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- Future programme of work of the Committee

53. The Secretariat recalled the two main intersessional activities of the Committee: coordination of forestry research, and technical studies and surveys. The programmes of the research networks until the next session had been drawn up during the debate on agenda item 5. Since the fifteenth session, in addition to finalizing the Mediterranean Forest Action Programme, the Secretariat had been studying forestry administrative structures in the Mediterranean countries and examining how these operated.

54. After having underlined the Secretariat's support for the networks and called for a strengthening of research activities, the Committee reiterated its desire for the Secretariat to continue its studies in clearly-defined areas - more specifically: the role of the forester in the management of protected areas and, generally, the protection of the environment; forestry personnel training needs with respect to the management of protected areas, environmental protection and communication with the public at large on these matters; the role of forest management in the conservation of biodiversity; modalities for the transfer to the private sector of activities and functions currently assigned to the public sector; the feasibility of regional centres for the aerial control of forest fires; and broader studies on the forestry economy and the role of the forestry sector in social and economic development.

- Other matters

55. The Committee was informed that countries outside EEC were eligible for financial assistance from EEC for development, research and training projects through bilateral agreements. Delegates from non-EEC countries were advised to raise the matter with the EEC representative in their respective countries.

56. Participants were informed of the organization of the third Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, which was to be held in Lisbon in 1998, and co-chaired by Portugal and Austria. It was suggested that topic proposals related to Mediterranean forests be submitted in good time to the conference organizers by way of Silva Mediterranea.

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