric. Fd Chem. 25 1262–1268 (1977)

  18. Yamada, M. and Hayashi, K. Fatty acid composition of lipids from 22 species of fish and mollusk. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 41 1143–1152 (1975)

  19. Dill, D.B. The proximate composition of certain Pacific coast fishes. Ind. Eng. Chem. 17 629–630 (1925)

  20. Greene, C.W. Biochemical changes in the muscle tissue of king salmon during the fast of spawning migration. J. Biol. Chem. 39 435–456 (1919)

  21. Karrick, N.L. and Thurston, C.E. Proximate composition of silver salmon. J. Agric. Fd Chem. 12 282–284 (1964)


Coloabis saira1,47,(02) 007,01


Fillet Edible Flesh Comments Source
54-61 may include skin1
 71.7weighted mean of 3 sizes2
 64.0sum of light and dark meats3
 59.6-65.2includes skin4

Selected values

Skinless fillets[52%]
Edible flesh64%


Protein Fat Comments Source
19–2311.5value for fat is mean over some grounds, seasons and sizes1
19.9113.04 9.98weighted means of 3 size groups weighted mean of 3 size groups: caught year after previous entry2 5
21.612.0weighted means of values for light and dark meats3
21.59.8means of some grounds and seasons4
 6.0means of 189 samples over 10 months6
 4.38mean of 5 samples7
23.55.8Scomberesox saurus: protein is mean of 3, fat of 8 batches8
23.25.2S. saurus1

Selected values

Fat 8.6%

No satisfactory surveys are available. Selected values are means of all data.


  1. Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 239–241

  2. Tsuchiya, Y. et al. Biochemical studies on skipper (Cololabis saira)-I. General component. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 19 513–517 (1953)

  3. Miwa, K., Sato, Y. and Kinoshita, E. Studies on the utilization of migratory fish - II. On the constituent parts of body of saury and their chemical components. Bull. Hokkaido Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 19 66–71 (1958)

  4. Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 157–162

  5. Hata, M. and Tashiro, M. Biochemical studies on skipper (Cololabis saira) - II. Moisture and crude fat content. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 19 518–524 (1953)

  6. Hara, M., Ito, K. and Hata, M. Difference of lipid contents in migrations of Pacific saury. Tohoku J. Agric. Res. 34 (3–4) 65–72 (1984)

  7. Hirao, S., Yamada, J. and Kikuchi, R. Vitamin A in fish meat - III. Individual fluctuation in the vitamin A content in fish meat. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 20 853–859 (1955)

  8. Podsevalov, V.N. and Perova, L.I. Technochemical characteristics of some Atlantic species of fish. Trudy Atlant. NIRO 52 146–164 (1973)


Penaeus spp 2,28 (01) 001, xx
Penaeus aztecus 2,28 (01) 001,01
Penaeus merguiensis 2,28 (01) 001,03
Penaeus setiferus 2,28 (01) 001,22

Data have been collected on Penaeus shrimps, but not on related genera such as Metapenaeus and Parapenaeus. Source 1 has been used as an authoritative guide to the allocation of species to particular genera.


Edible Flesh Comments Source
42.2Penaeus duorarum: Nigeria2
46.7–51.9P. japonicus: Japan3
62.1P. monodon: Philippines4
70.0P. carinatus (= P. monodon): India5
49.4P. indicus: India6
55.0P. indicus: India5
62.5P. indicus: Philippines4
62.5Penaeus spp: Philippines7

Selected value

Edible flesh        57%

As far as can be determined all the yields quoted are for raw meats: results for cooked meat yield have been excluded. The selected value is the mean of all the data.


Protein Fat Comments Source
21.40.14P. aztecus: USA: means of 20 or 23 samples8
19.172.29P. aztecus: USA9
 1.20P. aztecus: USA10
21.792.19P. duorarum: USA9
 0.8P. japonicus: Japan3
22.851.66P. carinatus (= monodon): India5
20.760.67P. monodon: Philippines4
20.60.20P. setiferus: Gulf of Mexico8
22.00.17P. setiferus: S. Atlantic8
19.3 P. setiferus: USA11
18.274.49P. setiferus: USA9
20.900.35P. indicus: India12
17.130.41P. indicus: Philippines4
 1.0P. indicus: India13
19.671.47P. indicus: India5
21.51.7P. penicillatus: India14
20.320.86P. schmitti: Venezuela15
21.13.2Penaeus spp: Philippines7

Selected values


No seasonal study of composition has been found. The selected values are means of all the collected data which are for raw meats. There is no clear evidence of any species difference.


  1. Holthuis, L.B. FAO Species Catalogue, Vol 1 - Shrimps and Prawns of the World. (FAO, 1980)

  2. Emokpae, A.O. Preliminary studies on the chemical and weight composition of some commercially important species of fish and shrimp caught in the Nigerian inshore waters. J. Fd Technol. 18 271–283 (1983)

  3. Kanazwva, A. et al. The variation of lipids and cholesterol contents in the tissues of prawn, Penaeus japonicus, during the molting cycle. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 42 1003–1007 (1976)

  4. Intengan, C.L. et al. Composition of Philippine foods, V. Philippine J. of Science 85 203–213 (1956)

  5. Shaikhmahmud, F.S. and Magar, N.G. Studies in the nutritive value of Bombay prawns: Part II - Chemical composition and nutritional constituents of penaeid prawns. J. Sci. Industr. Res. 20 (D) 157–158 (1961)

  6. Govindan, T.K. and Perigreen, P.A. Dressed and cooked yields of prawns in relation ot duration of holding in ice. Indian Food Packer 26(5) 36–38 (1972)

  7. Santos, F.O. and Ascalon, S.J. Amount of nutrients in Philippine food materials. Philippine Agriculturist 20 402–409 (1931)

  8. Sidwell, V.D., Bonnet, J.C. and Zook, E.G. Chemical and nutritive values of several fresh and canned finfish, crustaceans, and mollusks. Part 1: Proximate composition, calcium and phosphorus. Mar. Fisheries Review 35(12) 16–19 (1973)

  9. Krishnamoorthy, R.V. et al. Caloric densities of shellfish meat and meat fats. J. Agric. Fd Chem. 27 1125–1127 (1979)

  10. Johnston, J.J. et al. Characterization of shrimp lipids. J. Fd Sci. 48 33–35 (1983)

  11. Wilaichon, W. et al. Effect of high temperature holding and ice storage on protein, non-protein nitrogen, water and collagen content of penaeid shrimp. J. Fd Protection 40 252–255 (1977)

  12. Mukundan, M.K. et al. Comparative study of the nutrient content of fish and shellfish. Fish. Technol. 18 129–132 (1981)

  13. Gopakumar, K. and Nair, M.R. Lipid composition of five species of Indian prawns. J. Sci. Fd Agric. 26 319–325 (1975)

  14. Shaikhmahmud, F. and Magar, N.G. Studies in the nutritive value of Bombay prawns: Part 1 Chemical composition of prawns. J. Sci. Industr. Res. 16(A) 44–46 (1957)

  15. Jaffe, W.G. Composition of Venezuelan fish. Arch. Venez. Nutr. 7 163–166 (1956)


Leiognathidae 1,70 (35) xxx, xx


Fillet Edible Flesh Comments Source
 95.0Leiognathus bindus: eviscerated only1
 94.0Leiognathus insidiatrix (= Secutor insidiator?): eviscerated only1
 44.04L. equulus: skinless2
 30.9L. equulus3
 40.0L. rivulata: may include skin4
 42.0L. daurus (= daura): includes skin5
 35.6L. sp: by deboning machine6
 25.3L. sp.7
 30.8Leiognathidae: by deboning machine9

Selected values

Skinless fillets-
Edible flesh [36%]

Small fish like ponyfishes are unlikely to be filleted before cooking. No figure is available and there seems no need to derive a figure from analogy with other species. The selected value for total flesh is provisional, in the absence of any surveys: it is the mean of all data except those from Source 1.


Protein Fat Comments Source
18.771.16Leiognathus bindus: eviscerated only1
19.171.55Leiognathus insidiatrix (=Secutor insidiator?): eviscerated only1
17.231.00L. equulus2
17.471.80L. equulus3
20.10.3L. rivulata: may include skin4
19.61.5L. daurus(=daura): includes skin5
15.70.9L. sp: by deboning machine6
17.394.02L. sp.: whole fish analysed8
15.90.75Leiognathidae: by deboning machine9

Selected values

Protein [17.9%]
Fat [1.0%]

Selected values are means of all the data except those from Sources 1 and 8 which relate to whole, or nearly whole, fish.


