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Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable

Decided that henceforth the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) shall not participate in the work of the Council or its Subsidiary Bodies (para. 5)

Agreed that in future the Declaration of Competences and Right to Vote presented by the EEC and its Member States should be submitted to the Director-General well in advance for it to be translated, reproduced and circulated to Council members before the opening of the Council session concerned (para. 7)

Decided to request the CCLM to examine the question of the seating of the EEC within the Council chamber at its next session and to submit to the Council session in June 1993 a formula that would be clear and, if possible, definitive (para. 8)

The State of Food and Agriculture 1992

Urged the countries and country groups involved in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negotiations to bridge their remaining differences in order to reach a successful conclusion as soon as possible (para. 35)

Requested that FAO, within its mandate, assist Member Nations in their efforts to implement UNCED principles and to achieve sustainable development (para. 37)

Urged that food aid deliveries to developing countries should not be reduced as a result of the significant assistance requirements of some countries of eastern Europe and the former USSR, and noted with appreciation that assistance to the latter countries by some major donors was additional to their food aid to developing countries (para. 38)

Underlined the need to provide further support for the development of inland fisheries and acquaculture (para. 42)

Emphasized the increasing role FAO should play in providing policy advice and assistance to Member Nations in the areas of food security and nutrition, structural adjustment and economic transformation, trade, sustainable development and environmental resources management, as related to agriculture, fisheries and forestry (para. 43)

Report of the Seventeenth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (Rome. 23-27 March 1992)

Endorsed the report of the Seventeenth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in its entirety (para. 44)

Supported the use of triangular transactions and local purchases, where appropriate, as these encouraged farmers to produce more than for self-consumption and did not distort consumption habits (para. 46)

Reiterated its strong support for a successful outcome of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations which, as stressed in the Committee's report, would contribute to improving world food security (para. 48)

Requested FAO to obtain statistical information regarding household surveys from Member Nations, without incurring appreciable additional costs (para. 49)

Urged the Secretariat to examine its programme of work within the context of existing complementarities between household food security monitoring activities and the conclusions of the ICN (para. 49)

Supported consideration of the potential negative interaction of ruminant livestock with the natural environment, especially in fragile ecosystems in the study under preparation by the Secretariat on the links between food security and sustainability (para. 50)

Urged FAO to extend assistance for measures that could be taken to safeguard the livelihoods of livestock producers during such periods (para. 50)

Reaffirmed its support to the activities of the Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS) which had been accepted internationally as a low-cost, flexible and operational instrument for detection of emerging food supply difficulties and a reliable source of information on the food supply/demand situation throughout the world (para. 51)

Endorsed proposals to improve both the monitoring of Socio-economic indicators of food demand and the agro-meteorological assessment of crop growing conditions (para. 51)

Urged that the high priority accorded to the activities of GIEWS should be reflected in future allocations of Regular Programme resources (para. 51)

Endorsed the Committee's decision to defer a decision on the frequency of CFS sessions in view of upcoming discussions in the economic and social areas of the United Nations, coupled with the outcome of the ICN, UNCED and the Uruguay Round, which might need to be taken into account in ascertaining an appropriate frequency of CFS sessions and in establishing the Committee's future work programme (para. 52)

Recent Developments in the Field of International Fisheries: Responsible Fishing and Regime of High Seas Fishing

Unanimously endorsed the declaration of Cancún and praised the initiative taken by Mexico in organizing the International Conference on Responsible Fishing (para. 55)

Requested the Director-General to draft an international code of conduct for responsible fishing taking into account the Declaration of Cancún including fair trade practices, the provisions of Agenda 21 of UNCED, and the outcome of the Technical Consultation on High Seas Fishing, following its consideration by COFI (para. 57)

Agreed that the issue of reflagging of fishing vessels into flags of convenience to avoid compliance with agreed conservation and management measures, should be addressed immediately by FAO, with a view to finding a solution which could be implemented in the near future (para. 58)

Agreed that there was a need for an international agreement on the reflagging of fishing vessels into flags of convenience (para. 58)

Endorsed the proposal to convene a small informal expert group meeting early in 1993 to ensure that the major issues and interests were covered, and for FAO to consult with relevant international organizations, in order to provide the Twentieth Session of COFI with sufficient technical information and procedural guidance to allow it to make an informed recommendation to the Council for definitive action (para. 58)

Requested that proposals on the content of the code of conduct and if possible, a draft proposed text of an agreement on reflagging, and a time-frame for their adoption and implementation be presented to the Twentieth Session of COFI in March 1993 (para. 59)

