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Schematic presentation of the livestock productivity model


Chapter 2

The livestock productivity model is schematically shown in Figure 2.1. It has been conceptualized and applied within the framework of land evaluation guidelines (FAO 1976, 1988a), and follows the FAO Agro-ecological Zones (FAO-AEZ) approach to quantifying land resources and assessing land use potentials (FAO 1978–81; Blair Rains and Kassam 1980).

The livestock productivity model has five parts, namely:

  1. Estimation of feed supply potential (primary productivity).

  2. Characterization of livestock systems.

  3. Determination of herd performance.

  4. Estimation of feed requirements.

  5. Quantification of livestock productivity potential (secondary productivity).

The model operates on the land resources inventory described in Technical Annex 1. The five parts of the model, and outline of the land resources inventory are described in the following sections.

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