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Chapter 4
Land suitability assessment and selection of crop options

Land suitability assessments of single crops (Part I, Figure 2.1) is made according to the FAO-AEZ method (FAO 1978–81), and involves:

  1. Selection and definition of land utilization types (e.g. crop, cropping type, produce, production system, inputs level).

  2. Matching the thermal zones of the climatic inventory with the temperature requirements of the crops, and where these requirements are met, computation of agronomically attainable crop yields by length of growing period zones.

  3. Matching the soil requirements of crops with the soil type, texture classes, stoniness, phases and slope classes of the soil inventory, by rating their limitations.

4.1 Crops and Land Utilization Types

A total of 25 crop species are considered in the assessment. The full list of crops and crop types is presented in Table 4.1. Coffee, cotton, pineapple, pyrethrum, sisal and tea are considered in the model to take account of the reported production and land area occupied by these crops as quantified by the land use inventory (Technical Annex 3). The remaining 19 crops are differentiated into 58 crop types to account for differences in ecotype adaptation, crop phenology and growth cycles within each crop species.

Each of the 58 crop types are considered at three levels of inputs circumstances (low, intermediate and high). The attributes of the three input level circumstances are listed in Table 4.2, and form the basis of the definition of the land utilization types in the assessment.

The following conditions apply to the crops considered:

  1. cereal and legume crops are grown for dry grain production;

  2. only sorghum varieties with white and yellow grain types are considered;

  3. only maize varieties with white or yellow endosperm types are considered;

  4. barley, oat and wheat cultivars comprise the daylength-neutral types;

  5. groundnut is grown for dry kernel production from either sequentially branched cultivars (the Spanish and Valencia types) or alternately branched cultivars (the Virginia and Castle Cary types);

  6. sugarcane is grown for sugar production using the ‘noble’ cane cultivars;

  7. banana is grown for fruit (pulp) production using cultivars from the genome group AAA and AAB;

  8. oil palm is grown for oil production from the fruit mesocarp using the African oil palm stock. It is assumed that the rotation length is 30 years and time to reach first harvest is 6 years.

List of crops Included in the assessment

CropScientific nameGrowth cycle (days)
BananaMusa spp.300–365
BarleyHordeum vulgare90–120
CassavaManihot esculenta150–300
Coffee. ArabicaCoffee arabica240–330
CottonGossypium hirsutum160–180
CowpeaVigna unguiculata80–100
Green gramVigna radiata60–80
GroundnutArachis hypogea80–100
Maize, lowlandZea mays70–90
Maize, highlandZea mays120–140
OatAvena sativa90–120
Oil palmElaeis guineensis270–365
Pearl milletPennisetum americanum60–80
Phaseolus beanPhaseolus spp.190–120
Pigeon peaCajanus cajan130–150
PineappleAnanas comosus330–365
PyrethrumChrysanthemum cinerariarfolium210–330
Rice, drylandOryza sativa90–110
Rice, wetlandOryza sativa80–100
SisalAgave sisalana150–270
Sorghum, lowlandSorghum bicolor70–90
Sorghum, highlandSorghum bicolor120–140
SoybeanGlycine max80–100
SugarcaneSaccharum officinarum210–265
Sweet potatoIpomoea batatas115–125
TeaCamelia sinensis240–365
WheatTriticum aestivum100–130
White potatoSolanum tuberosum90–110

1 Includes Phaseolus vulgaris (Common bean), P. lunatus (Lima bean), P. coccineus (Runner bean) and P. acutifolius (Tepary bean).

Attributes of land utilization types

AttributeLow inputsIntermediate inputsHigh inputs
Produce and productionRainfed cultivation of barley, maize, oat, pearl millet, dryland rice, wetland rice, sorghum, wheat, cowpea, green gram, groundnut, Phaseolus bean , pigeon pea, soybean, cassava, sweet potato, white potato, banana, oil palm and sugarcane. Sole and multiple cropping of crops only in appropriate cropping patterns and rotations.
Market orientationSubsistence productionSubsistence production plus commercial sale of surplusCommercial production
Capital intensityLowIntermediate with credit on accesS1ble termsHigh
Labour intensityHigh, including uncosted family labourMedium, including uncosted family labourLow, family labour costed H used
Power sourceManual labour with hand toolsManual labour with hand tools and/or animal traction with improved implements; some mechanizationComplete mechanization including harvesting
TechnologyTraditional cultivars. No fertilizer or chemical pest, disease and weed control. Fallow periods. Minimum conservation measuresImproved cultivars as available. Appropriate extension packages including some fertilizer application and some chemical pest, disease and weedcontrol. Some fallow periods and some conservation measuresHigh yielding cultivars including hybrids. Optimum fertilizer application. Chemical pest, disease and weed control. Full conservation measures
InfrastructureMarket accesS1bility not necessary. Inadequate advisory servicesSome market accessibility necessary with access to demonstration plots and servicesMarket accessibility essential. High level of advisory services and application of research findings
Land holdingSmall, fragmentedSmall, sometimes fragmentedLarge, consolidated
Income levelLowModerateHigh

Note. No production involving irrigation or other techniques using additional water. No flood control measures.