Recommended that the resources necessary for the preparation of an international code of conduct for responsible fishing be allocated in the next Programme of Work and Budget and in the medium term (para. 60)

Agreed that there was a need to strengthen monitoring, control and surveillance capacities for all fish stocks including straddling stocks (para. 63)

Recommended that the Organization be ready to provide, within available resources, any necessary support to the proposed conference on straddling and highly migratory fish stocks (para. 65)

Agreed that there was at present no need for FAO to convene the intergovernmental consultation on high seas fishing recommended by the Ninety-ninth Council Session in 1991 (para. 65)

FAO Activities Related to Environment and Sustainable Development: Progress Report on Implementation of Resolution 291

Confirmed priority to be given to environment and sustainable development concerns in the preparation of the PWB 1994-95 and the Medium-Term Plan of the Organization (para. 66)

Requested that long-term sustainability considerations be given special attention in the ongoing study AT 2010, including related demographic questions (para. 66)

Supported the ongoing review of the Special Action Programmes and the five areas of concentration for SAPs proposed by the Director-General (para. 67)

Recommended that the streamlining process be pursued, taking into consideration the diverse regional requirements including those of coastal zones and small islands (para. 67)

Agreed that, although FAO was concerned with many programme areas of Agenda 21, it was necessary to concentrate efforts selectively in a number of key programme areas where the Organization had a definitive mandate and comparative advantage in playing a lead role in UNCED follow-up (para. 68)

Requested that it be informed on inter-agency cooperative arrangements at the next Council session (para. 69)

Requested that FAO also assume a lead role in facilitating inter-agency coordination for UNCED follow-up in the areas of the Organization's mandate (para. 69)

Requested the Organization to assist in providing technical and legal assistance to the International Negotiating Committee of the Convention to Combat Desertification to be established by the UN General Assembly (para. 71)

Third Progress Report on the WCARRD Programme of Action and Follow-up to WCARRD Review

Called on FAO, governments and concerned non-governmental organizations to strongly support the implementation of the findings of the Progress Report and the recommendations of the review, as well as the proposals for follow-up action (para. 76)

Requested the Secretariat to intensify its legal and other technical services in promoting agrarian reforms and to support such related activities as land titling and computerized land registration, both in developing countries and in countries in Central and Eastern Europe (para. 79)

Reiterated its support for the Plan of Action on Women in Development and encouraged FAO to continue its implementation (para. 81)

Urged further efforts to promote the implementation of the Plan of Action on People's Participation (para. 82)

Urged increased attention to sustainable forestry and fisheries activities and public involvement in these programmes (para. 82)

Requested the Secretariat to intensify its efforts in implementing the Plan of Action for People's Participation, and to monitor and evaluate progress at regular intervals (para. 82)

Called on FAO to involve local NGOs in developmental activities and to assist them in strengthening their management capacities without impinging on their independence (para. 83)

Recommended increased support to the establishment and strengthening of farmers' organizations, cooperatives as well as promotion of dialogue between governments, local NGOs and FAO (para. 84)

Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest to FAO

Requested that it be kept closely informed of all major decisions and events in other UN system fora and organizations which could have implications for FAO (para. 91)

Fully supported the lead role played by FAO in providing early warning on the food and agriculture situation, crop and food supply monitoring and food needs assessment, through the Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS) (para. 96)

Agreed that the Organization could play a vital role in helping affected countries document their agricultural rehabilitation needs more carefully and comprehensively, and in helping to obtain funds for the purchase and distribution of needed inputs (para. 97)

World Food Programme

Seventeenth Annual Report of the WFP Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes

Called for increased non-food contributions in the interest of effective implementation of projects (para. 113)

Urged donors to provide more cash resources to ease the Programme's difficult cash situation which was under review by the CFA (para. 114)

Endorsed the report of the CFA (para. 117)

Election of Seven Members of the WFP Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes

Elected the following seven Member Nations to the WFP Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes: Australia (list D), Bangladesh (list B-II), Burkina Faso (list A), Canada (list D), Senegal (list A), Sri Lanka (list B-II), United States of America (list D) for a term of office of three years from 1 January 1993 to 31 December 1995 (para. 118)

Progress Report on the Implementation of the Approved Programme Budget 1992-93

Urged the Director-General to continue his efforts to achieve maximum implementation of the approved Programme of Work, in the light of the resources made available to the Organization (para. 132)

Reports of the Sixty-fourth and Sixty-fifth Sessions of the Programme Committee

Establishment of a Consultative Group (CG) on the Tropical Forests Action Programme (TFAP)