  1. 1. Chari, S.T. Nutritive value of some of the west coast marine food fishes of the Madras province. Indian J. Med. Res. 36 253–259 (1948)

  2. Sulit, J.I. et al. Proximate chemical composition of various species of Philippine market fishes. Philippine J. of Fisheries 2 109–122 (1953)

  3. Intengan, C.L. et al. Composition of Philippine foods, V. Philippine J. of Science 85 203–213 (1956)

  4. Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (Vladivostok, 1971) p 212

  5. Bykov, V.P. Marine fishes (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) p 270

  6. Revankar, G.D. et al. Fish mince -preparation and composition. Indian Food Packer, July-Aug, 20–24 (1981)

  7. Khorana, M.L. et al. Investigations on the food value of fish and other marine products. Part II. The protein and mineral contents. Indian J. Med. Res. 31 25–27 (1943)

  8. Ayyappan, M.P.K., Shenoy, A.V. and Gopakumar, K. Proximate composition of 17 species of Indian fish. Fish. Technol. 13 153–155 (1976)

  9. Pruthiarenun, R. et al. Utilization of fish by-catch for fish-ball manufacture. FAO Fisheries Report No 317, Supplement (1985). Spoilage of tropical fish and product development. pp 428–449

  10. Valenzuela, A. Composition and nutritive value of Philippine food fishes. Philippine J. Sci. 36 235–242 (1928)


Pollachius virens1,48 (04) 015,01

Fillet Edible Flesh Comments Source
32.0 USA: mean of 3 sizes: 24 fish1
4655UK: edible flesh by deboning machine: based on gutted, head-on weight2
3958USA: edible flesh by deboning machine: based on gutted, head-on weight3

Selected values

Skinless fillets 34%
Edible flesh 47%

The data based on gutted, head-on weight were converted to a whole fish basis by using a factor from source 4, and were then averaged to give the selected values.


Protein Fat Comments Source
18.90.33USA: 24 fish of three sizes1
mean 18.36
UK: 95 fish caught over 8months 5
mean 18.27
 UK: 241 fish caught over complete year6
16.4–20.30.3–0.6UK: small number of fish7
19.40.7Norway: 34 fresh and a number of frozen fish analysed8
17.95(±0.97)0.91(±0.31)±SD: 40 fish9
19.00.4 10
17.350.29Spain: 1 fish11
16.40.3UK: 1 fish12

Selected values

Protein 18.3%
Fat [0.5%]

The two surveys, sources 5 and 6, are in good agreement and their mean is taken as the selected value for protein. Neither survey included fat: the fat figure is the mean of the available data.


  1. Brooke, R.O., Ravesi, E.M. and Steinberg, M.A. The composition of commercially important fish taken from New England waters. II. Proximate analyses of butterfish, flounder, pollock, and hake, and their seasonal variation. J. Fd Sci. 27 73–76 (1962)

  2. Ravichander, N. and Keay, J.N. The production and properties of minced fish from several commercially important species. Conference Proceedings: The production and utilization of mechanically recovered fish flesh (minced fish). ed. Keay, J.N. (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK, 1976) pp 18–24

  3. King, F.J. and Carver, J.H. How to use nearly all the ocean's food. Oak Brook Seminar: Mechanical recovery and utilization of fish flesh. ed. Martin, R.E. (National Fisheries Institute, Washington, D.C. 1972) pp 222–238

  4. Bedford, B.C., Woolner, L.E. and Jones, B.W. Length-weight relationships for commercial fish species and conversion factors for various presentations. Fisheries Research Data Report No 10 (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK, 1986)

  5. Analytical Methods Committee. Nitrogen factor for coal fish. Analyst 96 744–745 (1971)

  6. McLay, R., Howgate, P.F. and Morrison, J. Nitrogen content of seven British commercial species of fish. J. Assoc. Publ. Analysts 24 131–139 (1986)

  7. Reay, G.A., Cutting, C.L. and Shewan, J.M. The nation's food. VI. Fish as food. II. The chemical composition of fish. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 62 77–85 (1943)

  8. Braekkan, O.R. Vitamins in Norwegian fish III. Vitamins in different organs from the most important codfishes (Gadidae) caught off the coast of Norway. Fiskeridirektoratets Skrifter. Serie Teknoligiske undersokelser III No 6 (1958)

  9. Lang, K. and Christen, U. The composition of the muscle meat of a number of sea fish of nutritional importance. Fleischwirtschaft 63 967–970 (1983)

  10. Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 116–117

  11. de las Heras, A.R. and Mendez Isla, M.C. Contribution to the chemical study of Spanish fish. Anales de Bromatologia 4 403–410 (1952)

  12. Plimmer, R.H.A. Analyses and energy values of food. (HMSO, UK, 1921)


Sardinella spp1,21 (05) 012,xx

All sardinella species are considered together here, because of recent changes in nomenclature of species and because well over half the sardinellas caught are not allocated in FAO catch statistics to particular species.

The following species and group, falling within the scope of this study, are included here:
Sardinella spp 1,21 (05) 012 xx
S. gibbosa 1,21 (05) 012,03
S.longiceps 1,21 (05) 012,04
S. aurita 1,21 (05) 012,10
S. lemura 1,21 (05) 012,23


Fillet Edible Flesh Comments Source
50.8–54.7 S. jusseiu (=S. gibbosa): fillets with skin1
 64.0S. longiceps: Philippines: edible portion not defined2
 60.0S. longiceps: Philippines: probably includes skin3
 70.0S. longiceps: India: does not include skin or bones4
 37.3S. longiceps: India: separated from dressed fish by use of bone separator5
 18.7S. longiceps: India: separated from dressed fish by use of bone separator6
 63.0S. longiceps: body including skin and bones1
 71.4S. anchovia (=S. aurita): body including skin and bones7
 43–64S. aurita: does not include skin or bones1
 61.0S. fimbriata: Philippines: edible protein not defined8
 76.16S. fimbriata: Philippines: probably includes skin3
 60.0S. fimbriata: India: does not include skin or bone4
 65.0Clupea fimbriata (= S. fimbriata): India: mean over 7 months: does not include skin or bone9
 57.9S. fimbriata: includes skin1
 46.6S. perforata: Philippines: edible protein not defined8

Selected values

Skinless fillets [53%]
Edible flesh 65%

Only one figure is available for fillets. The value from source 9 is chosen for edible flesh, as it is the only study which clearly covers an extended period of the year. The two values from sources 5 and 6 for mechanically recovered tissue are unrealistically low. When these figures, and those where the edible portion includes bone or is not defined, are excluded, the mean of the remaining data is 63%, in good agreement with the selected value.


Protein Fat Comments Source
19.22.6S. longiceps: Philippines: mean of at least 6 fish: edible portion not defined2
17.734.61S. longiceps: Philippines: sample of about 1 kg: edible portion not defined8
21.011.89S. longiceps: Philippines: probably includes skin3
19.572.03S. longiceps: India: flesh only4
18.7411.7S. longiceps: India: recovered flesh5
21.124.75S. longiceps: India: 
18.885.062 lots: flesh only10
21.0910.30S. longiceps: India: mean of 4 lots from single batch: flesh only11
18.1014.34S. longiceps: India: probably an average value: possibly whole fish12
19.07.0S. longiceps: meat1
 9.32S. longiceps: India: average of 43 lots over complete year: whole fish13
 10.83S. longiceps: India: average over extended period: whole fish14
mean 20.7
mean 3.7
S. aurita: Mediterranean: ranges and averages over three years: flesh with skin and bones15
19.83.6S. anchovia (= S. aurita): probably includes skin7
21.21.24S. aurita: Senegal: single sample: probably includes skin16
22.401.31S. aurita: South-east USA: caught over several months: skinless fillets17
17.1–22.21.2–19.7S. aurita: probably skinless1
21.83.4S. anchovia (= aurita)1
19.912.28S. fimbriata: Philippines: edible portion not defined8
19.871.36S. fimbriata: Philippines: probably includes skin3
20.84 18.571.93S. fimbriata: India: flesh only Clupea (= S. fimbriata): India: flesh only4 9
20.40.3S. fimbriata: probably includes skin1
22.71.6S. eba1
20.5 (±0.9)4.8 (±2.1)±SD: S. allecia: Brazil: sampled over whole year: whole fish18
18.280.33S. perforata: Philippines: edible protein not defined8
mean 21.7
mean 1.9
S. sirm: Sri Lanka: sampled over 9 months: fish flesh (not defined)19
 7.83S. spp: Atlantic: mean over full year: fish flesh (not defined)20

Selected values

Protein 20.2%
Fat 4.5%

The data collected above include a number of surveys of compositions carried out over one or more years, or for a substantial part of the year. However several are surveys of the composition of whole fish or of headed, gutted fish. Omitting these leaves only the values from sources 17, 19 and 20; 19 refers to a minor species, and 20 gives only fat content, while both refer to flesh, without a clear definition of the term. It would thus appear unwise to rely only on such surveys.