4.2 Climatic Inventory

The climatic resources inventory of Kenya (Technical Annex 1) quantifies both heat and moisture conditions.

The quantification of heat attributes has been achieved by defining reference thermal zones representing the prevailing temperature regimes1. Temperature seasonality effects of latitude are minor due to the equatorial position of Kenya.

1The following equation closely represents the relationship between average daily temperature in degrees Celcius (T) and altitude in metres (A): T = 30.2 - 6.496(A/1000).

To cater for differences in temperature adaptability between crops, nine thermal zones (based on 2.5°C intervals) are distinguished in the climatic inventory of Kenya (Table 4.3). The temperature threshold values used in these definitions accord with those differentiating the four temperature adaptability groups of crops, pasture and tree species described in Technical Annexes 3, 5 and 6.

Thermal zones

Thermal zone codeTemperature
class (°C)
125.0< 800
222.5 – 25.0800 – 1200
320.0 – 22.51200 – 1550
417.5 – 20.01550 – 1950
515.0 – 17.51950 – 2350
612.5 – 15.02350 – 2700
710.0 – 12.52700 – 3100
85.0 – 10.03100 – 3900
9< 5.03900

Quantification of moisture conditions was achieved through the concept of reference length of growing period (LGP), being defined as the duration (in days) when moisture supply can permit crop growth. A moisture supply from rainfall of half, or more than half, potential evapotranspiration has been considered to permit crop growth. The following main concepts, definitions and methods form the basis of the quantification of moisture conditions in the climatic inventory.

The growing period is the time when moisture supply from rainfall exceeds half potential evapotranspiration. It includes the time required to evapotranspire up to 100 mm of stored moisture from the soil profile. A ‘normal’ growing period has a humid phase, i.e. a period when moisture supply is greater than full potential evapotranspiration. When there is no humid period, the growing period is defined as ‘intermediate’.

The quantification of moisture regime is based on the analysis of the length of growing period for each year separately and the computation of:

  1. number of separate lengths of growing periods per year, summarized as a historical profile of pattern of number of length of growing periods per year (LGP-Pattern);

  2. length of each growing period and its various moisture periods, summarized as mean total dominant length, first associated length and second associated length, and the mean individual dominant and associated lengths making up the total lengths;

  3. the quality of moisture conditions during the growing period and its various moisture periods;

  4. year-to-year variability (frequency distribution) of each length of growing period and the associated moisture condition.

Twenty two LGP-Patterns are recognized, and these with their composition are presented in Table 4.4. The LGP-Pattern code represents the number of growing periods per year in order of frequency of occurrence, e.g. in the pattern coded 2-1-3, the numeral 2 represents the number of lengths of growing periods per year (i.e. two) that occur in the majority of the years (i.e. 55 percent) - the dominant length number; the numeral 1 represents number of lengths of growing periods per year (i.e. one) that has the next most commonly occurring frequency (i.e. 25 percent) - the first associated length number; and the numeral 3 represents number of lengths of growing periods per year (i.e. three) that - has the smallest occurrence (i.e. 20 percent) - the second associated length number.

For each LGP-Pattern type, the mean total length of the dominant number is correlated with the mean total length of the associated numbers. Also, when the mean total length is a summation of more than one mean length, the latter lengths are again correlated with the former total length. These relationships are presented in Tables 4.5 and 4.6.

In the climatic inventory of Kenya, only the mean total dominant length has been inventoried on the map as 15 LGP zones. The boundary or isoline values used are 0, 30, 60, 90, 120,150, 180,210, 240, 270, 300, 330, 365-and 365+ days respectively delineating the mean total dominant length of growing period zones of 0, 1–29, 30–59, 60–89, 90–119, 120–49, 150–179, 180–209, 210–239, 240–269, 270–299, 300–329, 330–364, 365-and 365+days1.

1    365- - year-round growing period but not humid year-round; 365+ - year-round humid growing period.