Decided to:

(a) encourage FAO Member Nations, through their representatives in the appropriate fora, to use their influence to encourage the World Bank, UNDP, ITTO, UNEP and other international organizations to support fully the TFAP as a sound framework for the sustainable development of the forestry sector, and the proposed TFAP/CG as an advisory body;

(b) request the Director-General to renew contacts with the executive heads of the World Bank and UNDP with a view to their becoming full participants in the Consultative Group;

(c) empower the Independent Chairman of the Council in consultation with a small number of representatives of member countries to prepare a document enabling the Council to decide on the establishment of the TFAP/CG, preferably1 under Article VI.5 of the FAO Constitution;

(d) have the Eleventh Session of COFO review the proposals of the Independent Chairman and present its recommendations to the Hundred and Third Session of the Council for decision (para. 141)

Reports of the Seventy-third and Seventy-fourth Sessions of the Finance Committee

- Need for all Member Nations to pay Current Assessment and Arrears

Urged all Member Nations to pay their outstanding arrears and current assessed contributions in full as soon as possible, in order to enable the Organization to continue to fulfil its mandate (para. 157)

Personnel Matters

- Representation Allowance for Deputy Directors-General (DDGs) and Assistant Directors-General f ADGs)

Decided that an increase would be appropriate, for DDGs to US$13 000 and for ADGs to US$8 000 per annum; both to be effective 1 March 1992. Future revisions of these amounts would be made automatically, based on the percentage adjustment to the net base salary scale (para. 160)

- Allowance for Chairman Appeals Committee

Approved the Finance Committee's recommendation to increase the allowance of the Chairman of the Appeals Committee from US$5 000 to US$6 000 per annum effective 1 January 1993 (para. 161)

Remuneration and Conditions of Service of Staff

- Conclusion

Adopted Resolution 1102 on Remuneration and Conditions of Service of Staff, of which operative paragraph 4 requests the Director-General to transmit its views to the UN Secretary-General, as well as to the Chairman of the ICSC, with the request to draw these views to the attention of the Fifth Committee of the UN General Assembly in an appropriate manner (para. 178)

Audited Accounts

- Regular Programme 1990-91 and UNDP 1990-91

Endorsed the recommendations of the External Auditor, and emphasized the importance of those relating to the adequacy of the number of skilled computer staff for maintaining and enhancing the new system, as well as the recruitment of systems accountants into the Division of Finance (para. 181 and 182)

Agreed to forward a draft resolution on Audited Accounts to the Conference for Adoption (para. 183)

- World Food Programme 1990-91

Decided to defer discussion of Item 15.3, the World Food Programme 1990-91, to its Hundred and Third Session (para. 184)

Support Cost Arrangements for FAO Trust Fund Programmes

Agreed with the Director-General's approach and in general with his objections for any new arrangements (para. 196)

Invited the Director-General to submit his proposals for the implementation of a new support cost regime for Trust Funds through the Programme and Finance Committees at their May 1993 sessions, to the Hundred and Third Council Session (para. 196)

Revised Calendar of 1992-93 Sessions of the Council and of Those Bodies which Report to the Council

Approved the revised Calendar of Sessions for 1992-93 of the Council and of those Bodies which report to it, as given in Appendix G (para. 200)

Reports of the Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth Sessions of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters

- Terms of Reference of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM)

Recommended that the Conference adopt the following proposed amendments to Rule XXXIV of the General Rules of the Organization (GRO), at its Twenty-seventh Session in November 1993:

(a) Revise sub-paragraph (h) of paragraph 3 by adding the words underlined: "(h) the policy regarding privileges and immunities to be sought from host governments for the Organization's Headquarters, regional offices, country representations, conferences and meetings;"

(b) Include a new sub-paragraph after present sub-paragraph (h) of paragraph 3: "problems encountered in ensuring the immunity of the Organization, its staff and its assets;"

(c) Include a general clause to be inserted between present paragraphs 3 and 4: "4. The Committee may also consider the legal and constitutional aspects of any other matters submitted to it by the Council or the Director-General."

