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1.           The Hundred and Fifth Session of the Council was held in Rome on 25 November 1993, under the Chairmanship of J.R. López Portillo, Independent Chairman of the Council.

Adoption of the Agenda1

2.            The Agenda of the Session as adopted is given in Appendix A to this Report.

Election of Three Vice-Chairmen2

3.           The Council elected as Vice-Chairmen for the session: A.M. Aboul-Naga (Egypt), V. Bhagwan (India) and R. Allen (United Kingdom).

Tribute to the Memory of Mr Adel El Sarki, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Agricultural Relations. Cairo, Egypt3

4.            The Council observed a minute of silence in memory of Mr Adel El Sarki, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Agricultural Relations of Egypt, who had died in Cairo on 24 November 1993.

1 CL 105/1-Rev.1; CL I05/PV/1.

2 CL 105/PV/1.

3 CL 105/PV/1.

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