Additionally, the LGP-Pattern zones have been inventoried. Consequently, the relationships in Tables 4.5 and 4.6, together with the map of dominant LGP zones, and the LGP-Pattern zones provide the historical profile of any mean total dominat length of growing period in any of the 22 LGP-Pattern zones.

Patterns of growing periods (LGP-patterns) - Historical profiles of occurrence of number of length of growing periods per year

CodeLGP-patternProportion (%)
2H - 160: 40
31 - H70: 30
41 - H - 265: 20: 15
51 - 2 - H65: 20: 15
61 - 265: 35
71 - 2 - 350: 35: 15
81 - 3 - 240: 35: 20
91 - 2 - D40: 35: 25
101 - D - 240: 35: 25
111 - D60: 40
132 - 170: 30
142 - 1 -H55: 30: 15
152 - 1 - 355: 25: 20
162 - 375: 25
172 - 3 - 160: 25: 15
182 - 3 - 450: 30: 10
192 - 1 - D70: 15: 15
203 - 260: 40
213 - 2 - 150: 35: 15

H = 365+ days (i.e. year-round humid)
D = zero days (i.e. year-round dry)

Relationships between mean total dominant and mean total associated lengths of growing period

LGP-Pattern 1 - 2Relationship
1 - 2 - HL2 = 80.40 + 0.75 L1
1 - H - 2 
1 - 2 - 3L2 = 71.56 + 0.66 L1
1 - 3 - 2L3 = 77.14 + 0.66 L1
1 - 2 - D 
1 - 2 - D 
2 - 1L1 = -86.09 + 1.28 L2
2 - 1 - HL3 = 25.29 + 0.82 L2
2 - 1 - 3 
2 - 1 - D 
2 - 3L3 = 30.11 + 0.83 L2
2 - 3 - 1L1 = -98.72 + 1.35 L2
2 - 3 - 4L4 = 114.54 + 0.58 L2
3 - 2L2 = 45.05 + 0.80 L3
3 - 2 - 1L1 = -9.86 + 0.88 L3

L1 = Total length of one growing period per year
L2 = Total length of two growing periods per year
L3 = Total length of three growing periods per year
L4 = Total length of four growing periods per year

Reference tables relating the mean total dominant LGPs (mapped) and the corresponding mean total associated LGPs (unmapped) are presented in Technical Annex 1, together with generalized coefficients of variation of mean LGPs, and frequency of occurrence of intermediate LGPs.

4.3 Thermal Zone Suitability

The association between crop growth cycles and thermal zones in Kenya for the 64 crop types is presented in Table A4.1 in the Appendix. In general, growth cycle length (number of days to maturity) of wheat, barley, oat, phaseolus bean and white potato increases by some 5 to 6 days for each 100 m increase in altitude above 1500 m, or for each 0.5 °C decrease in mean temperature from 20.0°C. For maize and sorghum, there is generally about 20 days extention in maturation for each 100 m increase in altitude above 1500 m or for each 0.5 °C decrease in mean temperature from 20°C. The 20 days extension in maturity is made up of some 5 to 6 days delay in flowering (silking/anthesis) and some 14 to 15 days extention in the grain filling phase or time taken to reach black layer physiological maturity. For example, 110 and 130 days to maturity correspond respectively to 63 and 69 days to tasseling or heading, 73 and 79 to silking or anthesis, 110 and 130 days to physiological maturity.

Relationship between individual component mean length and mean total length of growing period

2L21 = -1.11 + 0.55 L2
1 - 2L21 = 4.94 + 0.62 L2
1 - 2 - H 
1 - H - 2 
1 - 2 - 3L21 = 5.87 + 0.64 L2
1 - 3 - 2L31 = 22.12 + 0.39 L3
1 - 2 - DL32 = 1.58 + 0.32 L3
1 - D - 2 
2 - 1L21 = -5.48 + 0.64 L2
2 - 1 - HL31 = 0.14 + 0.46 L3
2 - 1 - 3L32 = -0.98 + 0.33 L3
2 - 1 - D 
2 - 3L21 = -3.05 + 0.61 L2
2 - 3 - 1L31 = 1.68 + 0.43 L3
2 - 3 - 4L32 = -3.00 + 0.34 L3
 L41 = 26.35 + 0.34 L4
 L42 = -20.88 + 0.38 L4
 L43 = -17.66 + 0.27 L4
3 - 2L21 = -2.33 + 0.63 L2
3 - 2 - 1L31 = 5.62 + 0.45 L3
 L32 = 1.25 + 0.31 L3

L21 = First length of two growing periods per year
L31 = First length of three growing periods per year
L32 = Second length of three growing periods per year
L41 = First length of four growing periods per year
L42 = Second length of four growing periods per year
L43 = Third length of four growing periods per year

For wheat, barley, oat, phaseolus bean and white potato, mean temperatures of 10 to 12.5°C or below have been taken to correspond to a risk of frost damage too great for successful cultivation of these crops. Mean temperature range of 10 to 12.5°C corresponds to 2700 – 3100 m altitude range (Table 4.3).

