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20. After recalling the history of Silva Mediterranea, Mr. Morandini, responsible for the Committee's ad hoc Group on Forest Research, presented Secretariat Note FO:SCM/94/4, reporting briefly on current forest research capacity in the Mediterranean region and on the progress made with the research themes covered by Silva Mediterranea. He recalled the themes which were currently the subject of cooperation: forest fire management (coordinator: Mr. P. Delabraze), selection of multi-purpose species in arid and semi-arid zones (coordinator: Mr. N. Akrimi), silviculture of species: Pinus pinea (coordinator: Mr. 0. Ciancio), selection of stands of Mediterranean conifers for seed production (coordinator: Mr. M. Topak), and silviculture of species: cork oak (coordinator: Mr. R. Sardinha). Mr. Morandini stressed that the effectiveness of the networks depended both on the dynamism of the coordinator and on the active participation of the national focal points.

Theme 1 - Forest fire management

[item 5(a) - document FO:SCM/94/5]

21. Mr. Delabraze (France), the network's regional coordinator, recalled the programme's three main components: (i) development of knowledge on the inflammability of the main species and the combustibility of woody formations; (ii) evaluation of ground-clearing methods and studies on the adaptation of agricultural implements to mechanized work in forest areas; (iii) socio-economic surveys and research on the causes of fires and the real motives of the people responsible for them.

22. Mr. Delabraze recalled the various documents distributed to all the focal points and most national coordinators, and the various exchanges of correspondence within the network. The network focused its activities on surveys and socio-economic research on the causes of fires and, more specifically, on the collection and processing of forest fire data.

23. The coordinator reported on the second workshop on the use of forest fire databases, held in November/December 1993 at the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (ICAMAS), Montpellier, France, as a follow-up to the first, held in Chania in November 1991. The network agreed to pursue its efforts with respect to forest fire data banks by holding workshops similar to that held in Montpellier. The report on that workshop would soon be published in English and French.

24. The Committee thanked Mr. Delabraze for the work accomplished during the eight years he had served as network coordinator and regretted his wish to be relieved of his duties. It recommended that the network continue its efforts in line with the scheduled programmes. Following the proposal of the Portuguese delegation, supported by several other delegations, the Committee appointed Mr. Ricardo Vélez (Spain) as network coordinator.

Theme 2 - Selection of multi-purpose species for arid and semi-arid zones

[item 5(b) - document FO:SCM/94/6]

25. In the absence of the network coordinator, Mr. Akrimi (Tunisia), Mr. Mongi Ben M'Hamed (Tunisia) recalled that the network's programme comprised the following phases: (i) an inventory of native and exotic plant genetic resources and selection of the most interesting species for national reforestation programmes; (ii) the stepping-up of exchanges of information and genetic material with a view to the establishment of comparative trials; and (iii) the implementation of a genetic improvement programme.

26. In order to complete the data obtained from some network members in reply to the questionnaires sent to them, the coordinator visited four network member countries in July 1992. The data refer to 15 member countries. A report had been prepared and sent to the focal points presenting the species to be included in the second and third phases of the network's programme of work and stating the criteria on which this choice was based. He then described the activities that would be worthwhile undertaking in the coming years.

27. The Committee took note of Mr. Akrimi's wish, transmitted by Mr. Morandini, to be relieved of his duties, and thanked Mr. Akrimi for the work he had accomplished.

28. The Committee felt, now that the inventory had been completed, that it was necessary to proceed to the next stage, i.e. the exchange of material and information and the establishment of comparative trials. It recommended that the Secretariat propose a new coordinator, without

delay, to be appointed in consultation with Tunisia's national coordinator, the officers of the Committee, and the institutions and other countries concerned.

Theme 3 - Silviculture of species: Cedrus sp.

[item 5(c) - document FO:SCM/94/7]

29. Mr. M'Hirit (Morocco), regional network coordinator, summarized the network's activities in the following areas: (i) inventory of experiments; (ii) genetic improvement project; (iii) international seminar on Atlas cedar; (iv) cedar database.

30. The coordinator presented a progress report on the inventory of experiments which he classified under the following four components: (i) selection and genetic improvement; (ii) silviculture and production; (iii) ecophysiology and auto-ecology; and (iv) protection of cedars and cedar stands. He suggested that this inventory be completed so that as comprehensive a list as possible might be drawn up.

31. The first phase of the regional genetic improvement project, i.e. the identification of seed-bearing stands and seed collection, had begun, and seeds from four countries (31 provenances) had been collected through funds allocated from FAO's Regular Programme. These seeds, which were now stored at the Avignon Forest Research Station, would be distributed to all the network's countries; seed collection would continue for two to three years; preparation of the catalogue of provenances, with the names of the persons in charge for the direct exchange of seeds, was under way; and a proposed common experimental design for the provenance trials was under review, as was a project for the identification of stands using genetic markers, which should be of interest to several laboratories.