Accordingly, mean values have been calculated of all the data from sources where the material analysed is edible flesh (with or without skin) rather than whole fish, headed and gutted fish, or ill-defined edible flesh.


  1. Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 80–83

  2. Santos, F.O. and Ascalan, S.J. Amount of nutrients in Philippine food materials. Philippine Agriculturist 20 402–409 (1931)

  3. Sulit, J.I. et al. Proximate chemical composition of various species of Philippine market fishes. Philippine J. of Fisheries 2 109–122 (1953)

  4. Chari, S.T. Nutritional values of some of the west coast marine food fishes of the Madras province. Ind. J. Med. Res. 36 253–259 (1948)

  5. Sudhakaran, R. and Sudhakara, N.S. Studies on the preparation of salted and dried minces from threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus) and Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps). FAO Fisheries Report No 317, Supplement (1985). Spoilage of tropical fish and product development pp 338–347.

  6. Revankar, G.D. et al. Fish mince - preparation and composition. Indian Food Packer 35(4) 20–24 (1981)

  7. Bykov, V.P. and Rusin, A.A. Technochemical composition of some species of fish of the Campeche Bank. Ryb. Khoz. No. 12, 72–73 (1971)

  8. Intengan, C.L. et al. Composition of Philippine foods V. Philippine J. of Science 85 203–213 (1956)

  9. Setna, S.B., Sarangdhar, P.N. and Ganpule, N.V. Nutritive values of some marine fishes of Bombay. Indian J. Med. Res. 32 171–176 (1944)

  10. Shenoy, A.V. and Pillai, V.K. Fishery Technol. 8(1) 37–41 (1971)

  11. Krishnakumar, S. et al. Preservation of Sardinella longiceps in iced and chilled seawater Part 1 Changes during storage with particular reference to bacterial load and nitrogeneous compounds. Fishery Technol. 22 126–131 (1985)

  12. Madhavan, P., Nair, T.S.U. and Balachandran, K.K. A review on oil sardine 1. Distribution, preservation and transportation. Fishery Technol. 11 88–92 (1974)

  13. Sen, D.P. and Chaluvaiah, G.L. Seasonal variation in the amount and characteristics of the oil-sardine (Sardinella longiceps) fish. J. Food Sci and Tech. (Mysore) 5 117–122 (1968)

  14. Sen, D.P. and Revankar, G.D. Seasonal variation in the amount of oil of oil-sardine (Sardinella longiceps) fish. J. Food. Sci. and Tech. (Mysore) 9 93 (1972)

  15. Herzberg, A. and Pasteur, R. Proximate composition of commercial fishes from the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Fishery Industrial Research 5 39–65 (1969)

  16. Diouf, N. et al. Study of the preservation of sardinella and sea bream by ice and refrigerated sea water. FAO Fisheries Report No 268, Supplement (1982). FAO Expert Consultation on Fish Technology in Africa. pp 15–26

  17. Hale, M.B. Proximate chemical composition and fatty acids of three small coastal pelagic species. Marine Fisheries Review 46(1) 19–21 (1984)

  18. Watanabe, K. Variations in chemical composition in some commercial fishes from the south of Brazil. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 29 469–474 (1963)

  19. Nandanie, W.M.C., Jayasinghe, C. and Fonseka, T.S.G. A preliminary study on the seasonal variation in the storage pattern and proximate composition of iced spotted sardine (Sardinella sirm). FAO Fisheries Report No 317, Supplement (1985). Spoilage of tropical fish and product development. pp 82–86

  20. Bidenko, M., Shenderyuk, V. and Agzhitova, L. Technology of processing of Atlantic sardine. Fishery Products ed. R. Kreuzer (Fishing News Books, 1974) pp 206–212


Decapterus spp 1,70(23)043,xx



Decapterus maruadsi 1,70(23)043,07



Decapterus russelli 1,70)23)043,08


Fillet Edible Flesh Comments Source
50.06–57.0 Decapterus maruadsi: probably includes skin1
 40.1D. macrosoma2
 71.24D. macrosoma3
53.0 D. rhonchus: probably includes skin1
 54.8D. kiliche: meat with skin1
56.4 D. polyaspis: probably includes skin1
 50.6–56.4D. spp: meat with skin4

Selected values

Skinless fillets [52%]
Edible flesh [52%]

The value for skinless fillets is the mean of the available data, reduced by 15% to take account of skin. The data for total edible flesh are particularly variable and the selected value, the mean of the data (collected for skin where appropriate), is clearly not compatible with the fillet figure.


Protein Fat Comments Source
20.91.9D. maruadsi5
 4.38D. maruadsi6
20.7–23.30.4–3.5D. maruadsi1
20.0–23.80.2–0.8D. russelli1
19.221.65D. macrosoma2
21.900.95D. macrosoma3
21.290.43 )D. rhonchus7
19.02.2 )  
20.7–21.52.9–5.1D. rhonchus1
22.221.90D. punctatus8
21.55.0D. kiliche1
22.54.6D. polyaspis1
21.92.6D. spp4

Selected values

Protein 21.3%
Fat 2.5%

No surveys, even partial ones, were found. The selected values are means of all the data.


  1. Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 42–45

  2. Intengan, C.L. et al. Composition of Philippine foods, V. Philippine J. of Science 85 203–213 (1956)

  3. Sulit, J.I. et al. Proximate chemical composition of various species of Philippine market fishes. Philippine J. of Fisheries 2 109–122 (1953)

  4. Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 201–202

  5. Tsao, C.-Y., Chon, K.-C. and Jiang, S.-T. Studies on freezing preservation of raw material of minced fish products - I. J. Chinese Agric. Chem. Soc. 18 77–85 (1980)

  6. Hirao, S., Yamada, J. and Kikuchi, R. Vitamin A in fish meat - III. Individual fluctuation in the vitamin A content in fish meat. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 20 853–859 (1955)

  7. Tulsner, M. The technological properties and processing possibilities of important north west African commercial fish species. Fischerei-Forschung, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe 3 55–63 (1965)

  8. Hale, M.B. Proximate chemical composition and fatty acids of three small coastal pelagic species. Mar. Fish. Rev. 46(1) 19–21 (1984)


Pectinidae  3,16(08)xxx,xx
Pecten yessoensis 3,16(08)003,07
Pecten maximus  3,16(08)003,09
Placopecten magellanicus  3,16(08)014,04
Argopecten gibbus 3,16(08)030,01


Meat Comments Source
10–16Pecten maximus: UK: includes roe1
13.4P. maximus: UK: mean of 2 samples: probably includes roe2
18.0P. maximus: UK: single sample: probably includes roe3
8.0Placopecten magellanicus and Aequipecten (=Argopecten) irradians: USA: does not include roe4
3.6–4.7Argopecten gibbus) : USA: does not include roe4
11.5species not certain: East USSR: may include roe5

Selected values

Meat, including roe [15%]
Meat, excluding roe [6%]

In USA, only the adductor muscle (meat) is eaten: in most other countries the meat and the gonads are eaten. The available data are limited: no proper seasonal study is available (other than biological studies of growth rates, which do not provide usable data on meat yields) and it is in no case clear whether the initial weight of the whole scallop includes the shell liquor or not. The selected values are the mean of sources 1, 2 and 3 for meat with roe, and the mean of source 4 data for meat only. These values would indicate that roe constitutes more than half the total yield, which is probably untrue. A species difference may account for this apparent discrepancy.


