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Bibliographie des appendices

Arnold, T.H. et al. 1985. Kholsan food plants: Taxa with potential for future economic exploitation. In G.E. Wickens et al. (eds.), Plants for Arid Lands, Allen and Unwin, London.

Becker, B. 1983. The contribution of wild plants to human nutrition in the Ferlo, Northern Senegal. Agroforestry Systems. 1:257–267.

Brand, J.C. and Cherikoff, V. 1985. The nutritional composition of Australian Aboriginal food plants of the desert regions. In G.E. Wickens et al. (eds.), Plants for Arid Lands, Allen and Unwin, London.

Caldwell, M.J. and Enoch, I.C. 1972. Absorbic acid content of Malaysian leaf vegetables. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 1:313–317.

Caldwell, M.J. and Enoch, I.C. 1972. Riboflavin content of Malaysian leaf vegetables. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 1:301–312.

Dirar, H.A. 1984. Kawal, meat substitutes from fermented Cassia obtusifolia leaves. Economic Botany. 38(3):342–349.

Duke, J.A. 1981. Handbook of Legumes of World Economic Importance. Plenum Press, New York.

FAO. 1961. Nutritional and therapeutical value of fruits and vegetables. European Productivity Agency. OEEC, Paris.

FAO. 1983. Essences forestières, fruitières et alimentaires. Exemples d'Afrique orientale. Etude FAO: forêts No. 44:1, Rome.

FAO. 1986. Essences forestières, fruitières et alimentaires. Exemples d'Amérique latine. Etude FAO: forêts No. 44:3, Rome.

Fincke, H. 1907. Uber die Samen von Parkia africana R.Br. and den darans hergestellt Dana-Dana-Kase. Zeitschrift fuer untersuchung der nahrungs und genussnittel. 14, 515–520.

Gura, S. 1986. A note on traditional food plants in East Africa: Their value for nutrition and agriculture. Food and Nutrition. 12(1):18–26.

Hyndman, D.C. 1984. Ethnobotany of Wopkaimin Pandanus significant Papua N. Guinea plant resource. Economic Botany. 38(3):287–303.

Imbamba, S.K. 1973. Leaf protein content of some Kenya vegetables. East African Agriculture and Forestry Journal. 38(3):246–251.

Johnson, E. and Johnson. 1976. Economic plants in a rural Nigerian market. Economic Botany 30:375–381.

Leung, W.T.W. 1968. Food composition table for use in Africa. Food Consumption and Planning Branch, Nutrition Division, FAO, Rome.

Malaisse, F. and Parent, G. 1985. Edible wild vegetable products in the Zambazian woodland area: A nutritional and ecological approach. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 18:43–82.

Ming, W. and Yun-Wei, S. 1986. Fruit trees and vegetables for arid and semi arid areas in N.W. China. Journal of Arid Environments. 11(1):3–16.

Morton, J.F. 1985. Indian almond (Terminalia catappa). salt tolerant, useful, tropical tree with «nut» worthy of improvement. Economic Botany. 39(2):101–112.

Nicol, B.M. 1958. Ascorbic acid in the diets of the rural Nigerian people. West African Medical Journal. 7:185.

Ogle, B.M and Grivetti, L.E. 1985. Legacy of the chameleon edible wild plants in the Kingdom of Swaziland, S. Africa. A cultural, ecological, nutritional study. Part I. Introduction, objectives, methods, culture, landscape and diet. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 16(3):193–208. Parts II-IV: 17(1):1–6.

Ohtsuka, R. et al. 1985. Diversity and change of food consumpelon and nutrient intake among the Gidra in lowland Papua New Guinea. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 16(4):339–350.

Oomen, H.A.P.C. and Grubben. 1977. Tropical leaf vegetables in human nutrition. Communication 69. Dept. Agr. Res. Inst. Voor de Trojaen, Amsterdam.

