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I wish to thank all those who have kindly supplied information and slides: A. Brun, France; B. Di Terlizzi, G. Granata and U. Prota, Italy; H. Andris, J. Clark, M.K Corbett, D. Gonsalves, P. Goodwin, M.G. Kinsey, A. Purcell, D.C. Ramsdell and A. Yen, USA; M. Rudel, Germany.

Great appreciation and thanks are also expressed to Dr M.M. Taher, FAO Regional Plant Protection Officer for the Near East, for his encouragement and many useful suggestions; to Dr L. Chiarappa, former Chief of the FAO Plant Protection Service, who promoted and fostered the realization of this handbook, devoting much time and effort to its layout; and to Dr W.B. Hewitt, Professor Emeritus, University of California, for revising and improving the manuscript.

G.P. Martelli, Editor

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