Protein Fat Glycogen Comments Source
 0.6 Patinopecten (= Pecten) yessoensis: Japan: muscle: mean of wild and farmed scallops: sampled in 5 months of year6
16.70.463.70Pecten maximus: UK: muscle: 5 batches7
13.821.700.24P. maximus: UK: roe: 5 batches7
16.00.762.86P. maximus: UK: weighted means of muscle and roe, calculated from previous data7
17.50.5–1.0 P. maximus: UK: 1 or 2 samples: probably includes roe3
17.240.46 muscle Pecten jacobeus: 
18.311.22 male roe Spain: 20 batches14
13.812.72 female roe over complete year 
17.550.501.76Placopecten magellanicus: USA: muscle: means of wild and farmed fish: 2 batches8
 0.85 P. magellanicus: USA: muscle: sampled 9 months of year9
15.081.00 P. magellanicus: USA: muscle: 2 samples10
15.850.604.26P. magellanicus: USA: muscle: sampled 6 times over year11
17.10.9 P. magellanicus: USA: muscle: single batch12
18.20.17 P. magellanicus: USA: means of 20 specimens13
15.830.581.50Aequipecten (= Argopecten) gibbus: USA: muscle: sampled monthly over 2 years11
15.41.0 Aequipecten (= Argopecten) gibbus: USA: muscle: single batch12
16.90.21 Argopecten gibbus: USA: means of 19 or 20 fish13
15.700.521.47Aequipecten (= Argopecten) irradians: USA: muscle: means of monthly samples over 2 years11
14.40.7 Aequipecten (= Argopecten) irradians: USA: muscle: single batch12
17.50.3 muscle 
18.30.5 male roe species not certain: 
13.32.4 female roe East USSR5
14.10.2 Pecten spp: USA: means of 19 or 20 fish13

Selected values

 Meat including roeMeat excluding roe

The values for edible meat, including roe, are from source 7: they are consistent with data of sources 3, 5 and 14, but are provisional as the survey covered only part of the year and was geographically limited. The values for muscle only, appropriate mainly to USA and Canada, are the means of the three species from source 11.


  1. Hardy, R. and Smith, J.G.M. Catching and processing scallops and queens. Torry Advisory Note No 46 (Torry Research Station, 1970)

  2. Plimmer, R.H.A. Analyses and energy values of foods (HMSO, London, 1921)

  3. Reay, G.A., Cutting, C.L. and Shewan, J.M. The nation's food. VI. Fish as food. II. The chemical composition of fish. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 57 77–85 (1943)

  4. Peters, J.A. Scallops and their utilization. Marine Fish. Rev. 40 (11) 1–9 (1978)

  5. Levanidov, I.P. and Zakharova, V.P. The chemical composition of food molluscs and echinoderms of the Sakhalin region. Izvestiya TNIRO, No 65, 221–230 (1968)

  6. Hayashi, K. and Yamada, M. Studies on the lipids of shell-fish V. On the component fatty acids in the giant ezo scallop. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. 26 182–191 (1975)

  7. Mason, J. The food value of the scallop, Pecten maximus (L), from Manx inshore waters. Rep. Mar. Biol. Sta. Port Erin, No 71, 47–52 (1959)

  8. Naidu, K.S. and Botta, J.R. Taste panel assessment and proximate composition of cultured and wild sea scallops, Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin). Aquaculture 15 243–247 (1978)

  9. Idler, D.R., Tamura, T. and Wainai, T. Seasonal variations in the sterol, fat and unsaponifiable components of scallop muscle. J. Fish. Res. Bd Canada 21 1035–1042 (1964)

  10. Anthony, J E. et al. Yields, proximate composition and mineral content of finfish and shellfish. J. Fd Sci. 48 313–314, 316 (1983)

  11. Webb, N.B. et al. Variations in proximate composition of North Carolina scallop meats. J. Fd Sci. 34 471–474 (1969)

  12. Krzeczkowski, R.A., Tenney, R.D. and Hayer, M.L. Fatty acid content and proximate analysis of bay, calico, sea and weathervane scallop adductor muscle. J. Fd Sci. 37 300–301 (1972)

  13. Sidwell, V.D., Bonnet, J.C. and Zook, E.G. Chemical and nutritive values of several fresh and canned finfish, crustaceans, and mollusks Part 1: Proximate composition, calcium, and phosphorus. Mar. Fish. Rev. 35 (12) 16–19 (1973)

  14. Lopez-Benito, M. Chemical composition of the scallop (Pecten jacobeus). Inv. Pesq. 1 137–151 (1955)


Scomberomorus spp   1,75(01)015,xx
Scomberomorus commerson  1,75(01)015,03
Scomberomorus niphonius   1,75(01)015,12


FilletEdible FleshCommentsSource
5.95 Scomberomorus commerson: includes skin1
 71.8S. commerson: includes skin2
52.3 S. commerson: skinless3
 63.0Cybium (= Scomberomorus) commerson4
 43.6Cybium (= Scomberomorus) commerson: edible portion not defined5
 69.18Cybium (= Scomberomorus) commerson:skinless6
 66.7S. guttatus: includes skin2
 66.0Cybium (= Scomberomorus) guttatus: skinless7
 71.2S. maculatus: skinless2
62.0 S. maculatus: probably skinless2
48.6 S. maculatus: skinless8
 75.0S. niphonius: includes skin and bone2
66.7–73.0 S. leopardus: include skin2
 66.7–70.2S. spp: include skin9

Selected values

Skinless fillets 57%
Edible flesh 67%

The selected values are means of the data, after correcting for presence of skin where necessary. The value for edible flesh from source 5 has been excluded because of doubt about its definition, and the result for S. niphonius, which includes skin and bone (Source 2), has also been omitted.


Protein Fat Comments Source
20.70.9Scomberomorus commerson: means of 10 fish1
21.02.5S. commerson2
17.86 Cybium (= Scomberomorus) commerson4
15.940.21Cybium (= Scomberomorus) commerson5
17.290.52Cybium(= Scomberomorus) commerson6
21.020.36S. commerson10
19.819.68S. guttatus10
20.02.1S. guttatus2
22.454.00Cybium guttatum (= Scomberomorus guttatus)7
 13.0S. guttatus11
 1.723Cybium guttatum (= Scomberomorus guttatus)12
21.44.2S. maculatus2
18.9713.75S. maculatus8
21.080.64S. maculatus13
19.72.5S. niphonius2
20.98.6S. leopardus2
19.07.2S. spp: fat content can vary from 1.5 to 19.29
22.37 S. sp14
20.362.67Scomberomorus & Acanthocybium spp: section of fish analysed15

Selected values

Protein 20.0%
Fat [4.4%]

The data do not permit one to detect any differences between species, although the fat contents of S. commerson are all quite low compared with the mean. The comment in source 9 about the possible variation in fat content, and knowledge of the seasonal variation of fat content in most other fatty fish, would suggest that in the absence of any data on seasonal variation, the selected mean value for fat may be somewhat low. The protein value is the mean of all data.


  1. Curran, C.A., Nicolaides, L. and Al-Alawi, Z.S. Quality changes during iced storage of three commercially important species of fish from Bahrain. Trop. Sci. 23 253–268 (1981)

  2. Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 215–219

  3. Trinidad, L.M. and Reilly, A. Production of smoked Spanish mackerel. in Cured fish production in the tropics. ed. Reilly, A. and Barile, L.E. (College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, 1986) pp 174–185

  4. Setna, S.B., Saranghdar, P.N. and Ganpule, N.V. Nutritive values of some marine fishes of Bombay. Indian J. Med. Res. 32 171–176 (1944)

  5. Intengan, C.L. et al. Composition of Philippine foods, V. Philippine J. of Sci. 85 203–213 (1956)

  6. Sulit, J.I. Proximate chemical composition of various species of Philippine market fishes. Philippine J. of Fisheries 2 109–122 (1953)

  7. Chari, S.T. Nutritive value of some of the west coast marine food fishes of the Madras province. Indian J. Med. Res. 36 253–259 (1948)

  8. Gall, K.L. et al. Effects of four cooking methods on the proximate, mineral and fatty acid composition of fish fillets. J. Fd Sci. 48 1068– 1074 (1983)

  9. Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 233–234

  10. Yaroslavtseva, L.D. Technochemical properties of some Indian Ocean fish. Ryb. Khoz. 42(1) 60–64 (1966)

  11. Gopakumar, K. and Nair, M.R. Fatty acid composition of eight species of Indian marine fish. J. Sci. Fd Agric. 23 493–496 (1972)

  12. Patakoot, R.S., Pradhan, L.B. and Murti, N.N. Fat content of the muscles of some marine fishes of Bombay. J. Univ. Bombay 18(5B) 3–6 (1950)

  13. Jaffe, W.G. et al. Composition of Venezuelan fish. Archivos Venezolanos de Nutricion 7 163–166 (1956)

  14. Khorana, M.L. et al. Investigations on the food value of fish and other marine products. Part II. The protein and mineral contents. Indian J. Med. Res. 31 25–27 (1943)

  15. Valenzuela, A. Composition and nutritive value of Philippine food fishes. Philippine J. Sci. 36 235–242 (1928)


Katsuwonus pelamis 1,75(01)025,01

Surprisingly little data are available on tunas generally, but sufficient on skipjack tuna to warrant separate treatment from tunas in other genera.


