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  21. Green, M.,A., 1982. Solar Cells: Operating Principles, Technology and System Application. Prentice-Hall.

  22. Gross, J., R., Kaupp, A., 1981. State of the Art for Small-Scale Gas Producer/Engine Systems. University of California, Davis, march, U.S.A.

  23. Hamm, H., W., 1967. Low Cost Development of Small Water Power Sites. Volunteers in Technical Assistance, Maryland, U.S.A.

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  25. Hall, D., D., Barnard, G., W., Moss, P., A., 1982. Biomass for Energy in Developing Countries. Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K.

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  34. Milora, S., L., Tester, J., W., 1977. Geothermal Energy as a Source of Electric Power. MIT Press, Cambridge, U.K.

  35. Lewis, C., W., 1983. Biological Fuels. Edward Arnold, London, U.K.

  36. Lundsager, P., Madsen, H., A., 1985. Status of Wind/Diesel Systems. Windpower, 6 (1).

  37. Rabl, A., 1976. Comparison of solar concentrators. Solar Energy, 18, 93

  38. Reading University, 1984. Small Engines and Their Fuels in Developing Countries. Proceedings of the Conference at Reading University, September, The Energy Group, Engineering Departement, University of Reading.

  39. Reed, T., B., 1981. Biomass Gasification - Principles and Technology. Noyes Data Corporation, Park Ridge, New York, U.S.A.

  40. Sayigh, A. (editor), 1977. Solar Energy Engineering. Academic Press, London, U.K.

  41. SERI, 1979. Generators Gas - The Swedish Experience from 1939–45. Solar Energy Research Institute, 1536 Cole Boulevard, Golden, Colorado 80401, U.S.A.

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  43. Spirito, P., Vitale, G., 1981. Photovoltaic Solar Devices. Workshop on System Design, Instituto di Elettrotecnica, University of Naples, Italy.

  44. Sunworld, 5, 1981. Special issue on solar thermal for electricity production.

  45. Stetson, F., 1980. Making Your Own Motor Fuel With Home and Farm Alcohol Stills. Gardon Way Publishing, Charlott, Vermont, U.S.A.

  46. Stuckey, D., C., 1983. Technology Assessment Study of Biogas in developing Countries. International Reference Centre for Waste Disposal, Ueberlandstrasse 133, 8600 Duebendoff, Switzerland.

  47. TATA Energy Research Institute, 1982. Biogas Handbook. Documentation Centre, Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street, Bombay, India.

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  49. Tuszynsky, W., B., Diakowska, E. A., Hall, N., S., 1983. Solar Energy in Small-Scale Milk Collection and Processing. FAO, Animal production and Health Paper n. 39, Rome, Italy.

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  56. World Bank, 1980. Alcohol production from Biomass in the Developing Countries. World Bank, 1818 H Street, Washington, U.S.A.

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