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Chapter V


Table 1: Socio-economic data

Country1990 PopulationGross National Product
TotalDensityAnnual growth rate 1981–90RuralPer capita 1990Annual growth rate 1981–90
1,000 hab.hab./km2%%US$/capita%
Algeria24 960102.923.82 3501.9
Egypt52 426532.540.56102.0
Libya4 54534.113.7--
Morocco25 208562.753.59700.4
Tunisia8 180532.524.31 4401.2
NORTH AFRICA115 319202.737.51 1451.6
Afghanistan17 642270.983.9--
Bahrain5167594.01.76 830-
Iran, Islamic Rep. of54 607333.426.82 5002.5
Iraq18 920443.620.5--
Jordan3 453394.727.11 290-
Kuwait2 0391144.00.0--
Lebanon2 7012640.18.8--
Oman1 50274.340.05 6804.5
Qatar368334.90.015 870-
Saudi Arabia14 13474.239.07 070-3.8
Syria12 529683.649.51 000-3.6
United Arab Emirates1 589194.62.519 870-1.8
Yemen11 687223.656.1540-
NEAR EAST141 687243.237.73 080-1.6
TOTAL257 006223.037.62 0650.0

The average annual rate of demographic growth of 3 per cent for the countries of the region is very high with respect to the world average of 1.9 per cent. Demographic pressure on the lands is therefore very strong even though the average population density is relatively low (22 inhabitants/km2) on account of the immense desert areas and arid zones.

Table 2 - State of information on forest resources

CountryType of information at national levelReference yearSource*
Forest areaVolume and biomass
Forest inventoryExpert estimateRemote sensing (satellite)
Iran, Islamic Rep. of01001959/1980(10)
Saudi Arabia01001971(8)
United Arab Emirates01001980(9)
NEAR EAST21323  

Note: * See bibliography

Information on forest resources at regional level is very poor. Only three countries have performed a forest inventory by 1990, of which two dated from 1965. The essential information on forest resources comes from expert estimates based on national statistics. Information on wood volumes only exists for the three countries which have performed a forest inventory, and information on biomass is only available for one country. Thus there is an urgent need to assess forest areas and volumes by means of forest inventories, as well as by monitoring their development by a remote sensing observation system.

Table 3 - State of forest cover in 1990

CountryNatural forestsPlantationsTotal forestsOther wooded landsTotal wooded lands
1000 ha% of land areaha/capita
   1000 ha1000 ha1000 ha1000 ha
Algeria1 5540.70.066932 2471 9064 153
Morocco3 5437.90.144584 0011 8805 881
NORTH AFRICA5 6551.00.051 7867 4414 23211 673
Afghanistan1 1911.80.07111 2021 4152 617
Iran, Islamic Rep. of1 6581.00.031131 7719 70011 471
Saudi Arabia2010.10.011202700902
United Arab Emirates00.00.008585085
Yemen90.00.00-91 9121 921
NEAR EAST3 3390.60.024703 80914 26318 072
TOTAL8 9940.80.032 25611 25018 49529 745

Natural forests cover only 0.8 per cent of the lands, and total wooded lands 2.5 per cent. The other wooded lands are predominant and represent 62 per cent of the total forested area. Forested area per inhabitant here is 0.03 ha/inhabitant. This figure is significantly below the world average of 0.60 ha/inhabitant. However, major plantation programmes (in particular in the context of the fight against desertification) bring these figures to 20 per cent of total forest area.

Table 4 - Potential and actual forest areas

CountryLand areaForest area 1990Ratio actual/potential
1000 ha1000 ha1000 ha%
Algeria238 17417 6251 5548.8
Egypt99 54500-
Libya175 9542 4351907.8
Morocco44 63014 8173 54323.9  
Tunisia15 5365 7793686.4
NORTH AFRICA573 83940 6565 65513.9  
Afghanistan65 20939 3541 1913.0
Iran163 60075 5831 6582.2
Iraq43 4126 863691.0
Jordan8 8932582810.9  
Kuwait1 78200-
Lebanon1 0231 023656.4
Oman21 24625000.0
Qatar1 10000-
Saudi Arabia214 9691 30020115.4  
Syria18 3925 6721182.1
United Arab Emirates8 36000-
Yemen52 7973 60090.3
NEAR EAST600 851133 9033 3392.5
TOTAL1 174 690174 5598 9945.2

The current forest area represents only 5.2 per cent of the potential forest area (according to the ecological potential of the lands). Conversely, the potential forest area represents 15 per cent of the total land area.

The current forest area essentially reflects the age old demographic pressure which is rife in the region. The very processes of deforestation and forest degradation must be reversed if the potential forest cover is to be reconstituted, by means of putting the necessary measures in place not only to preserve the existing forest capital, but also to extend it.

Table 5 - Rate of change of forest areas between 1981 and 1990

CountryLand areaNatural forestsPlantations
Annual rate of change 81–90Total
Annual rate of change 81–90
1000 ha1000 ha1000 ha%1000 ha1000 ha%
Algeria238 1741 554-38.0-2.269326.24.9
Egypt99 54500.00.0480.81.8
Libya175 9541900.00.030015.77.7
Morocco44 6303 543-26.4-0.745813.73.6
Tunisia15 536368-6.4-1.628716.08.5
NORTH AFRICA573 8395 655-70.8-1.21 78672.35.3
Afghanistan65 2091 191-0.40.0110.00.0
Iran, Islamic Rep. of163 6001 658-32.8-1.81137.010.1
Iraq43 412690.00.0200.00.0
Jordan8 89328-0.7-2.2331.24.6
Kuwait1 78200.00.070.7-
Lebanon1 02365-0.6-0.9180.00.0
Oman21 24600.
Qatar1 10000.
Saudi Arabia214 969201-4.6-
Syria18 392118-4.5-1.818214.216.4
United Arab Emirates8 36000.00.0858.5-
Yemen52 79790.00.0-0.00.0
NEAR EAST600 8513 339-43.6-1.047031.611.8
TOTAL1 174 6908 994-114.4-1.12 256104.06.4

The average annual compound rate of deforestation between 1981 and 1990 was -1.1 per cent for countries of the Mediterranean region, and thus it is higher than the rate in tropical countries, which is -0.8 per cent. At this rate of deforestation, the natural forest should theoretically disappear in 63 years.

Plantations, however, have made relative progress, with an annual average growth rate of 6.4 per cent between 1981 and 1990; this figure, however, is still significantly lower than the corresponding figure for tropical countries (9.5 per cent).

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