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Report of the Fiftyseventh Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (Rome, 12–16 June 1989)

Endorsed the Report of the Fifty-seventh Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) and commended the Committee and its subsidiary bodies for the valuable technical work that they were continuing to undertake (para. 10)

Endorsed the the work of the Intergovernmental Commodity Groups (IGGs), and stressed their usefulness as fora for countries to consult together on the situation, prospects and issues facing the commodities concerned, and to identify measures to improve the conditions of trade (para. 12)

Urged FAO to assist interested countries, on request, in the identification of viable diversification opportunities (para. 14)

Urged that FAO support to the GATT Negotiating Groups on Agriculture, Tropical Products and Natural Resource-Based Products should continue and, where necessary, be intensified (para. 17)

Programme of Work and Budget 1990-91 and Medium-Term Objectives

Agreed to submit the Director-General's Programme of Work and Budget for 1990–91 to the Conference for consideration for approval and expressed the hope that the Conference would approve the 1990–91 Programme of Work and Budget by consensus (para. 36)

Reports of the Fifty-eighth Session of the Programme Committee; the Sixty-sixth Session of the Finance Committee, and their Joint Session (Rome, 13–29 September 1989)

Payment of Assessed Contributions

Commended the prudent and flexible manner with which, under difficult circumstances, the Director-General had controlled the financial situation of the Organization while ensuring that as far as possible the objectives embodied in the Programme of Work and Budget, voted by the Conference, were met (para. 40)

Recommended to the Conference that it consider and adopt a draft Resolution on the Payment of Assessed Contributions, prepared by the Independent Chairman of the Council (para. 42)

Financial Position of the Organizations

(e) Need for All Member Nations to Pay Contributions

Requested Member Nations to advise the Director–General as soon as possible concerning the expected amounts and timing of their payments of contributions and arrears outstanding (para. 57)

Urged all Member Nations concerned to pay outstanding arrears and current assessed contributions in full as soon as possible (para. 58)

Appointment of the External Auditor

Adopted, on the proposal of the Finance Committee, Resolution 196 on the Appointment of the External Auditor (para. 66)

Treatment of Profit and Loss on Exchange

Approved the Director-General's proposal and recommended a draft resolution on the Treatment of Profit and Loss on Exchange for adoption by the Conference (para. 71)

Staff Commissary Support Cost Reimbursement

Recommended a draft resolution on the Staff Commissary Support Cost Reimbursement for adoption by the Conference (para. 74)

Personnel Matters

(a) Statistics of Personnel Services

Endorsed the Finance Committee's request that efforts be continued for further improvements in future presentations of personnel statistics (para. 78)

(b) Allowance for the Chairman of the Appeals Committee

Endorsed the Finance Committee's recommendation and approved the Director-General's proposal to increase the allowance of the Chairman of the Appeals Committee from US $3 500 to US $5 000 per annum effective 1 January 1990 (para. 79)

Conclusions of the Review of Certain Aspects of FAQ's Goals and Operations

Recommended that the recommendations of the report of the Programme and Finance Committees on FAO's Objectives, Role, Priorities and Strategies, and FAO's Field Operations, and in particular the divergencies, required priority attention by the Conference (para. 84)

Concluded that the Review exercise should not be prolonged and that the time had come to act on the recommendations in so far as they were endorsed by the Conference (para. 84)

Endorsed the conclusion of the Committees that the aims and objectives pursued by the Organization were consonant with the Preamble to FAO's Constitution and relevant to Article I. It agreed that the Constitution of FAO remained valid (para. 86)

Agreed that matters arising from it would be pursued in the Finance Committee, on the basis of the Conference discussion of the FAO Review (para. 90)

Report of the Fifty-third Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 16-18 October 1989)

Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency; Accession by FAO

Approved FAO's accession to the two Conventions and transmitted them to the Conference with a view to obtaining its authorization for FAO to become a party thereto (para. 100)

European Commission for the Control of FootandMouth Disease; Amendment to the Commission's Constitution

Adopted Resolution 296 on the Amendment to the Constitution of the European Commission for the Control of Foot–and–Mouth Disease (para. 102)

Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions

Agreed to the participation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, in accordance with paragraph B–l of the "Statement of Principles relating to the Granting of Observer Status to Nations" (para. 103)

Date and Place of the Ninety-seventh Session of the Council

Decided that its Ninety-seventh Session would be convened on 1 December 1989 at FAO Headquarters, unless the Twenty-fifth Session of the Conference finished early, in which case it would be convened beforehand (para. 111)

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