For maize and sorghum, mean temperatures below 15 °C have been considered too low for normal production because of the very severe problems with seed set and maturation. Mean temperatures below 15 °C are reached at altitudes of 2350 m and above (Table 4.3).

The crop thermal zone suitability ratings for each crop type are presented in Table A4.2 in the Appendix. Five suitability classes are employed (i.e. S1, S2, S3, S4 and N), and the ratings apply to all three levels of inputs: where requirements are fully met, the zone is adjudged S1; where requirements are sub-optimal the zone is adjudged S2, S3 or S4; where requirements are not met, the zone is adjudged as N (not suitable).

A rating of S1 indicates that the temperature conditions for growth and yield physiology and phenological development are optimal and that it is possible to achieve the maximum attainable agronomic yield potential if there are no additional climatic and/or edaphic (including landform) limitations. Ratings of S2, S3 and S4 indicate that temperature conditions for growth and development are sub-optimal and that there would be a suppression of yield potential in the order of 25, 50, and 75 percent respectively. A rating of N indicates that temperatures are not suitable for production of the crop.

4.4 Length of Growing Period (LGP) Zone Suitability

4.4.1 Individual component LGP suitability

Potential yields with constraints for individual LGPs were derived according to the method developed by the FAO-AEZ project (FAO 1978) for all crops except coffee, cotton, pineapple, pyrethrum, sisal and tea. The background details for maize, pearl millet, wetland rice, sorghum, phaseolus bean, soybean, cassava, sweet potato and white potato are given in (FAO 1978); the details for groundnut, dryland rice, sugarcane, banana and oil palm are given in (FAO 1980); the details for barley, oat, cowpea, green gram and pigeonpea are given in Technical Annex 3.

Agronomically attainable yield potentials from the agro-climatic viewpoint (i.e. on suitable soils and terrain) for suitable thermal zones (i.e. thermal zones with S1 rating) are presented in the Appendix in Table A4.3 for high level of inputs, in Table A4.4 for intermediate level of inputs and in Table A4.S for low level of inputs.

Yields in Tables A4.3, A4.4, and A4.S refer to single crops which act as building blocks in the formulation of annual cropping patterns and crop rotations, taking into account LGP-Patterns and soil-landform constraints. Single crop yields attainable with low inputs are set at 25 percent of those attainable with high inputs. Single crop yields at the intermediate level of inputs are set half-way between the high and low inputs yields.

Yields in Table A4.3, A4.4 and A4.5 apply to normal lengths of growing periods, i.e.growing period with a humid period during which precipitation is greater than full potential evapotranspiration. For intermediate growing periods, i.e. growing period with no humid period, full crop water requirements cannot be met and yield reductions are assumed to be of the order of 50% on all soils except Fluvisols and Gleysols. The percentage of occurrence of intermediate lengths of growing periods in all LGP-Pattern zones is 100% in LGP zone 1–29 days, 65% in LGP zone 30–59 days, 25% in LGP zone 60–89 days, 10% in LGP zone 90–119 days and 5% in LGP zone 120–149 days (see Technical Annex 1).

4.4.2 LGP-Pattern suitability

All annual crops are matched to individual component length of growing periods, i.e. L1, L21, L22, L32, L32, L33, L41, L42, L43 and L44. The LGP-Pattern evaluation for each annual crop is achieved by taking into account all the constituent component lengths in each LGP-Pattern, thus providing a profile of variability in potential yields over time (e.g. average yield, maximum yield, minimum yield). From such information, it is then possible to set the desired level of yield stability (e.g. in terms of percentage difference between maximum yield and minimum yield or in terms of percentage difference between average yield and minimum yield) in the selection of optimum crops and crop rotations.

Perennial crops (cassava, banana, oil palm, sugarcane) are matched to total lengths of H, L1, L2, L3 and L4, with yield potential downgraded as shown in Table 4.7 for LGP-Patterns comprising L2, L3 and L4. Reduction ratings S1, S2 and S3 in Table 4.7 correspond to zero, 25% and 50% yield reduction respectively due to moisture stress. Rating of N represents unsuitable moisture conditions for crop production.