Platt, B.S. (ed.) 1962. Tables of representative values of foods commonly used in tropical countries. UK Medical Resources Council.

Ramachandran, C. et al. 1980. Drumstick (Moringa oleifera): A multipurpose Indian vegetable. Economic Botany 34(3):276–283.

Salikutty, J. and Peter, K.V. 1985. Curry leaf (Murraya koenigic), perennial, nutritious, leafy vegetable. Economic Botany. 39(1):68–73.

Santos Oliveira, J.F. 1974. The nutritional value of some foods consumed on Santome Island. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 3:237–242.

Santos Oliveira, J.F. 1975. The nutritional value of some edible leaves used in Mozambique. Economic Botany. 29:256–264.

Szolnoki, T.W. 1985. Food and fruit trees of the Gambia. Stiftung Walderhaitung in Afrika. Hamburg, West Germany.

Tallantaire A.C. 1975. The utilization of leaves and fruit of local and mainly indigenous plants in supplementing the staple foods. East African Agriculture and Forestry Journal. 40:233–255.

Taylor, F.W. 1985. The potential for commercial utilization of indigenous plants in Botswana. In G.E. Wickens et al. (eds.), Plants for Arid Lands, Allen and Unwin, London.

Vimal, O.P. and Tyagi, P.D. Fuelwood from wastelands. Yatan Publications, New Delhi.

Watson, J.D. 1971. Investigations on the nutritive value of some Ghanian foodstuffs. Journal of Ag. Science (Ghana). 4:95–111.

Wehmeyer, A.S. 1966. The nutrient composition of some edible wild fruits found in the Transvaal. South African Medical Journal. 40:1102–1104.

Liste de publications de la foresterie communautaire


  1. Sécurité alimentaire des ménages et foresterie: analyse des aspects socio-économiques, 1995 (A/F/E/Ar)

  2. Foresterie communautaire: diagnostic, suivi, et évaluation participatifs, 1993 (A/F/E)

  3. Foresterie communautaire: le diagnostic rapide, 1995 (A/F/E)

  4. L'éleveur et ses décisions dans la gestion des ressources naturelles des régions arides et semi-arides d'Afrique, 1995 (A/F)

  5. La foresterie communautaire: évaluation rapide des droits fonciers et propriété de l'arbre et de la terre, 1991 (A/F/E/Viet)

  6. Foresterie communautaire: un examen de dix ans d'activité, 1991 (A/F/E)

  7. Agriculteurs itinérants: connaissances techniques locales et gestion des ressources naturelles en zone tropicale humide, 1995 (A/F/E/Viet)

  8. Schéma d'analyse des incitations institutionnelles dans le domaine de la foresterie communautaire, 1994 (A/F)


  1. Directives pour la planification, le suivi et l'évaluation des programmes de diffusion de fourneaux, 1992 (A/F/E)

  2. La boîte à outils de la communauté. Diagnostic, suivi et évaluation participatifs en foresterie communautaire: concept, méthodes et outils, 1992 (A/F/E/Viet)

  3. Guide pour l'intégration d'objectifs nutritionnels dans les projets forestiers, 1993 (A/F/E)


  1. Le rôle des forêts dans le développement des collectivités locales

  1. Boisements en milieu rural

  1. Petites entreprises forestières

  1. Foresterie et sécurité alimentaire


  1. Nourriture pour notre futur, 1991 (A/F/E/Ar/Ch)

  2. Nos arbres et nos forêts, 1992 (A/F/E/Ar/Ch)

  3. J'ai tellement faim que je pourrais manger un arbre. 1992 (A/F/E/Ar/Ch)

  4. La forêt, une formidable usine, 1994 (A/F/E/Ar/Ch)



A- Anglais
Ar- Arabe
Ch- Chinois
E- Espagnol
F- Français
Viet- Vietnamien


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Forest Action Network
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E-mail: [email protected]
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E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (+593-2) 506267
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