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Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission1

10.          The Council adopted unanimously the following resolution referred to it by the Twenty-seventh Session of the Conference, approving the Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission.

Resolution 1/105



Noting the urgent need for the establishment of appropriate machinery for the management of stocks of tuna and tuna-like species in the Indian Ocean,

Recalling that a draft Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission was submitted to a technical conference which met in Rome in June 1992,

Taking note that the draft Agreement was further considered by the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters at its Fifty-ninth, Sixtieth and Sixty-first Sessions, held respectively in September 1992, April 1993 and October 1993,

Considering the Reports of the Hundred and Second and Hundred and Third Sessions of the Council, held respectively in November 1992 and June 1993,

Noting that, at its Hundred and Fourth Session held in November 1993, the Council recommended the approval by the Conference of the draft Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, and that the Conference, having ascertained with satisfaction that all the prerequisites for the approval of the draft Agreement were now met, had referred the draft Agreement back to Council for its formal approval,

Having examined the text of the draft Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission as submitted to the Council by the Conference and having reached full accord on a final text:

  1. Approves, in accordance with Article XIV-2 of the Constitution of FAO, the text of the Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission reproduced as Appendix D to this Report for submission to Members with a view to their acceptance.

Provisional Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions 1994-952

11.           The Council examined the Provisional Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions 1994-95 as reproduced in Appendix E to this Report. The Council requested the Director-General to reconsider the dates of some of the sessions, bearing in mind the comments made by the Council inter alia regarding dates for COFO, the 1995 Conference and the spring 1994 CFA Session.

EEC Participation in Sessions of the Council3

12.           The Council was informed that, in accordance with Article II.9 of the FAO Constitution, the EEC, as a member organization, was entitled to participate in sessions of the Council on matters within its competence, but not in Council elections.

Date and Place of the Hundred and Sixth Session of the Council4

13.           The Council decided that its Hundred and Sixth Session should be convened in Rome in principle from 30 May to 3 June 1994, subject to the Director-General's review of the Provisional Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions for 1994 in consultation with the Independent Chairman of the Council.

1 CL 105/LIM/5; CL 105/PV/1.

2 CL 105/5; CL 105/PV/1.

3 CL 105/INF/1; CL 105/PV/1.

4 CL 105/5; CL 105/PV/1.

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