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Action for Youth: AIDS Training Manual. League of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies & World Organization of the Scout Movement

AIDS Orphans: A Community Perspective from Tanzania, by Mukoyogo C., & G. Williams, 1991.

Ainsworth, Martha & Mead Over. The Economic Impact of AIDS: Shocks. Responses and Outcomes, World Bank Discussion Draft, June 1992.

Kabarukayo. H., Shuey, D., Babishangire, B. and K. Johnson. "An Operational Study Relating to Sexuality and AIDS Prevention among Primary School Students in Kabarle District of Uganda," AMREF, April 1993

Barnett, Tony and Piers Blaikie. AIDS in Africa: Its Present and Future Impact. London: Belhaven Press, 1992

"Community Coping Mechanisms in the Face of Exceptional Demographic Change," Final Report to ODA, Executive Summary. July 1990

de Bruyn, Maria. "Women and AIDS in Developing Countries." Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 34. No. 3. 1992, pp. 249-262.

Bukisa, E., Rubagiza, J., Kavuma, L, Banura, C. and Lwanga. J., Research Proposal to Assess the Knowledge. Attitudes and Practices of Adolescents Towards HIV/AIDS and STD Infections in Two Selected Areas with a View to Develop Strategies for Behaviour Change, February 1993.

Children and AIDS: An Impending Calamity: The Growing Impact of HIV Infection on Women. Children, and Family Life in the Developing World, UNICEF, 1990

"Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research - Whither Community Participation? Unsolved Problems in a Research Programme in Rural Uganda" prepared by Seeley, J., Kengeya-Kaayondo, J., and D. Mulder, Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 34, No. 10, pp. 108-1095, 1992

Decosas, Joseph & Violette Pedneault, "The Demographic AIDS Trap for Women in Africa: Implications for Health Promotion." Paper presented at the VII International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy. 16-21 June 1991.

"The Development of a Community-based HIV/AIDS Counselling Service in a Rural Area in Uganda," prepared by Seeley, J., Wagner, U., Mulemwa, J., Kengeya-Kayondo, J., & D. Mulder, AIDS Care, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1991

District Mobilization for Prevention and Control of AIDS in Uganda.
Trainer's Guide for Health Workers. AIDS Control Programme. August 1991
Trainer's Guide for Community Leaders, no date.

du Guerny, Jacques & Elisabeth Sjoberg. "Inter-relationship Between Gender Relations and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Some Possible Considerations For Policies and Programmes," Division for the Advancement of Women, Center for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, UN at Vienna, 1993

Dynamics of Spread of HIV-1 Infection in a Rural District of Uganda, abstract, prepared by Maria Wawer, David Serwadda, Stanley Musgrave, Joseph Konde-Lule, Maako Musagara, Nelson Sewankambo, 1991

The Effect of HIV/AIDS on Agricultural Production Systems in Tanzania. FAO TSS-1 RAF/92/T01/A, Morogoro, September 1993

Expert Group Meeting on Women and HIV/AIDS and the Role of National Machinery for the Advancement of Women Report. Vienna, 24-28 September 1990

"The Extended Family and Support for People with AIDS in a Rural Population in South West Uganda: A Safety Net with Holes?," by Seeley. J., Kajura, E., Okongo, B., Wagner, U. & D. Mulder. AIDS Care, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1993

Gillespie, Stuart. "The Potential Impact of AIDS on Food Production Systems in Central Africa," FAO Nutrition Planning, Assessment and Evaluation Service, Food Policy and Nutrition Division, 1988

Gray, William. "The Potential Impact of AIDS on Agricultural Production and Consumption in Malawi," FAO, April 1991

The Hidden Cost of AIDS. The Panos Institute, 1992

HIV/AIDS Prevention Trainer's Guide. Partners For a World Without AIDS, Federation of Uganda Employers, Experiment in International Living, no date

"HIV Risk Factors in Three Geographic Strata of Rural Rakai District, Uganda," prepared by Serwadda, D., Wawer, M.. Musgrave, S., Sewankambo, N., Kaplan, J., and R. Gray, Current Science, 1992

Hunter, S., Bulirwa, E., & E. Kisseka. "AIDS and Agricultural Production: Report of a Land Utilization Survey. Masaka and Rakai Districts of Uganda," 1993

The Implications of HIV/AIDS on Social and Economic Development in the Lao People's Democratic Republic: Strategies for Preventing an Epidemic. Conference Report, September 1992.