Fillet Edible Flesh Comments Source
 59sum of light and dark meats: skinless1
 63.54Nigeria: recovered by deboning machine2
45.9 New Zealand: sum of light and dark meats: skinless3
 65.4sum of light and dark meats: skinless4
 60.8–66includes skin5

Selected values

Skinless fillets [46%]
Edible flesh 62%

Only one figure is available for fillet yield. The value for edible flesh is a mean of the values above (after subtracting 5% from source 5 data to correct for skin).


Protein Fat Comments Source
25.20.8weighted mean of values for light and dark meats1
mean 23.64
mean 2.10
Nigeria: means over 7 months in 9 month period6
25.68.2New Zealand: mean of 6 fish: light meat only3
26.12.6Pacific coast of N & S America: means of 59 summer-caught fish: weighted means of light and dark meat7
 0.8India: single fish8
20.61.4India : single sample (?): weighted means of values for light and dark meat9
mean 24.77
mean 3.45
Several fishing grounds and seasons4
18.3–26.30.4–13.4February to August5

Selected values

Protein 24.2%
Fat 3.8%

Data from four sources, 6, 7, 4 and 5 cover either an extended period or an extended geographical range. Values from these have been averaged to give the selected values.


  1. Perova, L.I., Odinstov, A.B. and Semenov, B.N. Technological characteristics of small tuna fish. Ryb. Khoz. No 8, 66–69 (1980)

  2. Balogun, A.M. et al. Product technology of skipjack tuna caught in Nigeria's EEZ. FAO Fisheries Report No 329 (Supplement) (1986): Proceedings of the FAO Expert Consultation on Fish Technology in Africa pp 291–299

  3. Vlieg, P., Habib, G. and Clement, G.I.T. Proximate composition of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis from New Zealand and New Caledonian waters. N.Z. J. Sci. 26 243–250 (1983)

  4. Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 235–237

  5. Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 260–261

  6. Balogun, A.M. and Talabi, S.O. Studies on size distribution of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis): effect on chemical composition and implications for its utilization. J. Fd Tech. 21 443–449 (1986)

  7. Karrick, N.L. and Thurston, C.E. Proximate composition and sodium and potassium contents of four species of tuna. Fishery Industrial Research 4 73–81 (1968)

  8. Gopakumar, K. and Nair, M.R. Fatty acid composition of eight species of Indian marine fish. J. Sci. Fd Agric. 23 493–496 (1972)

  9. George, C. Biochemical differences between the red and white meat of tuna and changes in quality during freezing and storage. Fishery Technol. 12 70–74 (1975)


The following species and groups come within the scope of the study.

Sepia, sepiola spp  3,21(02)xxx,xx
Loligo spp  3,21(04)001,xx
Illex argentinus  3,21(05)010,03
Todarodes pacificus  3,21(05)058,03
Octopodidae   3,21(09)xxx,xx
Loliginidae, Ommastrephidae   3,99


Edible parts of these species may comprise the mantle (M), the tentacles (T) and (especially in the case of octopus) part of the head (H). The nature of the edible part is in the second column. Data for wings (fins) is included in mantle data. Where the edible flesh has been stated to be skinned, this is noted in the comments column; it is likely that most of the data refer to skinless meat, even though this is not stated.

Edible Parts Comments Source
57.96M+TSepia officinalis: Spain: mean of 5 specimens1
68.56?Sepiella inermis: India2
77.45M+TLoligo vulgaris: Spain: mean of 5 specimens1
71.38?Loligo indica: India2
71.27M+TLoligo spp: Spain: skinless9
65M+TIllex illecebrosus: Canada: skinless15
62M+TIllex illecebrosus1
45.2M )Todarodes sagittatus: mantle yield from 
15.8T )samples collected in 7 months of year, 
  tentacle yield from 2 months16
66.5M+TTodarodes pacificus: Pacific: mean of 6 specimens17
41.1M )Notodarus spp: New Zealand: means of 70 
22.8T )specimens caught during year: skinless19
79.04M+TOmmastrephes sloani pacificus: Japan: mean of 10 specimens caught July to December20
53.9M )Sepioteuthis bilineata: New Zealand: means 
9.4T )of one batch of 6 specimens: skinless19
41.6M )Moroteuthis ingens: New Zealand: means of 
22.5T )one batch of 6 specimens: skinless19
63M+Tmeans of 9 specimens of Pacific squid: 1 to 3 specimens of each17
78.6H+TOctopus vulgaris: Spain: mean of 4 specimens1

Selected values

Cuttlefishes, bobtail squids [63%]
Squids 67%
Octopuses [79%]

The paucity of data on yields of cuttlefish (Sepia and Sepiella, sources 1 and 2) and octopus (source 1), in comparison with the fair amount of data on squids, does not allow one to decide whether they are significantly different from yields of squid. However, since they are dissimilar in appearance from squid and might be expected to give different flesh yields, separate provisional yield figures are suggested. The value for squid is the mean of all the data, in the absence of any full survey, or evidence of a species or genus difference.


Protein Fat Parts Comments Source
18.041.44?Sepia officinalis: Mediterranean4
20.551.40?Sepiella inermis: India2
15.940.77MSepia orientalis: India3
19.6 M+TSepia aculeata: India5
15.61.28MSepia esculenta: Japan6
20.21.36MSepia pharaonis: Japan6
 0.6?Sepia sp: India7
14.151.48?Sepia sp: Mediterranean8
17.42.79M )  
17.22.39T )Loligo vulgaris: Atlantic10
16.520.81MLoligo vulgaris: India3
17.11.3?Loligo vulgaris: South Africa11
20.11.40M(without fins)Loligo forbesi: UK12
20.831.35?Loligo indica: India2
16.331.67MLoligo pealei: USA13
14.50.9M+TLoligo pealei: USA: skinless14
19.62.74MLoligo opalescens: Japan6
16.300.11M )  
15.700.12T )Loligo spp: Spain: skinless9
 0.8?Loligo sp: India7
12.721.75?Loligo sp: Mediterranean8
181.0M )  
190.6T )Illex illecebrosus: Canada15
17.62.70M )  
18.22.70T )Illex coindeti: Atlantic10
16.70.5M+TIllex opalescens: USA: skinless14
18.22.03MIllex argentinus: Japan6
21.50.2M )  
22.00.3T )Todarodes sagittatus: Atlantic18
19.00.3M )Todarodes sagittatus: sampled in 7 
18.80.4T )months of year16
20.21.92MTodarodes pacificus: Japan: means of 2 specimens6
20.41.3?Todarodes pacificus: Pacific: means of 6 specimens17
19.41.66MNotodarus sloani: Japan: means of 2 specimens6
19.21.7M+TNotodarus spp: New Zealand: means of 
   70 specimens caught during year19
19.91.46M+TOmmastrephes sloani pacificus: Japan: mean of 10 specimens caught July to December20
18.8 MOmmastrephes sloani pacificus21
21.51.43MOmmastrephes bartrami: Japan: means of 3 specimens6
18.1–23.12.9–3.7?Ommastrephes sp: Japan22
19.11.9M+TSepioteuthis bilineata: New Zealand: means of one batch of 6 specimens19
14.11.3M+TMoroteuthis ingens: New Zealand: means of one batch of 6 specimens19
18.51.79M )  
16.61.29T )Sthenoteuthis pteropus: Atlantic10
17.21.4M+Tmeans of 9 species of Pacific squid: 1 to 3 specimens of each17
17.940.75?Octopus vulgaris23
 0.5?Octopus vulgaris24
 0.8?Octopus variabilis24
15.6 ?Octopus dofleini21
13.20.83 Paroctopus hongkongensis25

Selected values (all species)

Protein 17.9%
Fat 1.3%

There appears to be no significant difference between the compositions of mantle and tentacles nor between cuttlefish, squid and octopus. The selected values are means of all the data. These species have more connective tissue than finfish and the quality of their protein might be expected to be lower. Two investigations (sources 13 and 14) have indeed found lower protein efficiency ratios for squid than for finfish, but the difference is unlikely to be important overall.