32. The coordinator reported on the international seminar on Atlas cedar, held in Ifrane (Morocco) from 7 to 11 June 1993 at the kind invitation of the Government of Morocco, the proceedings of which would soon be published in a special issue of "Annales de la recherche forestière au Maroc". Then, with the co-editor, Mr. Ferrandes (France), he presented a progress report on the monograph on cedar, which should be completed by September 1994 and published jointly by FAO, the French National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA) and IUFRO. Before putting forward a programme of work for the next two years, the coordinator presented the database on cedar which consisted of a bibliography, an authors' index and an analytic index. It was compatible with the international database AGRIS and could be constantly updated and consulted by everyone. A printed version of the database, as it stood at present, would soon be available and would be distributed to the network members.

33. The Committee thanked the coordinator for the work accomplished. It recommended that the programme be pursued as it had been described, including the preparation, then publication, of the monograph on cedar. It expressed the wish that the possibility be looked into of orienting the programme towards a review of ways and means of conducting comparative trials on natural and artificial cedar stand management methods.

Theme 4 - Silviculture of species: Pinus pinea

[item 5(d) - document FO:SCM/94/8]

34. In the absence of Mr. Ciancio (Italy), regional network coordinator, Mr. Morandini presented the report on the network's activities. At the fifteenth session, the coordinator had prepared a series of proposals for a research programme covering the various aspects of taxonomy, genetics,

silviculture, and wood and cone production, etc. He had asked the national focal points to let him know what points interested them so that a detailed research plan could be drawn up.

35. The Pinus pinea monograph, which comprised a much larger bibliography than that distributed at the previous session, was soon to be published in French.

36. The Committee noted that, as for the research network on multi-purpose species, this network had also reached the end of the first phase of its programme of work, surveys and documentary review. The second phase should involve concrete action in the field. Bearing in mind the economic importance of Pinus pinea for several of the region's countries, particularly for fruits, but also for wood production, it requested the Secretariat to submit proposals to the Officers of the Committee for the continuation of activities such as the exchange of material, the setting-up of comparative trials and genetic improvement.

Theme 5 - Selection of stands of Mediterranean conifers for the production of seed to be used in reforestation programmes

[Item 5(e) - document FO:SCM/94/9]

37. In the absence of the network coordinator, Mr. Topak (Turkey), Mr. Morandini presented the document on this subject. The coordinator had sent a circular letter to network members to gather information on the seed sources of countries and to determine the selection criteria to be used.

38. The Committee drew the network's attention to the need to highlight the findings of the trials conducted since its establishment. As regards the exchange of forest seed, it pointed out that some countries had passed laws prohibiting trade in genetic material of uncontrolled origin. It suggested that an inventory of forest genetic resources be drawn up to facilitate the exchange and trade of forest seeds. It also stressed the need to use good conservation and storage techniques, particularly with a view to preserving the seeds' germinating capacity.

39. The Committee confirmed its interest in this theme and stressed the need for the rapid establishment of a genuine programme. To this end, it recommended that network members who had not already done so complete the questionnaire drawn up by the coordinator, so that the final list of seed stands could be completed.

Theme 6 - Silviculture of species: Quercus suber

[item 5(f) - document FO:SCM/94/10]

40. Mr. R. Sardinha (Portugal), coordinator, reported on the network's activities since its establishment by the previous session of the Committee in March 1992. With a view to establishing a programme, the coordinator had requested the network members to let him know the themes with which they would like the network to deal. Few replies were forthcoming. After recalling the various research activities on cork oak, particularly within the framework of Resolution N°2 of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (Strasbourg 1990), on the conservation of forest genetic resources, the coordinator explained that it had not been possible to associate the network with the activities of the scientific consultative group in line with the resolution taken at the meeting held in Lisbon in July 1993. The coordinator also outlined plans for research on the cork oak involving network member countries to be funded by the European Economic Community (EEC) within the framework of its Science and Technology for Development (STD3) programme.

41. The Committee thanked the coordinator for the work he had accomplished and took note of the difficulties facing the network. It recommended that preparations for the research activities be continued and strengthened, and felt that priority should be given to the establishment of a programme of work.


42. The Committee thanked Mr. Morandini, the network coordinators and the focal points for the work accomplished. It noted the lack of funding for the networks, but pointed out that limited funds might be mobilized in as much as the coordinators and the network focal points showed determination and commitment. The Committee expressed the hope that the EEC would facilitate the participation of researchers from countries other than those of the Community in its research initiatives and programmes.

43. The Committee recommended that the Secretariat look into the feasibility of establishing a research network on the development of Mediterranean forest products and services, a theme to which a complete chapter (D3) was devoted in the MED-FAP document.

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