(d) Add a new separate paragraph also to be inserted between present paragraphs 3 and 4: "5. In considering items referred to it under paragraphs 3 and 4, the Committee may make recommendations and give advisory opinion, as appropriate. "

(e) Renumber present paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 accordingly as paragraphs 6, 7 and 8 (para. 207)

- Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission

Requested that it be kept fully informed of any further developments regarding the proposed participation in the new Commission of two Member States of the EEC in respect of their overseas territories (para. 210)

Recommended that paragraph 10 of the Appendix to the Conference Resolution 46/57 should be amended to reflect the current state of international law (para. 211)

Decided that the following procedure for further action on the draft Agreement should be followed:

(a) consultations should continue between the Secretariat and the parties concerned on the question of participation in the proposed new Commission;

(b) subsequently, the text of the draft agreement as it may be revised should be circulated to all Members represented at the technical conference, and informal consultations held with them to ensure that there were no problems with the revised text of the Agreement;

(c) the outcome of both sets of consultations should be referred to the CCLM at its Sixtieth Session scheduled for April 1993 and to the Hundred and Third Council Session in June 1993;

(d) consideration of the formal approval of the Agreement should be deferred until the Hundred and Third Council Session in June 1993;

(é) a draft amendment of paragraph 10 of the Appendix to Conference Resolution 46/57 (Part R of the Basic Texts) should be prepared by the CCLM at its Sixtieth Session for submission to the Council in June 1993 and should be transmitted to the Conference in November 1993 for adoption;

(f) a new clause on reservations should be included in the draft Agreement along the following lines: "Acceptance of this Agreement may be made subject to reservations in accordance with the general rules of public international law as reflected in the provisions of Part II, Section 2 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969."

(g) the Council, at its Hundred and Third Session in June 1993, would consider approval of the draft Agreement as amended, subject to the amendment by the Conference at its Twenty-seventh Session in November 1993 of paragraph 10 of the Appendix to Conference Resolution 46/57 (Part R of the Basic Texts) regarding reservations (para. 212)

- Amendment of FAO Financial Regulations to Incorporate the Provisions of Relevant Conference Resolutions Regarding the Special Reserve Account

Decided to discontinue its discussions on this item, after the Director-General had proposed that in order to avoid divisiveness the matter be withdrawn from consideration by the Council Session (para. 217)

- Codex Alimentarius: Amendment of Relevant Texts to Take Account

of the Membership in FAO of Regional Economic Integration Organizations

Requested that it be kept informed of developments regarding the question of membership in the Codex Alimentarius Commission of regional economic integration organizations (para. 220)

Abolition of (a) Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Agrarian Structure and Farm Rationalization and (b) Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Mechanization of Agriculture

Establishment of (a) Joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Party on Economics of the Agri-Food Sector and Farm Management and (b) Joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Party on Relations between Agriculture and Environment11:05 PM 9/3/06>

Adopted Resolution 2102 on the above subject and decided to abolish the following Working Parties which had been established under Article VI-1 of the Constitution:

(a) Joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Party on Agrarian Structure and Farm Rationalization and

(b) Joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Party on Mechanization of Agriculture;

Decided to establish under Article VI-1 of the Constitution, and subject to approval by the appropriate organs of ECE (UN), the following Working Parties:

(a) Joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Party on Economics in the Agri-Food Sector and Farm Management and

(b) Joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Party on Relations between Agriculture and the Environment;

Requested the Director-General to arrange for all reports of the Joint Working Parties to be submitted to ECA for consultation (para. 226)

Date for Nominations to the Office of Director-General

Decided that nominations to the Office of Director-General should be communicated to the Secretary-General of the Conference at the latest by 2 April 1993 at 12.00 hours, and that such nominations should be circulated by the Secretary-General to all Member Nations of the Organization by 26 April 1993 (para. 228)

Amendments of Statutes of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF)

Aproved the new terms of reference for CECAF as described in the relevant paragraph (para. 231)

Decided to authorize the Director-General to promulgate the proposed amendments to the terms of reference of CECAF under the terms of Article VI-2 of the Constitution, pursuant to Resolution 148 of the Forty-eighth Session of the Council (para. 232)

Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions

Agreed to the participation of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Ukraine at the Hundred and Second Session of the Council in an observer capacity (para. 233)

Agreed to the Director-General's proposal to invite the Russian Federation to the Technical Consultation on Stock Assessment in the Black Sea, Ankara, Turkey, 7-11 December 1992 (FI-803) (para. 235)

Applications for Membership in the Organization

Authorized the Director-General to invite Croatia and Slovenia to participate, in an observer capacity, at appropriate Council meetings as well as regional and technical meetings of the Organization of interest to them (para. 240)

Date and Place of the Hundred and Third Session of the Council

Decided that its Hundred and Third Session should be convened in Rome from 14 to 25 June 1993 (para. 241)

1Two members expressed the wish that the word "preferably" be replaced by the word "possibly".

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