  1. Schwartz, J.W. Final Report: Polish/UNSF Highseas Fisheries Research Project (Gdynia, 1973)

  2. Suryanarayanan, H., Kumari, R.S. and Alexander, K.M. Biochemical investigations on the edible molluscs of Kerala II. A study on the nutritional value of some gastropods and cephalopods. Fishery Technol. 10 100–104 (1973)

  3. Pandit, A.R. and Magat, N.G. Chemical composition of Sepia orientalis and Loligo vulgaris. Fishery Technol. 9 122–125 (1972)

  4. Pfeifer, K., Dobrota, D. and Kolesaric, J. The nutritional value of gourment specialities: scampi, mussels, cuttlefish, snails and frogs, and the chemical composition of their flesh. Hrana i Ishrana 16 529–533 (1975)

  5. Sastry, H.H.C. and Srikar, L.N. Protein and related changes in cuttlefish (Sepia aculeata) during iced storage. arvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish. ed. Ravindran, K. et al. (Society of Fisheries Technology, Cochin, 1985) pp 386–388

  6. Suyama, M. and Kobayashi, H. Free amino acids and quaternary ammonium bases in mantle muscle of squids. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 46 1261–1264 (1980)

  7. Nair, K.G.R. and Gopakumar, K. Fatty acid composition of marine fish body fat. J. Fd Sci. Technol., India. 14 268–270 (1977)

  8. Ciusa, W. and Giaccio, M. Report on nutritive value and market prices of the more important fish species of the Adriatic coast. Quaderni di Merceologia 8 1–10 (1969)

  9. Borderias, J.A. Technology of squid in Spain. Proceedings of the International Squid Symposium (Boston, 1981). (New England Fisheries Development Foundation, Inc., 1982) pp 167–172

  10. Lagunov, L.L., Polonskaya, M.N. and Besedina, T.V. Nutritive value of some species of squid. Ryb. Khoz. No 3, 57–58 (1979)

  11. Simmonds, C.K. and Heydenrych, C. Composition of South African commercial fish species. Annual Report, Fishing Industry Research Institute 38 72 (1984)

  12. Torry Research Station. Unpublished data

  13. Jhaveri, S.N. et al. Chemical composition and protein quality of some southern New England marine species. J. Fd Sci. 49 110–113 (1984)

  14. Sidwell, V.D. and Ambrose, M.E. Nutritional and chemical evaluation of the protein of various finfish and shellfish. Protein Nutritional Quality of Foods and Feeds, Part 2. ed. Friedman, M. (Marcel Dekker, 1975) pp 197–209

  15. Ke, P.J. et al. Squid drying, quality assurance and related operations. Fisheries and Marine Service, Technical Report No 900 (1979)

  16. Dvinin, Yu. F. et al. Technochemical characteristics of arrow squid. Ryb. Khoz. No 6, 67–69 (1985)

  17. Shevtsov, G.A. and Dolbnina, N.V. Technological characteristics of some species of Pacific squid. Ryb. Khoz. No 1, 71–72 (1975)

  18. Dvinin, Yu, F. and Konstantinova, L.L. Technochemical characteristics of deep water arrow squid. Ryb. Khoz. No 9, 65 (1979)

  19. Vlieg, P. Proximate composition of New Zealand squid species. New Zealand J. of Science 27 145–150 (1984)

  20. Kawata, H. and Takahashi, T. Studies on the utilization of cuttlefish-I. The seasonal variations of the weight and constituents in the various parts of fish body. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 20 888–890 (1955)

  21. Slutskaya, T.N. Chemical composition and structure of the flesh of invertebrates. Izvestiya TNIRO 75 204–208 (1971)

  22. Matsumoto, J.J. Studies on muscle proteins of the squid. Bull. Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 23 51–63 (1959)

  23. Saavedra, J. Chemical and nutritional analysis of the flesh of Octopus vulgaris. Rev. Fac. Farm. Bioquim. Univ. Nac. Mayor de san Marcos de Lima 10 142–145 (1949)

  24. Ha, B.S. Studies on the lipid of aquatic products IV. Flesh lipid composition of cephalopods. Bull. Korean Fish. Soc. 15 (1) 59–73 (1982)

  25. Stansby, M.E. Chemical characteristics of fish caught in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Mar. Fish. Rev. 38 (9) 1–11 (1976)


Sarotherodon, Tilapia spp1,70(59)052,xx




No data on cichlids other than tilapias have been found, so application of the conclusions to cichlids, generally, must be regarded as tentative.


Fillet Edible Flesh Comments Source
 40.1Tilapia nilotica: by deboning machine1
 35.9T. nilotica: mean of 9 fish: edible portion inadequately described2
 38.0T. nilotica3
 27–43T. mossambica4
 25.3T. spp.: based on gutted weight: by deboning machine5

Selected values

Skinless fillet [37%]
Edible flesh 37%

The fillet value is based on the corresponding figures for Cyprinids nei and Characins nei, but is clearly not consistent with the edible flesh value. The edible flesh value is the mean of data from sources 1, 2, 3 and 4. The data from source 5 seem too low, especially as they are based on gutted weight.


Protein Fat Comments Source
16.481.18T. nilotica6
17.101.8T. nilotica1
18.690.36T. nilotica2
20.02.2T. nilotica7
 1.71T. nilotica: white meat only8
14.0–20.60.1–8.4T. mossambica4
18.602.20T. mossambica9
17.06 T. mossambica: small piece of fish analysed10
15.252.95T. spp5
22.45.1Sarotherodon spp: may be analyses of whole fish11

Selected values

Protein 17.6%
Fat 2.1%

The chosen values are the means of the data above, omitting those from sources 8, 10 and 11.


  1. Pruthiarenun, R. et al. Utilization of fish by-catch for fish-ball manufacture. FAO Fisheries Report No 317, Supplement (1985): Spoilage of tropical fish and product development. pp 428–449

  2. Khalil, M.E., Moustafa, E.K. and Osman, H.O.A. Composition of bolti (Tilapia nilotica) muscle proteins. Food Chem. 5 175–184 (1980)

  3. Zein, G.N. et al. Studies on fish protein concentrate and fish meal from river Nile bolti fish (Tilapia nilotica). Die Nahrung 29 523–532 (1985)

  4. Clucas, I.J. Fish handling, preservation and processing in the tropics, pt 1. (Tropical Products Institute, London, 1981) p 20

  5. Finne, G. et al. Minced fish flesh from nontraditional Gulf of Mexico finfish species: yield and composition. J. Fd Sci. 1327–1329, 1340 (1980)

  6. Rubbi, S.F. et al. Handling of six species of fresh fish of Bangladesh. FAO Fisheries Report No 317, Supplement (1985): Spoilage of tropical fish and product development. pp 108–122

  7. Ibrahim, A.A. and El-Zanfaly, H.T. Boulti (Tilapia nilotica Linn) fish paste I. Preparation and chemical composition. Zeit.f.Ernahrungswissen-schaft 19 159–162 (1980)

  8. El-Sayed, M.M. et al. Biochemical studies on the lipid content of Tilapia nilotica and Sparus auratus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 79B 589–594 (1984)

  9. Zain, A.M. Spice minced fish from tilapia. Advances in Fish Science and Technology. ed. J.J. Connell. (Fishing News Books, 1980) pp 223–226

  10. Dupont, A. Amino acid content of Indonesian fresh water fish. Biochem. Zeit. 330 174–176 (1958)

  11. Adebona, M.B. Studies on the preservation of fish by ice. FAO Fisheries Report No 268, Supplement (1982). FAO Expert Consultation on Fish Technology in Africa. pp 27–31


Hilsa toli 1,21(05)034,04

Data for Hilsa ilisha have been collected in addition to data for Hilsa toli. Yield

Fillet Edible Flesh Comments Source
 59Clupea (= Hilsa) toli1
 60Hilsa ilisha1

Selected values

Skinless fillets [50%]
Edible flesh [60%]

The value for skinless fillets is derived from values for other Clupeidae in the absence of any collected data. The edible flesh value is from the source 1 data: it is very provisional but is not too dissimilar from values for other Clupeidae.


