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Amarasinghe, S. R., H. J. M. Wickremeratne and G.K. Lowry, Jr. 1987. Coastal Zone Management in Sri Lanka 1978–1986. In: Coastal Zone '87, Amer. Soc. Civ.Eng., (3):2822–41

Ahmad Y. J. and G.R. Sammy. 1985. Guidelines to Environmental Impact Assessment in Developing Countries. Hodder and Stoughton, London. 52 p.

Cohen, F.G. 1985. Social Impact Assessment in the Context of Socio-cultural Change. In: Proc. of the Caribbean Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment, Caribbean Conservation Association. pp. 82–9

Beanlands, G.E. 1985. Basic approaches to EIA. In: Proceedings of the Caribbean Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment. Caribbean Conservation Association. pp. 64–81

Berwick, N.L. and R. Chamberlain. 1985. Systems Analysis for Integrating Tropical Coastal Resources with Watershed Use. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Coral Reef Congress, Antenne Museum-EPHE, Moorea, French Polynesia, 5:569–76

Brown, L.R. et al., 1985. State of the World. W.W. Norton & Co., New York. 301 p.

Burbridge, P.R. 1986. The Importance of Multiple Use Management Strategies for the Sustainable Development of Coastal Resource Systems (unpublished manuscript). 14 p.

Burbridge, P.R. 1987. Economic Considerations in Management of Coastal Resources. In: CAMP Network Newsletter, May 1987. pp. 2–3

Burbridge, P. R. and Koesoebiono. 1981. Coastal Zone Management in Southeast Asia. In: Southeast Asia Seas: Frontiers for Development. McGraw-Hill. pp. 110–35

Burbridge, P.R. and J.E. Maragos. 1985. Analysis of Environmenal Assessment and Coastal Resources Management Needs (Indonesia). Intl. Inst. for Environ. Develop., Washington, D.C. (Draft report)

Burbridge, P. R. and J.A. Stanturf. 1985. The Development and Management of Tidal Wetlands in Southeast Asia. In Man's Impact on Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems. Proc. MAB/COMAR Seminar, 13–16 November 1984, Unesco, Paris

Caddy, J. F. 1990. Enclosed and semi-enclosed seas: principal issues and future actions. UN/FAO, Fishery Resources and Environment Division, Informal paper. 5p.

Cambers, G. 1987. Coastal zone management programmes in Barbados and Grenada. In: Coastal Zone '87, Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, Vol. 1:1384–94. New York American Society of Civil Engineers

1 The references are presented as submitted by the author

CAMPNET. 1991. The Status of Integrated Coastal Zone Management: A Global Assessment. (J. Clark, ed.). Coastal Area Planning and Management Network. Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, Florida. 118 p.

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Chua, T. E. 1986. Managing ASEAN coastal resources. Tropical Coastal Area Management, Vol. 1, No. 1 ICLARM, Manila. pp. 8–10

Chua, T.E. and A.T. White 1988. Policy Recommendations for Coastal Area Management in the ASEAN Region. Contrib. No. 544, ICLARM, Manila. 10 p.

Chua, T.E. and J.R. Charles. 1984. Coastal Resources of East Coast Peninsular Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. 306 p.

Clark, J. R. 1977. Coastal ecosystems management: A technical manual for the conservation of coastal zone resources. Wiley-Interscience, New York. 928p.

Clark, J. R. 1980. Progress in management of coastal ecosystems. Helgolander Meeresunters 33. pp. 721–31

Clark, J.R. 1985. Recommendations for a Combined Coastal Management and Protected Areas Program for the Saudi Arabia Red Sea Coast. Summary Report submitted to IUCN by the National Park Service (USA)

Clark, J.R., J.S. Banta and J.A. Zinn. 1980. Coastal Environmental Management. Fed. Ins. Admin. FLA-4. 161 p.

Clark, J.R. 1986. A Coastal Management Program for the Saudi Arabian Red Sea Coast. In: Coastal Zone '87 Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., (2): 1673–81

Clark, J.R. 1987. Combining hazards mitigation and resources management through coastal area planning. In: Proc. Int. Symp. on Post-Disaster Response and Mitigation of Future Losses. Am. Bar Assoc. (Comm. on Housing and Urban Development), Washington, D.C.

Clark, J.R. 1988. Rehabilitation of Coral Reefs: Report of a Science Workshop. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Univ. of Miami. 26p.

Clark, J.R. 1991a. Carrying Capacity: Defining the Limits to Tourism. In M. Miller and J. Auyong (eds.) Proc. of the 1990 Congress on Coastal and Marine Tourism (Honolulu, Hawaii). Natl. Cstl. Resources Research Center, Newport, Oregon. pp. 117–31

Clark, J.R. 1991b. Carrying Capacity: A Status Report on Marine and Coastal Parks and Reserves. Third International Seminar on Coastal and Marine Parks and Protected Areas. Florida, 11 May-5 June 1991

Clark, J.R., Ed., 1991c. The Status of Integrated Coastal Zone Management: A Global Assessment. CAMPNET, University of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, Florida. 118p.

