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1.  The Ninety-seventh Session of the Council was held in Rome on 30 November 1989, under the Chairmanship of Mr Antoine Saintraint, Independent Chairman of the Council.

Tribute to the Late Ambassador of Dominica, His Excellency McDonald P. Benjamin1

2. The Council paid tribute to the competence, wisdom and moderation of His Excellency McDonald P. Benjamin, the late Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Dominica to FAO, and observed one minute of silence in his memory.

Adoption of the Agenda2

3.  The Agenda of the Session was adopted as presented, and is given in Appendix A to this Report.

Election of Three Vice-Chairmen 3

4.  The Council elected three Vice-Chairmen for its session: Victor Javier Tantaleán Arbulú (Peru), George Odartey Lamptey (Ghana), and Li Zhenhuan (China).

1 CL 97/PV/l.

2 CL 97/1; CL 97/PV/l.

3 CL 97/PV/l.

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