4.4.3 Cash crops LGP and LGP-Pattern allocation ratings

For coffee, cotton, pineapple, pyrethrum, sisal and tea allocation ratings by LGP and LGP-Patterns were formulated to enable these crops to be allocated to their suitable climatic zones on suitable soils. The LGP allocation rules at high, intermediate and low levels of inputs are given in the Appendix in Tables A4.6 – A4.23 for coffee (Tables A4.6, A4.7, A4.8), cotton (Tables A4.9, A4.10, A4.11), pineapple (Tables A4.12, A4.13, A4.14), pyrethrum(Tables A4.15, A4.16, A4.17), sisal (Tables A4.18, A4.19 and A4.20) and tea (TablesA4.21, A4.22, A4.23).

Reduction ratings for perennials matched to total length of growing periods (LGP, days) L2. L3 and L4

150–179180–209210–239240–269270–299300–329330–364365-365 +
Oil palmNNNS2S1S1S1S1S1

4.4.4 Fluvisols suitability

Cultivation of Fluvisols is governed by the depth, intensity and duration of flooding which occurs in the low-lying areas of these soils. These flooding attributes are generally controlled, not by the amount of ‘on site’ rainfall but by external factors such as river flood regime, hydrological features of catchment area and catchment-site relationship. Additionally, cultivation of these soils is normally confined to post-flood periods, the crops being grown on moisture remaining in the soil profile.

As a result of these factors Fluvisols were rated separately for all crops at high, intermediate and low levels of inputs, and the ratings are presented in the Appendix in Tables A4.24, A4.25 and A4.26 respectively.

4.5 Soil Inventory

The soil resources of Kenya (Technical Annex 1) have been inventoried in terms of associations of soil units, and the corresponding characterization of soil textures, stoniness, phases, and slopes.

Soil units have been defined in terms of measurable and observable properties of the soil itself, and specific clusters of such properties are combined into ‘diagnostic horizons’ and ‘diagnostic properties’, which are used in the definition of the soil units. The soil units inventoried in the Kenya soil resources inventory (Exploratory Soil Map of Kenya) are listed in Table 4.8, and the diagnostic horizons and properties of these soil units are presented in Technical Annex 1.

Soil texture may vary within the range of textures defined for a particular soil unit. In the legend of the Exploratory Soil Map, textural classes for the individual soil units by soil mapping unit are presented. The three major textural divisions (coarse, medium and fine) are subdivided into 17 classes (Table 4.9).

Soil phases indicate land characteristics which are not considered in the definition of the soil units but are significant to the use and management of land. Soil phases recognized on the Exploratory Soil Map of Kenya can be grouped into phases indicating a mechanical hindrance or limitation (rocky, bouldery, boulder-mantle, stony, stone-mantle, gravel-mantle), phases indicating an effective soil depth limitation (lithic, paralithic, petro-calcic, piso-calcic, petro-ferric, piso-ferric), and phases indicating a physico-chemical limitation (saline, sodic and saline-sodic). Soil phases occur either individually or in combinations of upto three. They are described in Technical Annex 1, and are listed in Table 4.10.