Clark, J.R. (In press). Coastal Area Management and Planning: Strategic Planning and Program Development. Renewable Resources Information Series, Coastal Management Publication No. 4: USDI/NPS and USAID

Clark, J.R. 1992. Carrying Capacity and Tourism in Coastal and Marine Areas. Parks Magazine, 2(3): 13–7. (Reprinted in Marine Parks Journal, 95, Mar. 1992, Tokyo)

Cohen, F.G. 1985. Social Impact Assessment in the Context of Socio-cultural Change. In: Proc. of the Caribbean Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment, Caribbean Conservation Association. pp.82–9

Dixon, J.A. 1989. Coastal resources:assessing alternatives. In T.E. Chua and D. Pauly (eds.) Coastal Area Management in Southeast Asia: Policies, management strategies and case studies. ICLARM conference Proceedings 19. pp. 153–62

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ECLAC. 1985. Tourism and Environment in Caribbean Development with Emphasis on the Eastern Caribbean. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, United Nations Environment Programme

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Hamilton, L. and S. Snedaker. 1984. Handbook for Mangrove Area Management. East/West Center, IUCN and Unesco (Paris). 123 p.

Hayes, M. O. 1985. Beach Erosion. In: J. Clark (ed.) Coastal Resources Management: Development Case Studies, Coastal Management Pub. No. 3, RPI and Natl. Park Service. pp. 67–200

Healy, R.G. and J.A. Zinn. 1985. Environment and Development Conflicts in Coastal Zone Management. J. Amer Planning Assn, Vol. 51, No. 3. pp. 299–311

Heyman, A. M. 1986. Inventory of Caribbean Marine and Coastal Protected Areas. Organization of American States, Washington, D.C. 146 p.

Hildebrand, L.P. 1989. Canada's Experience with Coastal Zone Management. Oceans Inst of Canada (Halifax). 118 p.

Hodgson, G. and J.A. Dixon 1988. Logging Versus Fisheries and Tourism in Palawan. Occ. Paper No.7, East-West Environment and Policy Institute, Honolulu. 95p.

Holl, K., Daily, G., and Erlich, P.R., 1990. Integrated Pest Management in Latin America. Environ. Conserv., 17. pp 341–50

ICLARM. 1986. Tropical Coastal Area Management Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 1. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines

IUCN. 1990. Caring for the World. A Strategy for Sustainability. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. Second Draft, June, 1990. 135 p.

Jernelov, A. and U. Marinov. 1990. An Approach to Environmental Impact Assessment for Projects Affecting the Marine Environment. UNEP, Regional Seas Repts and Studies, No. 122. 37 p. + App.

Johannes, R.E. 1982. Traditional Conservation Methods and Protected Marine Areas in Oceania. Ambio, (2) 5 p. 258–61

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Maragos, J.E., A. Soegiarto, E.D. Gomez and M.A. Dow. 1983. Development Planning for Tropical Coastal Ecosystems In: Natural Systems for Development, R.A. Carpenter (ed.), MacMilan, New York. pp. 229–98

Matuszeski, W.E., E. Perez and S. Olsen. 1988 Structure and Objectives of a Coastal Resources Management Program for Ecuador. URI/AID Tech. Rept., University of Rhode Island, Institute for Coastal Resources Management Project. 38 p.

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MacLean, J.L. and L.B. Dixon. 1984. ICLARM Report 1983. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines. 115 p.

McShine, H. 1985. The Status of Coastal Zone Management in Trinidad and Tobago. Unpublished paper prepared for the Workshop and Project Planning Meeting on Coastal Zone Management, 22–26 July 1985. (Castries, Saint Lucia). 25 p.

Murphy, P., ed., 1983. Tourism in Canada: Selected Issues and Options. Western Geographical Series, Vol. 21: pp. 3–23 p.

NAS. 1983. Quoted in National Audubon Society v. Superior Court (1983), 33 Cal. 3rd 419, pp. 433–4

NCDNR. 1986. Protecting Coastal Waters Through Local Planning. Div. Coastal Management, No. Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources and Community Development, Raleigh, N.C.

NEPC. 1983. National Environmental Enhancement Program. Natl. Environ. Prot. Council, Imelda Marcos, Chairperson. 137 p.

NOAA/CZM. 1980. Coastal Management Program for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. NOAA, Office of CZM, Washington, DC, 16

NPS. 1986. Position Paper on Coastal and Marine Parks and Protected Areas. Prepared by Participants of the International Seminar on Marine and Coastal Parks and Protected Areas (April '86). US National Park Service, Office of International Affairs, Washington DC, 12 p.

OAS. 1984. Integrated Regional Development Planning: Guidelines and Case Studies from OAS experience. Organization of American States, Washington, DC, 230 p.

