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FAO Fiftieth Anniversary Celebrations. Quebec City (Canada), 19951

46. The Representative of the Government of Canada informed the Council of a range of activities to take place in Quebec City in October 1995 in connection with FAO's Fiftieth Anniversary. She recalled that FAO was founded on 16 October 1945 in Quebec City. The programme of events, highlighting food security, would include the organization of an International Commemorative Symposium from 11 to 13 October 1995. In conjunction with that event, Canada would also host a Ministerial Meeting convened by FAO on 14 and 16 October in preparation for the proposed World Food Summit early in 1996, and a World Food Day Observance on 16 October 1995 at the Château Frontenac, the site of the founding of FAO. The Council warmly welcomed the statement of the representative of Canada and urged all Member Nations to take an active part in these events.

Review of the Methods of Work of the Programme and Finance Committees2

47. The Council considered the outcome of the discussion of this matter at the joint meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees on the occasion of their sessions in April 1994.

48. The Council approved the recommendation of the Committees that the provisional agenda and the related list of Committee documents be distributed to all Member Nations and that documents be made available to interested Member Nations on request, while bearing in mind those limited cases, which could particularly arise in the case of the Finance Committee, where confidentiality might need to be safeguarded, and could be determined by the Committee on a case-by-case basis. The Rules of Procedure of the Finance Committee could need to be amended to reflect this.

Date and Place of the Hundred and Seventh Session of the Council3

49. The Council decided that its Hundred and Seventh Session should be convened in Rome from 15 to 24 November 1994.

1 CL 106/PV/l; CL 106/PV/4; CL 106/PV/5.

2 CL 106/4; CL 106/6; CL 106/PV/4; CL 106/PV/5.

3 CL 106/INF/7; CL 106/PV/4; CL 106/PV/5.

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