Soil units

Symbol name
A Acrisols
Ac Chromi Acrisols
Ag Gleyic Acrisols
Ah Humic Acrisols
Aic Ferralo-chromic Acrisols
Aif Ferralo-ferric Acrisols
Aio Ferralo-orthic Acrisols
Ao Orthic Acrisols
Ap Plinthic Acrisols
Ath Ando-humic Acrisols
B Cambisols
Bc Chromic Cambisols
Bd Dystric Cambisols
Be Eutric Cambisols
Bf Ferralic Cambisols
Bg Gleyic Cambisols
Bh Humic Cambisols
Bk Calcic Cambisols
Bnc Nito-chromic Cambisols
Btc Ando-chromic Cambisols
Bte Ando-eutric Cambisols
Bv Vertic Cambisols
Ch Haplic Chernozems
Ck Calcic Chernozems
Ec Cambic Renzinas
Eo Orthic Renzinas
F Ferralsols
Fa Acric Ferralsols
Fh Humic Ferralsols
Fnh Nit-humic Ferralsols
Fnr Nito-rodic Ferralsols
Fo Orthic Ferralsols
Fr Rodic Ferralsols
Fx Xanthic Ferralsols
G Gleysols
Gc Calcaric Gleysols
Gd Dystric Gleysols
Ge Eutric Gleysols
Gh Humic Gleysols
Gm Mollic Gleysols
Gv Vertic Gleysols
Hg Gleyic Phaeozems
Hh Haplic Phaeozems
Hnl Nito-luvic Phaeozems
Hol Ortho-luvic Phaeozems
Hrl Chromic-luvic Phaeozems
Hth Ando-haplic Phaeozems
Htl Ando-luvic Phaeozems
Hvl Verto-luvic Phaeozems
I Lithosols
Ir Ironstone soils
J Fluvisols
Jc Calcaric Fluvisols
Je Eutric Fluvisols
Jt Thionic Fluvisols
Kh Haplic Kastanozems
L Luvisols
La Albic Luvisols
Lc Chromic Luvisols
Lf Ferric Luvisols
Lg Gleyic Luvisols
Lic Ferralo-chromic Luvisols
Lif Ferralo-ferric Luvisols
Lio Ferralo-orthic Luvisols
Lk Calcic Luvisols
Lnc Nit-chromic Luvisols
Lnf Nito-ferric Luvisols
Lo Orthic Luvisols
Lv Vertic Luvisols
No Orthic Greyzems
Nvo Verto-orthic Greyzems
Nd Dystric Nitisols
Ne Eutric Nitisols
Nh Humic Nitisols
Nm Mollic Nitisols
Nth Ando-humic Nitisols
Nve Verto-eutric Nitisols
Nvm Verto-mollic Nitisols
Od Dystric Nitisols
Q Arenosols
Qa Albic Arenosols
Qc Cambic Arenosols
Of Ferralic Arenosols
Qkc Calcaro-cambic
Ql Luvic Arenosols
R Regosols
Rc Calcaric Regosols
Rd Dystric Regosls
Re Eutric Regosols
Rtc Ando-calcaric Regosols
S Solonetz
Sg Gleyic Solonetz
Slo Luvo-orthic Solonetz
Sm Mollic Solonetz
So Orthic Solonetz
Th Humic Andosols
Tm Mollic Andosols
Tv Vitric Andosols
U Rankers
V Vertisols
Vc Chromic Vertisols
Vp Pellic Vertisols
W Planosols
Wd Dystric Planosols
We Eutric Planosols
Wh Humic Planosols
Ws Sodic Planosols
Wve Verto-eutric Planosols
X Xerosols/Yermosols
Xh Haplic Xerosols/Yermosols
Xk Calcic Xerosols/Yermosols
Xy Gypsic Xerosols/Yermosols
Z Solonchaks
Zg Gleyic Solonchaks
Zo Orthic Solonchaks
Zt Takyric Solonchaks

The presence of coarse material (stoniness) in the soil profile has been inventoried separately from soil textures. Six types of coarse material or stoniness have been inventoried: Gravelly (G), Very Gravelly (VG), Stony(S), Bouldery (B), Stony/Bouldery (SB)and Bouldery/Stony (BS).

Texture classes

Texture SymbolTexture class
LCSLoamy coarse sand
FSFine Sand
LFSLoamy fine sand
LSLoamy sand LS
FSLFine sandy loam
SLSandy loam
SCLSandy clay loam
SLSilt loam
CLClay loam
SILSilty clay loam
SCSandy clay
SICSilty clay
PCPeaty clay

Six basic slope classes, in 12 combinations, have been employed in the Exploratory Soil Map of Kenya. The six basic slope classes are: A: 0–2%; B: 25%; C: 5–8%; D: 8–16%; E: 16–30% and F: > 30%. The 12 combination slope classes are: A: 0–2%; AB: 0–5%; B: 25%; BC: 2–8%; C: 5–8%; BCD: 216%; CD: 5–16%; D: 8–16%; DE: 830%; E: 16–30%; EF: 16–>30%; F: >30%.

To each of these 12 slope classes,associated slope classes have been assigned. These associated slope classes,covering up to 10% of the land area of the 12 slope classes, are used for evaluation purposes only. They are not included explicitly in the soil resources inventory. The 12 inventoried combination slope classes and the associated slope classes are presented in Table 4.11. For the same purposes of evaluation, assumed mean slopes have been assigned to each of the quartiles of the land area of each of the 12 slope classes (Table 4.12).

4.6 Edaphic Suitability

The edaphic suitability assessment is input-specific and based on:

  1. Matching the soil requirements crops with the soil conditions of the soil units described in the soil inventory (soil unit evaluation).

  2. Modification of the soil unit evaluation by limitation imposed by texture, stoniness and phase.

4.6.1 Soil unit evaluation

The soil unit evaluation is expressed in terms of suitability ratings based on how far the soil conditions of a soil unit meet the crop requirements under a specified level of inputs. The appraisal is effected in five basic classes for each crop and level of inputs, i.e. very suitable (S1), suitable (S2), moderately suitable (S3), marginally suitable (S4), and not suitable (N).