O'Brien, R.J. 1988. Western Australia's Nonstatutory Approach to Coastal Zone Management: An Evaluation. Coastal Zone Management, (16) 3: pp. 201–14

OECD. 1990. Integrated coastal zone management and marine living resources. Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (Comm. on Fisheries), AGR/FI/ENV, 90 (1), Paris. 13 p.

Ogden, J.C. and E.H. Gladfelter (eds.) 1983. Coral Reefs, Seagrass Beds and Mangroves: Their Interaction in the Coastal Zones of the Caribbean. Unesco, Repts. in Mar.Sci. No. 23. 133 p.

Olsen, S. 1987. Sri Lanka completes its coastal zone management plan. CAMP Newsletter (Aug. 1987). p. 7.

Porter, M. 1987. The state of strategic thinking. The Economist, 23 May 1987. pp. 17–24

Renard, Y. 1986. Citizen Participation in Coastal Area Planning and Management. CAMP Newsletter, October 1986. National Park Service, Office of International Affairs, Wash., DC, pp. 1–3

Ruddle, K. and R.E. Johannes (eds.). 1985. The Traditional Knowledge and Management of Coastal Systems in Asia and the Pacific. Unesco (Jakarta). 313 p.

Sadler, B. 1988. Sustaining Tomorrow and Endless Summer: On Linking Tourism and Environment in the Caribbean. In: F. Edwards (ed.) Environmentally Sound Tourism in the Caribbean, University of Calgary Press, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Saenger, P. 1989. Environmental Impacts of Coastal Tourism: An Overview and Guide to Relevant Literature. Informal paper, Centre for Coastal Mgmt., NSW, Australia. 17 p.

Saenger, P., E.J. Hegerd, and J.D.S. Davie. 1983. Global Status of Mangrove Ecosystems. Comm. Ecol. Paper No. 3, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 88 p.

Salm, R.V. and J.R. Clark. 1984. Marine and Coastal Protected Areas: A Guide for Planners and Managers. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 302 p.

Salm, R.V. 1986. Oman. Coastal Zone Management Plan: Greater Capital Area. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 78 p.

Salm, R.V. 1987. Coastal zone management in the Sultanate of Oman. CAMP Newsletter (Aug. 1987). National Park Service, Office of International Affairs, Washington DC, pp. 4–5

Smith, I. 1984. Social Feasibility of Coastal Aquaculture: Packaged Technology from Above or Participatory Rural Development? In: Consultation on Social Feasibility of Coastal Aquaculture (Bay of Bengal Programme, FAO), App. 3. pp. 12–34

Snedaker, S.C. and C.D. Getter. 1985. Coastal Resources Management Guidelines. Coastal Management Publication No. 2, NPS/AID Series, Research Planning Institute, Columbia, S. Carolina. 205 p.

Snedaker, S.C., J.C. Dickinson III, M.S. Brown, and E.J. Lahmann. 1986. Shrimp Pond Siting and Management Alternatives in Mangrove Ecosystems in Ecuador. Report for USAID, Office of Science Advisor. 67 p.

Sorensen, J.C. and S.T. McCreary. 1990. Institutional Arrangements for Management of Coastal Resources. Coastal Management Publication No. 1, (Rev. ed.) U.S.Nat. Pk. Serv./USAID Series. 194 p.

SPREP. 1985. South Pacific Coastal Zone Management Program. Commonwealth Sci. Council and South Pac. Reg. Environ. Prog. 17 p.

Thompson, T.P. 1985. Appropriate Methodologies for the Identification of Environmental Impact and the Evaluation of Alternatives. Island Resources Foundation, Occ. Pap. No. 42. 24 p.

Tolentino, A.S. 1984. How to Protect Coastal and Marine Ecosystems: Lessons from the Philippines. In: National Parks, Conservation and Development. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland (eds. J.A. McNeeley and K.R. Miller). pp. 160–4

Towle, E.L. 1985. The Island Microcosm. In: J. Clark (ed.) Coastal Management Publication No. 3, NPS/AID Series, Research Planning Institute, Colombia, S. Carolina, 305 p.

UNEP. 1988. A Common Methodological Framework for Integrated Planning and Management in Mediterranean Coastal Areas. (draft) UNEP - PAP - 4/EM.5/2. 19 p. + App.

UNESC. 1987. Development of marine areas under national jurisdiction: problems and approaches in policy-making, planning and management. United Nations, New York. 22 p.

URI. 1986. The Management of Coastal Habitats in Sri Lanka. Report of Workshop, 12–15 May 1986. University of Rhode Island, Coastal Resources Center. 36p.

URI. 1989. Coastal Resources Management Project: Prospectus. University of Rhode Island/USAID. 38 p.

USAID. 1984. Project Identification Document: Coastal Resources Management Project. USAID/Bur. for Sci. and Tech., Washington, DC (primary author Randon DuBois).

White, A.T. 1987. Why Public Participation is Important for Marine Protected Areas. CAMPNET Newsletter, August 1987. National Park Service, Office of International Affairs, Wash., DC pp. 5–6

WRI. 1986. World Resources 1986. World Research Institute, Washington, DC 353 p.

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