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Chapter 4
Crops and land utilization types

The following conditions apply to the five crops considered:

  1. Barley is grown for dry grain production from day-length neutral cultivars.

  2. Oat is grown from dry grain production from day-length neutral cultivars.

  3. Cowpea is grown for dry grain production from early to medium duration cultivars of determinate growth habit (i.e. upright and semi-upright or bunch types).

  4. Green gram is grown for dry grain production.

  5. Pigeonpea is grown for dry grain production from medium duration cultivars in the range 130 to 190 days to maturity.

The crops are considered at three levels of inputs, a low an intermediate and a high. The attributes of the two input level production circumstances are listed in Table 4.1, and form the basis of the definition of the land utilization types employed in the assessment of the agro-climatic and agro-edaphic suitabilities.

Attributes of land utilization types

AttributeLow inputsIntermediate inputsHigh inputs
Produce and productionRainfed cultivation of barley, maize, oat, pearl millet, dryland rice, wetland rice, sorghum, wheat, cowpea, green gram, groundnut, Phaseolus bean, pigeon pea, soybean, cassava, sweet potato, white potato, banana, oil palm and sugarcane. Sole and multiple cropping of crops only in appropriate cropping patterns and rotations.
Market orientationSubsistence productionSubsistence production plus commercial sale of surplusCommercial production
Capital intensityLowIntermediate with High credit on accessible terms 
Labour intensityHigh, including uncosted family labourMedium, including uncosted family labourLow, family costed if used
Power sourceManual labour with animal traction withManual labour with hand tools hand tools and/or animal traction with improved implements; some mechanizationComplete mechanization including harvesting
TechnologyTraditional cultivars. No fertilizer or chemical pest, disease and weed control. Fallow periods Minimum conservation measuresImproved cultivars as available.Appropriate extension packages including some fertilizer application and some chemical pest, disease and weedcontrol. Some fallow periods and some conservation measuresHigh yielding cultivars including hybrids. Optimum fertilizer application. Chemical pest, disease and weed control.Full conservation measures
InfrastructureMarket accessibility not necessary Inadequate advisory servicesSome market accessibility necessary with access to demonstration plots and servicesMarket accessibility essential. High level of advisory services land application of research findings
Land holdingSmall, fragmentedSmall, sometimes fragmentedLarge, consolidated
Income levelLowModerateHigh

Note. No production involving irrigation or other techniques using additional water. No flood control measures.

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