International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. World Disasters Report, 1993

Jena, Dirk. "Analysis of Audience Research and Identification of Family Life Issues for a National Population Communication Strategy," FAO/Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Republic of Uganda, May 1992

Kagera Region Formulation Mission: Integrated Planning for Development and AIDS Intervention Programming. UNDP Reconnaisance Mission Report, March 1993

Kimani, Lillian. "HIV/AIDS Impact on the Family," Paper Presented at theirst Kenya HIV/AIDS Conference, 21-23 April 1993.

Marum, Elizabeth. The HIV/AIDS Epidemic and US. AID Strategy. Kampala, March 1993

Medecins Sans Frontieres. Report on the AIDS Control Programme, Moyo District, Northwestern Uganda, January-December 1992

Mehryar, Amir H. "Surveys of Sexual Behaviour and AIDS-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices Sponsored by GPA/WHO: A Summary of Main Findings and Implications for Intervention," March 1992.

Moodie, R. & A. Katahoire, et al.. An Evaluation Study of Uganda AIDS Control Programme's Information. Education and Communication Activities. ACP (MOH) and WHO, 1991.

The National Youth Council Statute, Republic of Uganda, 1993

Norse, David. "The Socio-Economic Impact of AIDS on Food Production in East Africa," Paper Presented for the VII International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991

Overseas Development Natural Resources Institute. "The Potential Impact of AIDS on Food Production and Consumption: Tabora Case Study - Tanzania,"

Obbo, Christine. "HIV Transmission: Men are the Solution," February 1991

Over, Mead. The Macro-Economic Impact of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. World Bank Paper, June 1992.

Progress Report on AIDS Control Programme. Ministry of Health, 1.5.-30.9.92

Research on Educational Aspects of AIDS in Uganda: An Inventory, prepared for UNICEF/Ministry of Health by Verner Kristiansen, May 1991

Safeguard Youth From AIDS: New Phase of UNICEF Support for AIDS Control in Uganda (Summary Document), April 1992

Turinde-Kabali, Asaph. "The Knowledge and Accessibility of AIDS Information to out-of-school Adolescents: A Study of Kiboga sub-county, Kiboga District," B.A. Research Paper, Makerere University, July 1992

van der Meeren, Rachell. "AIDS Education for Behaviour Change," Preliminary Findings Among the Bakiga of Kabale & Rukungiri Districts, April 1991

Uganda AIDS Commission Secretariat. Uganda National Operational Plan for HIV/AIDS/STD Prevention. Care and Support. 1994-1998. Kampala, October 1993.

Uganda AIDS Control Programme. 1993 Plan and Budget, Ministry of Health, 1993

UNDP. Regional Bureau for Africa, Confronting the Socio-Economic Impact of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Project Document

USAID. The HIV/AIDS Epidemic and USAID Strategy. March 1993

USAID-Funded HIV/AIDS Prevention Projects in Uganda, February 1993
USAID Support for the AIDS Information Center, February 1993
USAID Support for the AIDS Support Organization (TASO), February 1993

WHO. AIDS Series, Vol. 10: School Health Education to Prevent AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 1992


Action Plan for Agricultural Policy Agenda. Agricultural Policy Committee, Report of Working Group 9B: Agricultural Extension Planning, Vol. 1, December 1990

Papers from the National Seminar on Youth Work in Uganda, Lweza Training Centre, June 1991.

UNICEF, Uganda Women's Needs Survey, 1988

UNDP Programming Mission on Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development. Report of the Agricultural Group, September 1992.

World Bank. Staff Appraisal Report, Agricultural Extension Project, September 3, 1992; this document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise by disclosed without World Bank authorization.

Young Farmers of Uganda Programme. Monthly and Yearly Reports.

National Workshop for Field Officers/Young Farmers Report, 1992.


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