Protein Fat Comments Source
17.98 Clupea (= Hilsa) toli: marine1
 0.715Clupea (= Hilsa) toli: marine2
21.52 Hilsa ilisha: marine1
21.819.4Clupea ilisa (= Hilsa ilisha): freshwater3
 12.8Clupea (= Hilsa) ilisha: marine4
17.029.85Hilsa ilisha5
20.6020.11Hilsa ilisha: marine6

Selected values

Protein 19.8%
Fat [12.6%]

Like other clupeids, toli shad would be expected to have a quite variable fat content. No survey which demonstrates this is available: the collected data seem to come from a few random samples. The selected value for protein is the mean of all the data and is consistent with other species. The selected value for fat, again the mean of the data, is more doubtful in the absence of a survey.


  1. Setna, S.B., Sarangdhar, P.N. and Ganpule, N.V. Nutritive values of some marine fishes of Bombay. Indian J. Med. Res. 32 171–176 (1944)

  2. Patakoot, R.S., Pradhan, L.B. and Murti, N.N. Fat content of the muscles of the some marine fishes of Bombay. J. Univ. Bombay 18(5B) 3–6 (1950)

  3. Saha, K.C. and Guha, B.C. Nutritional investigations on Bengal fish. Indian J. Med. Res. 26 921–927 (1939)

  4. Khan, A.H. and Haq, S.A. Studies on marine edible (Teleostii) fishes Part 1 - Distribution of oil and vitamin A in the skin, flesh and liver of edible fishes of Karachi waters. Pakistan J. Sci. Ind. Res. 1–2 309–311 (1958/9)

  5. Das, K. et al. Biochemical studies on some commercially important fish of Shatt Al-Arab and the Gulf. Conference Proceedings. Handling, processing and marketing of tropical fish. (Tropical Products Institute, London, 1977) pp157–161

  6. Kamel, B. Proximate, macro and micro elements analysis of Arabian Gulf fish. Lebensm. -Wiss. u. -Technol. 15 22–25 (1982)


Balistidae 1,89(03)002,xx
Cantherines (= Navodon)spp 1,89(03)004,xx
Stephanolepis cirrhifer  1,89(03)010,01


Fillet Edible Flesh Comments Source
 32.7Navodon scaber: New Zealand: mean Of 6 fish1

Selected values

Skinless fillets [33%]
Edible flesh [36%]

The skinless fillets value is based on a single result and is provisional; the edible flesh value, also provisional, is derived on the particularly tenuous basis of a superficial resemblance to Leiognathidae.


Protein Fat Comments Source
18.201.63Balistoides viridescens: Red Sea: means of 4 fish2
20.0<2.0Balistes capriscus: Atlantic3
19.40.3Balistes spp: Ghana: probably includes skin and bone4
18.80.22wild ) Navodon modestus: 
19.50.46farmed ) Japan: means of 3 fish5
18.50.9Navodon scaber: New Zealand: means of 6 fish1
19.80.21wild ) Stephanolepis cirrhifer: 
20.30.50farmed ) Japan: means of 3 fish5
16.610.93Odonus niger: Red Sea: means of 4 fish2

Selected values

Protein 18.8%
Fat 0.7%

Selected values are means of the collected data, but omitting the farmed fish results and ignoring the fat content of < 2.0% from source 3.


  1. Vlieg, P. Proximate analysis of commercial New Zealand fish species. 2. New Zealand J. of Sci. 27 427–433 (1984)

  2. Hanna, R.G.M. Proximate composition of certain Red Sea fishes. Marine Fisheries Review 46(3) 71–75 (1984)

  3. Levinton, Zh. B. et al. Filefish - a new commercial fish species. Voprosy Pitaniya 6 43–45 (1981)

  4. Nerquaye-Tetteh, G.A. Trigger fish (Balistes spp) processing industry at Elmina (a fishing village in central region of Ghana). FAO Fisheries Report No 329, Supplement (1986): Fish Processing in Africa. pp 265–268

  5. Saeki, K. and Kumagai, H. Chemical components in ten kinds of wild and cultured fishes. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 50 1551–1554 (1984)


Tunas and bonitos belong to several genera, but are a recognisable group of the larger mackerel-like fish. Insufficient data are available on any single species, with the exception of skipjack tuna: the latter is given separate treatment,while the following species falling within the scope of the study are dealt with together here.

Auxis thazard, A. rochei 1,75(01)023,XX
Euthynnus affinis   1,75(01)024,06
Thunnus thynnus 1,75(01)026,01
Thunnus alalunga 1,75(01)026,05
Thunnus maccoyii 1,75(1)026,08
Thunnus albacares 1,75(01)026,10
Thunnus obesus 1,75(01)026,12

Data from other species, including Sarda spp, are collected here together with the above species.


Fillet Edible Flesh Comments Source
 56.8Sarda chiliensis: flesh with skin1
 58.0Sarda chiliensis: may include skin2
 44.9Auxis thazard: sum of light and dark meats: Indian Ocean3
 55.7A. thazard: sum of light and dark meats4
 57.5A. thazard: mean of three grounds: may include skin5
 74Euthynnus alletteratus: probably includes skin and bones6
 54.8E. alletteratus: sum of light and dark meats3
 57.8E.alletteratus: sum of light and dark meats4
 54.7E.alletteratus: may include skin5
 63.6 Thunnus thynnus: may include skin5
 61.6T. thunnus (= T. thynnus)7
31.769.0T. alalunga: skin-on fillets: edible flesh by deboning machine8
 54-58Germo alalunga (=T. alalunga) probably includes skin7
 48.7T. maccoyii: sum of light and dark meats3
 61.0Thynnus macropterus (= Thunnus albacares): India: may include skin9
 76.6Neothunnus macropterus (= Thunnus albacares): may include skin and bones10
 53 9-66.8Neothunnus albacore 
 mean 62.0(= Thunnus albacares)11
 72-79.2T. albacora (=T. albacares) : includes skin and bones12
 64.6Neothunnus albacora (=Thunnus albacares): sum of light and dark meats7
 74 8-77.3Thynnus obesus (= Thunnus obesus): includes skin and bones12
 63.2Parathunnus obesus (= T. obesus): light and dark meats7

Selected values

Skinless fillets [30%]
Edible flesh 58%

The only available figure or fillet yield is reduced by 5% to take account of skin. The data for total edible flesh are quite variable, though there is no clear evidence for species difference. Ten values are available for flesh, free of skin and bones, varying from 44.9% to 69.0%: the selected value is the mean of the ten values.