A rating of S1 indicates that the soil conditions are optimal, and that suppression of potential yields (if any) are assumed to be slight. Ratings of S2, S3 and S4 indicate that soil conditions are sub-optimal for crop production and that potential yields would be suppressed by 25%, 50% and 75% respectively. A rating of N indicates that soil conditions are so severe that the soil unit is not suitable for crop production. The soil unit ratings for all 25 crops are presented in the Appendix in Table A4.27.

TABLE 4.10
Soil phases

Singles: Combination of two:Combination of three:
RRockyR/BRocky and boulderyR/B/AORocky and bouldery and saline-sodic
BBoulderyR/SRocky and stonyR/P/SRocky and lithic and stony
BMBoulder-mantleB/SBouldery and stonyB/S/ABouldery and stony and saline
SStonyBM/AOBoulder-mantle end saline-sodicBM/S/AOBouldery end stony and saline-sodic
SMStone-mantleS1RStoney and rockyP/R/BLithic and rocky and bouldery
GGravellyS/BStony and boulderyP/R/SLithic and rocky and stony
GMGravel-mantleS/KStony and petrocalcicP/B/SLithic and bouldery and stony
PLithicS/AOStony and saline-sodicP/B/ALithic and bouldery and saline
PPParalithicSM/OStone mantle and sodicP/BM/AOLithic and boulder-mantle and saline-sodic
KPetrocalcicSM/AOStone mantle and saline-sodicP/S/RLithic and stony and rocky
KKPetrocalcicP/RLithic end rockyP/S/ALithic and stony and saline
CPisocalcicP/BLithic and boulderyP/S/AOLithic and stony and saline-sodic
CCPisocalcicP/BMLithic end boulder-mantleP/SM/AOLithic and stone-mantle and saline-sodic
MPetroferricP/SLithic and stonyP/GM/SLithic end grave-mantle and saline
MMPisoferricP/OLithic and sodic  
ASalineP/AOLithic and saline-sodic  
0SodicPP/RParalithic and rocky  
AOSaline-sodicPP/SParalithic and stony  
FFragjpanK/SPetrocalcic and stony  
  K/APetrocalcic and saline-sodic  
  KK/APetrocalcic and saline  
  KK/OPetrocalcic and sodic  
  M/RPisoferric and rocky  
  M/MPisoferric and pisoferric  
  A/FPisoferric and fragipan  
  O/FSodic and fragipan  

TABLE 4.11
Associated slope classes

Slope class symbol%Associated slope classes
A0 – 2100%A   
AB0 – 5100%AB   
B2 – 5100%B   
BC2 – 890%BC5%A5%D
C5 – 890%C5%AB5%D
BCD2 – 1690%BCD5%A5%E
CD5 – 1690%CD5%AB5%E
D8 – 1690%D5%BC5%E
DE8 – 3090%DE5%BC5%F
E16 – 3090%E5%BCD5%F
EF16 – 5695%EF5%BCD 
F30 – 5695%F5%DE 

4.6.2 Texture evaluation

Soil unit ratings apply as indicated in Table A4.27 if there are no additional limitations imposed by texture. Modifications are required where limitations are imposed by texture.

Soil unit ratings remain unchanged for Arenosols (Q), Albic Arenosols (Qa), Cambic Arenosols (Qc), Ferralic Arenosols (Qf), Calcaro-cambic Arenosols (Qkc), Luvic Arenosols (Ql) and Vitric Andosols (Tv), since coarse texture limitations have been already applied in the soil unit ratings.

TABLE 4.12
Quartiles of slope classes

Slope class symbol%GentlestLowerUpperSteepest
A0 – 20112
AB0 – 50245
B2 – 52345
BC2 – 82468
C5 – 85678
BCD2 – 16261116
CD5 – 16591216
D8 – 168111316
DE8 – 308162230
E16 – 3016212530
EF16 – 5616304256
F30 – 5630394756

Soil unit ratings remain unchanged where textures are medium: fine sandy loam (FSL), sandy loam (SL), loam (L), sandy clay loam (SCL), silt loam (SL), clay loam (CL), silty clay loam (SICL) and silt (SI); or fine: sandy clay (SC), silty clay (SIC), peaty clay (PC) and clay (C).

In all other cases, i.e. soil units with coarse textures: sand (S), loamy coarse sand (LCS), fine sand (FS), loamy fine sand (LFS), and loamy sand (LS), the soil unit rating is lower by 25% for all crops except for groundnut and white potato.

