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1. The Hundred and first Session of the Council was held in Rome on 28 November 1991, under the Chairmanship of Antoine Saintraint, Independent Chairman of the Council.

Adoption of the Agenda1

2. The Agenda of the Session as adopted is given in Appendix A to this Report.

Election of Three Vice-chairmen2

3. The Council elected as Vice-chairmen for the session: George O. Lamptey (Ghana), Juan Nuiry Sánchez (Cuba) and Amin Abdel-Malek (Lebanon).

Statement by the Director-General3

4.     The Director-General informed the Council of his intention to appoint Howard Hjort, former Director of the Policy Analysis Division, Economic and Social Policy Department, and Regional Representative for North America, to the post of Deputy Director-General.

5.     The Director-General also informed the Council of his intention to promote Vikram V. Shah, Assistant Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation, to the rank of Deputy Director-General, ad personam.

6.     The Council unanimously confirmed both nominations.

Tribute to B.P. Dutia4

7.     The Director-General informed the Council of the imminent retirement of B.P. Dutia, Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Policy Department. The Director-General expressed his appreciation for Mr Dutia's outstanding contribution to the work of the Organization, covering in particular the work of the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP), the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), FAO's contribution to the Uruguay Round of the GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations, the State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA), follow-up to the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (WCARRD), and preparations for the forthcoming FAO/WHO International Conference on Nutrition.

8.     The Council joined the Director-General in thanking Mr Dutia for his outstanding services to the Organization and extended best wishes for happiness and success in the future.

1 CL 101/1; CL 101/PV/1

2 CL 101/PV/1

3 CL 101/PV/1

4 CL 101/PV/2

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