Protein Fat Comments Source
22.964.28Sarda sarda: South Africa: mean of 6 fish caught at same time13
23.05.9S. sarda5
22.6210.21S. chiliensis: California: means of 7 fish caught in September (fat content 19.21) and May (fat 1.21)14
214.5S. chiliensis: Peru2
24.733.29Auxis thazard: Indian Ocean: weighted means of data for light and dark meats3
25.71.7A. thazard: weighted means of data for light and dark meats4
21.53.7A. thazard: west Africa15
21.37.8A. thazard: mean of three grounds5
22.51.6Euthynnus alletteratus: includes skin6
25.02.5E. alletteratus: weighted means of data for light and dark meats4
24.52.9E. alletteratus5
18.83.4E. affinis: India: weighted means of data or light and dark meats16
24.785.22Thunnus thynnus: California: means of 10 fish caught in July and September14
24.48.8T. thynnus: South Africa: nape flesh: means of 5 fish17
21.514.6T. thynnus: Norway: shoulder meat: means of three consecutive monthly samples18
25.05.3T. thynnus: Pacific Ocean: weighted means of data for light and dark meats: means of 19 fish19
18.88.9T. thynnus5
23.89.6Germo alalunga (= T. alalunga)20
mean 25.59
mean 6.95
T. alalunga: California: means of lots of 5 fish caught over 6 month period14
26.05.9T. alalunga: South Africa: nape flesh: means of 5 fish17
24.0010.51Germo alalunga (= T. alalunga): Pacific: 
  means of 24 fish21
21.576.82T. alalunga: Spain: single sample22
24.8 T. alalunga: single sample8
25.09.7G. alalunga (= T. alalunga): west coast USA: weighted means of data for light and dark meats: 60 fish: summer19
26.61.2G.alalunga (= T. alalunga): Japan: weighted means of data for light and dark meats: 8 fish: May/June19
23.36.4T. alalunga5
24.721.29T. maccoyii: Indian Ocean: weighted means of data for light and dark meats3
24.43.0probably T. maccoyii: Australia: mean of 4 fish23
24.10.8Neothunnus albacore (= Thunnus albacares): Indian Ocean: white meat only11
22.70.18Neothunnus macropterus (=T. albacares: Philippines10
23.841.59Thynnus macropterus (=T. albacares): India9
26.29.6Neothunnus macropterus (= T. albacares)20
24.673.05T. albacares: mean of 30 fish caught May, September and October14
26.81.9T. albacares: mean of 5 fish: nape flesh17
24.780.73Neothunnus macropterus (= T. albacares)24
25.21.57N. macropterus (= T. albacares): weighted means of data for light and dark meats19
24.31.3T. albacares5
23.130.41T. obesus: Gulf of Aden3
24.44.2T. obesus: South Africa: 12 fish: nape flesh17

Selected values

Protein 23.7%
Fat 4.6%

Some sources give separate data for the light (or white) and dark (or red) meats of tunas. The reasons are that the dark meat is particularly noticeable in tunas and that, commonly, the canning of tuna uses only the light meat. In the tabulated data above, figures for light and dark meats have been combined using weight ratios of light to dark meat for the actual, or a related, species as given in sources 3 and 11. Where the data do not differentiate between light and dark meats, it has been assumed that the analyses were carried out on the mixed meats.

Although tunas, like mackerels, would be expected to show clear seasonal variation in composition, especially in fat content, only two extended studies have been found in the present survey. These are in sources 11 and 25. However, source 11 gives analyses of light meat only, while source 25 (not quoted in the tabulated data above) gives results for flesh, bones and skin mixed together; the results of these two sources cannot therefore be directly used to give a measure of the variation in composition of total meat.

The selected values are based on an overall mean of all data excluding those from source 11 (white meat only), source 17 (nape flesh, not defined), 18 (shoulder meat, not defined) and 6 (includes skin).


  1. Golovin, A.N. Technological properties of some species of fish from the south east part of the Pacific Ocean. Ryb. Khoz. No 8, 69–71 (1977)

  2. de Haan, P.W. Alternative uses of bonito in Peru. Fishery Products. ed. R. Kreuzer. (Fishing News Books, 1974) pp 227–233

  3. Yaroslavtseva, L.D. Technochemical properties of some Indian Ocean fishes. Ryb. Khoz. 42(1) 60–64 (1966)

  4. Perova, L.I., Odintsov, A.B. and Semenov, B.N. Technological characteristics of small tuna fish. Ryb. Khoz. No 8, 66–69 (1980)

  5. Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 219–239

  6. Busson, F., Postel, E. and Giraud, P. Food value of fish caught off the coasts of the Cape Verde peninsula. Med. Trop. 13 534–537 (1953)

  7. Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 261–265

  8. Diez Ezkerra, F. and Whittle, K.J. Unpublished results

  9. Chari, S.T. Nutritive value of some of the west coast marine food fishes of the Madras Province. Ind. J. Med. Res. 36 253–259 (1948)

  10. Intengan, C.L. et al. Composition of Philippine foods, V. Philippine J. of Science 85 203–213 (1956)

  11. Kovalchuk, G.K. The technochemical properties of the yellowfin tuna of the Indian Ocean. Ryb Khoz. No 2, 65–69 (1970)

  12. Tulsner, M. The technological properties and processing possibilities of important north east African commercial fish species. Fischerei-Forschung, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe 3 55–63 (1965)

  13. Van Wyk, G.F. South African fish products. Part VIII. Composition of the flesh of Cape fishes. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Trans.) 63 367–371 (1944)

  14. Clark, E.D. and Clough, R.W. Nutritive value of fish and shellfish. Bureau of Fisheries Document No 1000 (Department of Commerce, Washington, 1926) pp 502–526

  15. Paetow, A., Schober, B. and Papenfuss, H.J. The chemical composition and organoleptic quality of fish from west African fishing grounds. Fischerei-Forschung, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe 4 99–101 (1968)

  16. Mukundan, M.K. et al. Red and white meat of tuna (Euthynnus affinis) : their biochemical role and nutritional quality. Fish. Technol. 16 77–82 (1979)

  17. Simmonds, C.K. and Seaman, P.D. Composition of South African commercial fish species. Annual Report, Fishing Industry Research Institute 35 53 (1981)

  18. Braekkan, O.R., Hansen, K. and Skogland, T. Vitamins in Norwegian fish II. Fiskeridirektoratets Skrifter, Serie Teknologiske underskelser. III No 3, 1–18 (1955)

  19. Karrick, N.L. and Thurston, C.E. Proximate composition and sodium and potassium contents of four species of tuna. Fishery Ind. Res. 4 73–81 (1968)

  20. Butler, C. Nutritional value of fish in reference to atherosclerosis and current dietary research. Commercial Fisheries Review 20(7) 7–16 (1958)

  21. Dill, D.B. The proximate composition of certain Pacific coast fishes. Ind. Eng. Chem. 17 629–630 (1925)

  22. Gallardo, J.M., Martin, R.P. and Aubourg, S. Thermal treatments and their effects on the chemical constituents during canning of albacore (Thunnus alalunga). COST 91 bis subgroup 1, first workshop on Data Collection and Analysis, Berlin, 1986 (EEC, 1986)

  23. Jowett, W.G. and Davies, W. A chemical study of some Australian fish. Pamphlet No 85 (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Melbourne, 1938) pp 1–40

  24. Pirazzoli, P., Ambroggi, F. and Incerti, I. Canned tuna in oil: changes in composition as related to cooking method and effect of storage temperature on ripening. Industria Conserve 55 279–285 (1980)

  25. Herzberg, A. and Pasteur, R. Proximate composition of commercial fishes from the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Fishery Ind. Res. 5 39–65 (1969)


Merlangius merlangus1,48(04)034,01


Fillet Edible Flesh Comments Source
38 skinless: based on gutted, head-on weight1
63.6 includes skin: based on gutted, head-on weight2
38 skinless: based on gutted, head-on weight3
mean 34.9
 skinless: based on gutted, head-on weight: mean of 364 fish caught over complete year4
 51.9includes skin5

Selected values

Skinless fillets 32%
Edible flesh [49%]

The value for skinless fillet yield is the mean of the data of sources 1, 3 and 4, converted to a whole fish basis using a factor from source 6; the figure from source 2 seems too high (even if converted to skinless basis). The value for total edible flesh is that from source 5, corrected for presence of skin. It is higher than the values selected for most other gadoid species.


Protein Fat Comments Source
17.70.4mean of small number of fish1
mean 18.20
 mean of 365 fish caught over complete year7
17.40.3 5

Selected values

Protein 18.2%
Fat [0.4%]

The protein value is from the full survey in source 7: the fat value is provisional as the available data are for a small number of fish.


  1. Reay, G.A., Cutting, C.L. and Shewan, J.M. The nation's food. VI. Fish as food. II. The chemical composition of fish. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 62 77–85 (1943)

  2. Plimmer, R.H.A. Analyses and energy values of foods (HMSO, London, 1921) pp 125–156

  3. Private communication, UK industry

  4. Torry Research Station. Unpublished data

  5. Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) p 116

  6. Bedford, B.C., Woolner, L.E. and Jones, B.W. Length - weight relation- ships for commercial fish species and conversion factors for various presentations. Fisheries Research Data Report No 10. (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK, 1986)

  7. McLay, R., Howgate, P.F. and Morrison, J. Nitrogen content of seven British commercial species of fish. J. Assoc. Publ. Anal. 24 131–139 (1986)


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