4.6.3 Stoniness and phase evaluation

Soil unit ratings apply as indicated in Table A4.27 if there are no additional limitations imposed by stoniness or phase.

Limitations imposed by stoniness and phase are rated using the five basic suitability classes described above. The stoniness modification ratings are presented in the Appendix in Table A4.28 and the phase modifications ratings in the Appendix in Table A4.29.

4.7 Soil Erosion and Yield Loss

Limitations imposed by slope are taken into account in three steps. Step one defines those slopes which are permissible for cultivation by crop/land use and inputs level (Table 4.13).

Step two involves the computation of potential topsoil, and step three relates topsoil loss to productivity loss according to the method described in Technical Annex 2.

Topsoil loss is estimated for each crop and inputs level using a modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE: Wischmeier and Smith 1978).

TABLE 4.13
Slope-cultivation association screen

Land utilization typeLevel of inputs
Dryland crops without soil conservation measures< 30%< 30%< 16%
Dryland crops with soil conservation measures< 30%< 30%< 30%
Wetland crops without soil conservation measures<   5%<   5%<   2%
Wetland crops with soil conservation measures1< 30%< 30%< 30%
Coffee, tea, fuelwood and pasture with and without soil conservation measures< 45%< 45%< 45%

1   For wetland crops, terracing is required.

TABLE 4.14
Relationships between topsoil loss and yield loss

Soil susceptibility rankingLevels of inputsEquation
Least susceptibleLowY = 1.0 X
IntermediateY = 0.6 X
HighY = 0.2 X
Intermediate susceptibleLowY = 2.0 X
IntermediateY = 1.2 X
HighY = 0.4 X
Most susceptibleLowY = 7.0 X
IntermediateY = 5.0 X
HighY = 3.0 X

Y = productivity loss in percent;
X = soil loss in cm.

The estimated topsoil losses are related to yield losses through a set of equations given in Table 4.14, taking into account the susceptibility of the individual soil units and level of inputs. The reduced impact under intermediate and high levels of inputs is due to the compensating effect of fertilizer applications at their normal rates of use.

Table 4. 15 shows the soil units ranked in three classes according to loss of topsoil, on the basis of organic matter content and on the presence of other unfavourable subsoil conditions.

In estimating yield losses from equations in Table 4.14 regeneration capacity of topsoil is taken into account in calculation of net topsoil loss. Regeneration capacities of topsoil by thermal and moisture regimes are given in Table 4.16.

TABLE 4.15
Ranking of soils (Kenya Soil Survey) according to their susceptibility to productivity loss per unit of tonsoil loss

Most susceptibleIntermediate susceptibleLeast susceptible
Acrisols, except Humic AcrisolsArenosolsChernozems
Ferralic CambisolsCambisols, except Ferralic CambisolsFluvisols
Ferralsols, except humic FerralsolsGleysolsHistosols
Ironstone soilsGreyzemsHumic Andosols
LithosolsHumic AcrisolsMollic Andosols
PlanosolsHumic FerralsolsVertisols
 Vitric Andosols 

TABLE 4.16
Regeneration capacity of topsoil (mm/year) by length of growing period (LGP) and thermal zone

LGPThermal zone
< 750.
75 – 1791.
180 – 2691.
> 2702.

Derived from Hammer (1981)

4.8 Crop Options

The land suitability assessment part of the productivity model (Part I, Figure 2.1) when applied to the land resources inventory (Technical Annex 1) allows the assessment, by agro-ecological cell, of potential crop performance and consequently crop options to be selected for further processing in Part II of the model. At the same time, land that is reserved for other uses, such as cash crops zones, irrigation schemes, forest zones, reservation and conservation areas, is taken into account as appropriate.

For a crop to qualify for selection of the list of crop options for a particular agro-ecological cell, its attainable yield in that cell must be more than the ‘threshold or critical’ minimum percentage of the maximum attainable yield potential, after taking into account limitations due to climate, soil and erosion hazards.

The threshold minimum yield percentage parameter is a model variable and is set at 20%. Thus, land whose yield potential for any crop is less than 20% of its maximum attainable yield, is regarded as not suitable for production of that crop. Instead, the land would be set aside for further consideration in Part V of the model for livestock and fuelwood production (Technical Annexes 5 and 6).

The introduction of a threshold minimum yield potential allows the identification of a ‘gross’ list of crop options from which a further selection of crops can be made based on additional selection criteria or constraints. In the model, this additional criteria (a model variable) can be set as required, depending on the objective function driving the productivity model.

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